Just caught up with it
So what are the odds Miura will actually finish Berserk before he dies?
I mean, all things considered, there's at least 100-200 chapters worth of other stuff and that's if he leaves out some stuff.
Just caught up with it
So what are the odds Miura will actually finish Berserk before he dies?
I mean, all things considered, there's at least 100-200 chapters worth of other stuff and that's if he leaves out some stuff.
I think Miura said recently (like just before he went on hiatus AGAIN) that Berserk was around 75/80% done
When will people stop with this whole Miura dying bullshit. Dude is still in his forties for fucks sake, he's not going anywhere anytime soon.
Dang. The climax of the series must be coming close.
Well, at the rate he publishes chapters he could still die before he finishes it even if he lives to over 100.
But user, he could get a cold at any moment.
>that Berserk was around 75/80% done
Goddamn, man. They just got to the Elf island and started fighting the witches. There's a ton of loose ends to tie up.
with 350 chapters out that means 90 to 100 chapters, and with a rate of 10-12 chapters a year that's most likely 9 years of work NON-STOP. So yeah, with him taking hiatuses every few months and the fact that the series has been going for almost 3 fucking decades, the argument of a bad accident or a disease at 50 yo could be made.
The next chapter is gonna have Casca get her memories back and she and Guts use the power of love to bring back their baby and punch Griffith in the dick.
>bring back their baby and punch Griffith in the dick.
But their baby is Griffith's body now
Not saying I wouldn't love if Griffith got punched in the dick. What Rickert did to him was satisfying as fuck. Somebody had to do it.
The babies flesh, its soul has been revealing itself during full moons.
And yeah, Rickerts slap was great.
>its soul has been revealing itself during full moons.
Shit, I nearly forgot about that
IIRC, Miura wanted to give the Moon Child Guts ears, but said that would make it too obvious who he was.
I think it's obvious enough what he is.
>Casca is crazy about him
>helps Guts not become fully demonic when he's berserk
>only reveals himself when the moon is full (magic stuff at its peak power)
There's also the possibility of him being the elf king, like Puck has theorized. But yeah, its most likely the baby Guts and Casca could have had if Griffith didn't fuck up everything ever.
Which begs the question.
If the babies actual soul is still about the world, is Griffith just using him still having feelings because of his body being the childs as an excuse?
>80% done
>all members of godhand still alive
>all of griffith's crew still kicking
I knew it was going to end like blade of the phantom master.
Anyone else wish Griffith would use his Femto form more often? Its such a cool design that has been underutilized.
Probably you're going to have a lot of it in the future.
Moon Child is adorable.
>YFW this happened.
Best page in manga history
That watermark ruined it.
Yeah sorry, I couldn't find one without a watermark.
Where's the pringles can edit?
This. We haven't even seen any Godhand members in over 100 chapters at least.
IIRC the last time we saw one was the intestine scene. That confused my dick.
They can be in the physical world now, so I'm shocked that we haven't seen them talk with Griffith.
Bullshit. We're not even half way there yet.
It'll be done soon. A brief elf island arc and then final probably. Guts is going blind, deaf, losing fine motor control, and I think his sense of taste is shot. He couldn't last much longer without going full skull knight and I hope that's not the way the end plays out.
At this point I really have no fucking clue where this story is going. It seems to be aimless right now.
Griffith is jerking himself off in Falconia. Guts and friends are playing with magic on Elf Island. The whole world is a mess. The assassins and Rickert are doing something with the old magic guy.
What could come next?
Thats his love bodysuit, he only uses it to make sweet tender forced love.
>comes back from hiatus, says the series will return to a monthly release
>loljk back on hiatus, wait for the summer
>we'll probably get a couple chapters through the summer because he's being pressured to promote the new anime
>goes back on hiatus until next year
Just fucking end it all.
>10 chapter/year
Thats dreamy dude, we had 4 last year and 0 in 2016
Well I have no idea how elf island will work out but there'll be some teleportation thing. No way we have a sea journey back. That'll allow the whole gang to meet up for the big finale.
If I remember right, in the black swordsmen arc the problem was guts couldn't even approach femto. Now with the berserker armor and his magic demon killing sword he can at least try to fight him, the outcome will likely either be both dying or guts becoming something like skull knight.
There's really not that much left to do. Then again, I think some people were expecting all of godhand to die which just won't happen.
So what's his deal anyways?
Every time I ask this question people always say it's because of idolmaster. Has he ever just admitted he's kind of tired of the series and has no more creative juice for it?
There are rumors of new chapters only after the new show
God there better be teleportation. I don't want another pirate section again. I wanted to kill myself.
And yea that was the problem with why Guts couldn't attack Griffith.
Maybe Skullknight is Guts from the future.
Miura's just getting too old to support his way of working. He's just constantly overworking himself, which is why he now has a couple of assistants. Him just playing idolmaster was never true.
He's not Guts from the future, he's a parallel. It's hinted if not outright stated that he and void share a similar relationship as Guts and Griffith. They even both have(had) a witch companion who helped them with the berserker armor so as much as I don't like it, skullknight ending and cycles continuing is certainly a possible ending.
He's 50 and Japanese. That's like being 40 in the west. I doubt his age is a problem.
Yea I was just being facetious. What you say makes sense.
But what's the connection between Zod and Skullknight? Just enemies locked in battle? I want to say there's something more between them.
He'll finish it if he stops teasing us with only 2 chapters a year.
My memory fails me so I can't find the source, but I remember something, probably an interview, saying he worked 12+ hours a day on berserk. Doing that for as long as he did had to take a toll and he's just not as young as he used to be.
Yeah, I think that's all there really is. Do we know how long Zodd has been around? I want to say he's been around just a bit less than void.
Can someone post a link to somewhere I can catch up? The website I was using only went up to volume 37 or 38 and I suck at finding a good website where its not cut off and readable.
Rickert best boy
Were you not here when mangatraders died?
Let's assume Sup Forums average age is 22. We will all be 40 before the series ends.
How did the IDOLM@STER thing started then?
Thanks guys
No I don't visit Sup Forums or even Sup Forums very often these days. Just have been bored recently and wanted to check out some discussions and maybe find a new show/manga to get into.
It was a meme. I remeber sankaku complex talked about it a lot but not sure if that started it or not.
Skull Knight might be the only other "human" that has lasted more than a minute in battle with him, the others being Guts and Griffith. He probably respects him as much as he does those 2.
>Left Sup Forums
They always come back. Once you enter Sup Forums you might leave but you will be back.
>Guts succeeds in killing Griffith, but Griffith becomes a martyr and Guts is hunted by his followers for the rest of his life.
Guts-Guts won't win.
is berserk a weekly manga? maybe he has a bunch of chapters lined up? it's strange how comics and novels differ in terms of publishing.
Lucky if we get more then a handful chapters a year
God, if only.
Can you read polish?
now there's a sad sight. wonder when Hiroe will need money again and put out some chapters.
Don't remind me.
anons say "soon" according to a twitter post
Wasn't that post just about some volumes going on sale?
Why won't evil_genius finish Zetman? Not like they're too busy with all the BERSERK coming out. Fucking faggots.
Will Guts be able to kill at least one God Hand? I mean, Conrad doesn't seem too strong.
I know the next chapter is supposed to come this summer
He only has a hope of killing Femto as everyone else is all incoporeal or something, like Slan was in the troll swamp. Skull knight could kill them with his behelt sword but it's doubtful he kills more than Void, if he can even manage that.
Not like there's any real reason to kill godhand though.
They aren't incorporeal anymore since Griffith merged the dimensions. They're out there somewhere.
I have a theory as to how Berserk might end. Berserk has 2 major events that describe the relationship between Griffith and Guts. In the beginning Guts lost to Griffith and so he was made to join the band of the hawk. In the second instance Guts bested Griffith which lead to Griffiths downfall. The third duel will be the finally of the series however going by the results of the second duel I'd say that Guts actually won't need to defeat Griffith.
Here's the thing about Griffith, he's a man of destiny and everything that happened to him more or less fell into his lap because fate was on his side. That's why when Guts beat him, it literally blew his mind because he couldn't believe why something hadn't gone his way. That's why he went and slept with the princess cause fuck it I'm Griffith and I always win. But here's the thing though Griffith is his own downfall Guts won't need to kill Griffith to win. He just needs to win the duel and Griffith will self destruct.
Here's another thing in the new movies they had a good allegory for Casca, Guts and Griffith. Casca is the sheath, Guts the sword and Griffith the swordsman. Literally Guts goes searching for a dream but ends up doing what he always does and swings a sword. Casca has no dream but to be the sword by Griffith even though that's Guts so she becomes a sheath always attached to the swordsman. Griffith is the only one with a true and grand dream. That's why when the sword left the swordsman Griffith decided to break the sheath to get back at the sword that he lost. Now without a sheath to rest the sword that is Guts is in full swing all the time, to the point that its cracking at the edges.
you sure? I thought femto was the only one who got a true body during that. Think Slan mentioned it in the swamp but I could be misremembering.
The whole thing with Slan happened before the merge. She mentioned that Femto's rebirth separated the God Hand into different levels of the dimensions. While we haven't seen them reunite, its possible they joined the Apostles and are now about the world.
I'm betting getting back to the mainland will involve those weird magic branches from the World Tree.
If she didn't explicitly say it then I'm inclined to agree with you. Still don't think we'll see all of godhand killed but I guess it's possible.
Interesting allegory. I agree that, considering the whole series is about denying fate, it will come to a climax where Guts has to escape his fate as a Branded One and at the same time end Griffith's fate as being a King.
Oh I agree with you about not seeing them all die. We'll probably see Skull Knight and Void take each other out after learning their backstories.
When will Guts slay a dragon?
Another dynamic that I noticed is the fact that Casca is actually who Farnese wishes she was. A competent and strong female commander. At least that's how I perceived Farnese to be when she was introduce. Especially when she was in charge of her platoon. Inevitably when you look at it Guts is but a single man there is no way he alone can defeat an entire kingdom on his own. That's why I think the journey to Elf island isn't just about healing Casca but rather about getting back the last true commander of the band of the hawk.
Its about rebuilding an army to raid the kingdom of the hawk and destroy it. However I do think it'll be a lot more complicated then that. The Skull Knight said even though she maybe healed she might not want what Guts wants. I think he's referring to the fact that Casca might not want to go on a roaring rampage of revenge. She might be content to end her days on Elf island. It would be in her character to do so. With that said she would be Guts's kryptonite. If there is one thing that would give Guts inner peace and rest from his travels it would be Casca - the sword and the sheath after all. But I'm sure his inner demon would have none of that.
So what I do see is Guts going full Berserk on Casca and leaving Elf Island alone. She would end him so he'll probably run away. But since Casca loves Guts she'll have no choice but to chase after him. It probably begin by her lamenting her weakness as well as slowly rebuilding her strength and skills and going to the Elf king and requesting his aid so that she can build an army.
Just as Griffith felled and impossible fortress when he was human, Casca might do the same when she confronts the kingdom of the hawk. If anyone has the command experience to beat Griffith it would be someone who was learning directly from him.
>Another dynamic that I noticed is the fact that Casca is actually who Farnese wishes she was. A competent and strong female commander. At least that's how I perceived Farnese to be when she was introduce. Especially when she was in charge of her platoon. Inevitably when you look at it Guts is but a single man there is no way he alone can defeat an entire kingdom on his own. That's why I think the journey to Elf island isn't just about healing Casca but rather about getting back the last true commander of the band of the hawk.
Yep. And I think Farnese is somewhat confused by her attraction to Guts. I think it might be because of her wish to be like Casca.
>But I'm sure his inner demon would have none of that.
Probably. I thought that maybe Casca wouldn't want to be sane after what happened to her. Being raped by scores of demons and then Griffith isn't exactly a picnic.
If he leaves again, he'll hate himself even more than when he left her in that cave when he returns. If he returns.
>So what I do see is Guts going full Berserk on Casca and leaving Elf Island alone. She would end him so he'll probably run away. But since Casca loves Guts she'll have no choice but to chase after him. It probably begin by her lamenting her weakness as well as slowly rebuilding her strength and skills and going to the Elf king and requesting his aid so that she can build an army.
Casca may have loved Guts but because he had to be a nipple biter back in chapter 170s or so she's still afraid of him.
She has seemed to calm down around him lately, especially after the Moon Child showed up.
To elaborate it wasn't Guts leaving that triggered Griffiths downfall it was his own hubris. That night when he was meeting the princess after Guts returned from the assassination he basically said he has no equals, no friends and that everyone was a pawn for his own ambition. I mean why would the man of fate think otherwise after all everything that he has ever done has been because fate guaranteed his success, No hardships, no failures and no struggles.
That's why it was so interesting to see why would this otherwise intelligent person do something so stupid as to tempt fate and bang the princess? Unless of course to see if fate was still on his side.
> so she's still afraid of him.
Not exactly what I was referring to remember when Casca and Guts banged? She literally wanted to kill him but he was always bleeding and getting hurt for her. She couldn't turn away from him. Her actions basically amount to if she can't be Griffith's sword or woman, she can at least give those feelings to Guts and become his sheath.
Pic related. Imagine what she'll feel when she sees him now. Especially since its implied he's going blind.
>we're going to get a cheap cop-out thrown-together-at-the-last-second ending
Nice quads.
But I disagree about Griffiths own hubris being his downfall.
He talks about having no equal, no true friends, but when he heard Guts was leaving, he realized that the only person in this world that he actually came to care for, the only guy he could call a friend and mean it, is leaving him.
When Griffith made Guts his, Guts also, in a way, made Griffith his as well.
>Casca wouldn't want to be sane
Though this is also a valid point. When I said it would be in her character to not want to go on a roaring rampage of vengeance I was referring to the fact that she leans to the weaker side of humanity, She basically tried to kill herself since hey Guts can take over know. She wanted to give up but Guts was there to push her forward.
That's why I expect a repeat to happen on Elf island.
Pic related.
I think he banged Charlotte because he was desperate. He was so convinced that he could never lose, and he lost to Guts in one blow. Guts was his property and he lost him.
Go back and read those panels. It's one of the few times we can read Griffith's thoughts. Very interesting.
And yea I see what you mean with the second part. Guts is basically being torn apart bit by bit by his inner thirst for revenge. I think he'll either have to leave it all behind to remain with Casca or take his sword in hand and have his revenge which will result in his death. Or Casca's.
Where are the implications that guts is going blind? I haven't re-read the series since before like, 2014.
He's had a few close calls with his remaining eye, iirc.
The Berserk armor is making him lose his senses. There are panels where his vision is hazy and he recoils at it.
They met the Elf King. Casca is restored.
Then Griffith's forces reach Elf Island. One of his Generals fights Guts and dies. They make a hasty retreat from the Island with survivors.
That's what's gonna happen in the next few years. It's really obvious the little boy is just something Griffith is using to track them so he can find the Island and attack it.
Ah, right. I remember the haziness in his vision.
>To track them
Nah, its the Demon Childs spirit. Its been helping Guts a lot to just be a ploy by Griffith.
Don't really know (or remember) why though. Might just be writing Guts out of being stupidly OP in it.
IIRC the armor was really like a suicide suit by the dwarves. The wearer would attack everything in sight until he was killed.
Griffith wants them to succeed and get to the Island.
And if it's not the boy, then it will turn out that Griffith tracked them some other way.
That Island is going to be burned to the ground.
Which General will Griffith send? Zodd is too important. He'll die near the end of the story.
Skull Knight himself said that the Berserk Armor is too risky, and he wore it before Guts.