magipoka anniversary thread 9
official poll:
Magipoka anniversary thread 9
Other urls found in this thread:
we have liru too
Fucking ugly ass dog.
get the heck out of here
please respond
this is what happens when someone other than liru is the op image
>find out there's an English patch for the demo
>she calls you "Mr. Customer"
The fuck; I thought this was a Liru girlfriend simulator, not a Liru hooker simulator.
i think that's an inaccurate translation, you're supposed to be her boyfriend or husband or something
Unless "okyakusan" can be a term of endearment for one's husband in Japan, I'm pretty sure it's accurate.
I expected another thread. Glad I checked 8ch.
Oh come on guys, we all know Liru is the best character in the series but the other girls need love too.
I'm so afraid that the ride may be coming to an end.
despite the fact that all the other girls are great, no one will respond or bump if the thread opener isn't liru
Yeah I've noticed that. That doesn't mean op should only post liru though. Magipoka is all the characters. Including Hongo.
i'd prefer living threads to dead ones where i'm the only one bumping
last thread, people actively tried to keep it alive and it lasted almost 4 days
>official poll
There hasn't been official Magipoka anything in a decade. ;_;
If Hongo was 3d and you had to befriend him, literally spend months and years of your life gaining his trust and working for him so you could get access to Dr. K-ko's lair and POSSIBLY free the Magipoka girls... would you do it? They would love you for the rest of your life but you would have to live a harem lifestyle with them. One never realizing that they know you love them more than the others?
Could you give up job/friends some family time for possibly years for the CHANCE?
Or maybe, would you have to live your entire natural life without marriage minus two years and the magipoka girl of your dreams would be yours and the others would greatly respect you?
Which one?
Yeah I know. I help out alot. Especially with the last one.
official poll of this thread, not magipoka itself
second one, i want liru
but then i would never be with my other two waifus ;_;
you're a good man
Ooh. Ouch. Other waifu? I'll admit, I've been tempted by Horo. Both love business, I have a MBA and an entrepreneur, love travel etc but... She is no Liru. But I do really like her and have some merchandise. There is much more of a backstory with Horo.
I just decided to be faithful to Liru. I know it will be worth it.
i don't care much for faithfulness, they're not real
i just reeeeally like these characters
sorry if i make you mad
No problem at all. Everyone loves their favorite characters differently. Many people regard Liru as a slut and prostitute. Mainly because of one famous doujinshi and perhaps the zone flash, but I don't look at her that way. I do think it may be a bit unfortunate because to me, she is so much more. But to them, that's just what she is and that satisfies them.
Also, I could have sworn I've seen a mix up with Liru and that first cartoon girl fanart somewhere. I can't put my finger on who she is, but the time period looks like the time when I grew up.
she's callie briggs
where might you have seen this fanart?
Oh Swat Kats? Yeah, that rings a bell, but I never watched that show. I only had antenna when I was a kid in the 90s.
Yeah, it was one of those pictures where her + liru or someone else would create a new girl. Like a diagram sort of thing. I'll keep my eye out for it and report back if I find it. I thought it might have been your creation.
i've never drawn that, it sounds nice
if this thread dies before you find it, post it on /liru/
Don't post that drawing.
I beg you not.
Here is one.
what the fuck
There are a couple more. By all means, seek them out for yourself. Some are better, some are worse. Still can't find that diagram one.
Here is another. I'm sure you've seen these right?
i have not. these are morbid and weird
It's already a meme, so you don't need to post it anymore.
>at the exact moment I am commissioning more hot spring tanuki girls porn
Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's a thing.
I see a fine gathering this week. Shame we posted every single media of magipoka ever.
Is MP proto monster girl fandom?
It makes sense!
don't care about semantics desu senpai
NEVER EVER. Seriously, the developer's county is going to shit. They are lucky to get stable power.
Should make some kind of Pokaan collaboration image or something. You know like we do for Valentines or Christmas. The Steins Gate image is another example as well.
what steins gate image? post it
I'm in and out here on my phone but I do know it's on danbooru but don't know the exact tags. It was made after SG finished airing where everyone took pictures of their monitor with Dr. Pepper and any other related items
can't find it ;_;
That or gelbooru. I stumbled upon it randomly one day. I'll look when I can
Aiko a best. A BEST!
welp, see you guys next week i guess