I want to do illegal things to snek

I want to do illegal things to snek.
What do I do first?


How did they make her body so perfect? There's a whole ocean of lolis in this industry but Shaft somehow perfected it with her. Shame about her personality though.


Remove yourself for having terrible taste. Snake is the worst girl in the entire series. Everyone else is fine.

Steal her purse

become anime

It's possible to find someone sexually attractive and not like them.

I want faggots to leave,
has the only true answer.
Snake is only good for memery

Sir you are confused that is clearly a mammal. See the ears, which snakes lack.

Pirate her anime.

>sexually attractive

>What do I do first?

Grievous Bodily Harm followed by First Degree Murder followed by Desecration of a Corpse

You might be the confused one here

Admit it Loliligi, you wanted to jackhammer that middle school pussy.

what if her snek hair bit your dick? w-would you guys be into that or what?

No sir that is also not a snake but rather a lamia. If you continue to feel confused or if you become dizzy, I strongly reccomend you see a doctor so he can help you find better taste in anime.

You get in line and wait for the other anons to finish.

>Oh, you mean the thing you just was saying was actually a *insert vaguely sexual reference here*
>*angry voice* Dont just repeat so casually the thing I was just saying!
>repeated repetitions of repeating the thing he was just saying before the next plot point is dropped out of nowhere

Am I the only on who skipped 90% of the dialogues in this shit show?

The only impressive part was when during the car ride his gal made mc-kun cum in his pants


The fuck is jay walking? Walking with your friend call jay?

Is this the first time you saw boke and tsukkomi? Gooks cannot into comedy.

Impregnate and don't take responsibility.

>this one annoying piano piece playing in the background on loop

Which one? There's dozens.

Kill her

You wouldn't download a snake.

You're right. I wouldn't.

Cut her hair.

get her involved in a complex postal fraud scam

A man after my own heart

what kind of illegal things exactly are we talking about

Reminder that snake is best and crabfags are cancer.