Are real girls even trying?
Are real girls even trying?
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Some are, most aren't.
Probably not, seeing as normalfag guys are wrapped around the finger of even ugly women. I'd post the image of a Shrek-like landwhale getting dozens of betas begging to date them, but I'm not near my computer.
They most certainly are not, for they know they've already lost the battle.
Why should they? Only a fraction of guys would choose 2D over 3D, and the demographics work in their favour.
Nearly all don't, they don't have to.
We have cool 2D girls with class and distinction. Amazingly designed, sexy bodies. Interesting personalities. What's a real girl got but a nasty attitude and self-entitlement? Not a damn thing.
3d girls days are numbered
I've really taken a liking to MMD's recently, it feels like the future to me.
My body is not ready.
Trying taking away you're anime? Yes they are
Good thing nips don't give a shit
No point to it unless you can connect it to all five senses.
>tfw you lift for 2D
Step it up user
Best semen demon. It's a shame they were pulling punches when it comes to lewding her.
>actually watching that trash
What's wrong with you?
There's some pretty slutty ones out there.
But if you want to go full bananas
>tfw you lift because you want to be badass like your favorite manime character
She still has like the only good doujin from the series.
The physics on Eugen's boobs seemed so off, I don't know what to make of such overt and casual sex in the middle of the MMD either.
Thanks for the links, and I know about and like the site already.
>MMD killing 3D
You're going to have to try a lot harder than that user.
Considering the availability and the rate at which they will improve, I can see technology and 2D undermining real girls sexual value to a level where they will have to change behavior or bitch enough for things like it to get shut down.
That makes the stupid assumption that 2D recieves widespread adoption worldwide and that the production of high-tech 2D content scales to match such increased demand. 3D has nothing to worry about, the 2D uprising is a fantasy that'll never leave its niche.
You're right. Except sex bots will get advanced enough to undermine 3D women.
Canada already has them banned.
Mio has at least two god tier doujins.
Yeah, but it'll take ages for robotics hardware to get anywhere near an adequeate enough emulation of a human being to justify normalfags buying them instead of just swiping right on Tinder. That's not even factoring in the current stigma against male sex toys in the West, which makes it difficult to generate a wide market for sexbots regardless of how advanced they are.
2D > 3DP > 3D polygon shit
I'd give it 10-30 years at most.
Probably not for you ;_;
Actually real girls try even harder, you are just unlucky.
I'd say 20 is a safe bet, for something significant to have changed or 2D to be a significant detractor from male availability.
It has to be sex bots. That or VR takes an amazing turn, which is the most likely.
Alright, but don't go crying on Sup Forums when it doesn't happen.
A composite of several things that each take care of different senses could also be viable. For example, vr could be used to make up for flaws in the appearance and voice functionality of a primitive sex robot and the robot would take care of the vr's lack of tactile response.
Thank God I have good looks plus I'm really nice girls love that in a guy.
Well technically that's already available. Flashlight strapped to an automated machine that works with a program and moves with the girl on screen.
They also have a dildo/flashlight pairing where you stick your dick in, on the other side of the world or right next to you, the dildo moves back/forth according to depth and angle of your cock.
You could literally fuck your own ass it another anons.
They want a scoundrel. Looks are a plus.
Do they? I'm guessing you definately have the looks portion covered, because girls interpret male behavior entirely differently based on attractiveness.
>because girls interpret male behavior entirely differently based on attractiveness.
Like it or lump it image is the basis of all behavioural interpretation.
Not all of them do. Depends on the age and the status of their life. Plenty of women want reliable men after their slut stage wears off. That said, plenty of women never grow up and out of their slut stage.
For most women that isn't till late 20s early 30s.
Why would you want robotic hardware? It's never going to replicate the experience you want.
You're better off having some sort of bodysuit that is able to simulate tactile touch, temperature, and wetness on your skin while you wear some VR headset.
Honestly, once I'm done with grad school and have accumulated a decent amount of wealth from working in quantitative finance, this is a field I want to pursue seriously.
Nice is feminine. Does that moisten a pussy? No. Women love assholes for their confidence. You think an asshole is coward? He isn't because of the balls he has that are required to be an asshole. Same with any motherfucker that is evil. You got to be some kind of brave sonofabitch.
Sure but it exists. Plenty of people don't even settle down or consider children until then either.
It nothing wrong being nice just don't be a pussy.
>being nice
The only thing that matters is dick size.
Those women want to eat their cake and have it too.
Their looks have depreciated while they have sucked and fucked hundreds of dicks, and they feel they're entitled a high quality man who they wouldn't have committed to earlier.
>stealth frog poster sprouts his chad meme
There's really way more to it than that. Sure ass holes are good bet, however plenty of ass holes aren't even given the time of day from women.
Your over simplifying the whole equation to justify your removal from it.
It's half and half. The other half wake up and realise they've wasted a lot of their life cock hunting and need something more. Sort of how some people wake up one day and wonder how they wasted so much time on chinese cartoons.
It comes down to alpha and beta behavior. This is not a meme, it's the behavior that makes either drys out vaginas or makes them soaking wet.
/r/theredpill for plenty of empirical evidence.
Traps and basement dwellers are not girls nor do I care what you think so fuck off.
Look who's talking, you permanent incel. You'll be tipping your fedora and saying "milady" until you fucking die, senpai!
Am in canada. Am scared. Need source please?!
>misusing ev-psy
No there really is more to it than that. What is beta and alpha is situational and changes over time as well. There's not particularly to clear categories once you leave high school, friendo.
>linking reddit
Get the fuck out of here.
You mean wasted so much time by not watching them, right?
No. I gave up trying fucking ages ago man. It's not much more dignity but it's at least slightly better than that.
>getting triggered by reddit
Guess who is going to be living in celibacy for the rest of their life?
>acting like reddit is okay
Another board bites the dust
I don't like normalfags girl.
It's fine, Sup Forums died the moment TTGL started airing
It's been like this for years, Sup Forumsnon, I've just given up and accepted that this hasn't been home territory for some time now.
Fuck off.
It's funny because the majority of reddit wants that subreddit banned. Just by posting on there you get automatically banned from a lot of other subreddits.
Maria is simply too good for them to ever emulate
Canada banned them? When?
As if that means anything at all. That isn't the point.
Weedman wants you to fuck a nice girl, not a robogirl.
Do tights like this exist in real life?
It proves that you lack the ability to think critically, but hey, what should I expect from this hive-mind of a board.
Yes because they've been sucking my dick.
2d girls can't so by default 3d>2d
I don't pollute Sup Forums with 3D faggotry, so Google Brazil women, they have some juicy thighs.
Has it sunk in yet that you're not welcome here?
There's more that people dislike about leddit than "it's cucked"
>It comes down to alpha and beta behavior.
It's fucking 2016 and people still think beta and alpha are the polar opposites
I bet most of people here believe they're "beta", while in fact they're worse than that.
>Sup Forumstard
Was there ever any doubt?
I don't give a shit if people who are literal losers in real life dislike what I'm saying.
The fact is that you aren't able to discern if information is valid or not; you automatically dismiss it because it's from a website you don't like.
I guess I forgot to include the omegas.
Well alrighty then smart guy.
Why don't you tell us about how many chicks you've fucked with you're fedora-tipping?
No one wants Reddit here just like we don't want tumblr.
Tumblr has normal stuff on it too. Who fucking cares, we don't want to associate with garbage just for one or two good things.
>this is a field I want to pursue seriously
I'll be waiting user.
I think I should point out that I'm
Banging attractive girls is a lot of work; you need to be in the top 10% of males by being fit and muscular, dressing well, and have some sort of activity that gives you higher status than someone else.
It has nothing to do with validity. If it's valid you wouldn't have to link to fucking Reddit, and an entire board at that. You'd provide actual sources instead of your shit.
The reason why I didn't bother to look up links is that who knows when this thread will be deleted. It's much easier to link a source to one website which has spoonfeeds you all the information you need in a fucking side panel.
Except it's happening NOW only with 3d sluts in porn. It's already well established that porn kills your sex drive.
Now just replace 3d sluts with 3d rendered sluts.
Linking to Reddit to begin with shows you how new you are. Why do you even come here?
I've been here since 2008. I just don't give a shit that autists who are failures in life don't like what I'm saying.
You're trying too hard
Oh just purge the fucking thread mods. Nobody gives a shit already.
Why not go on reddits anime board? You'd clearly fit in there with your reddit buddies who slay pussy like you.
You might not know this because you fall under the average IQ distribution, but this is a public website -- you don't control who is able to post here just by shaming and group think .
Came in here expecting a Maria/Shinmai thread, but come to find out it's a bunch of nerds arguing.
I didn't say I did. I said you'd fit in somewhere else, since you clearly don't here. Whats the problem?
So did I, friendo. Women have been given a disgusting level of power over men by men. We need to get this problem under control. We need....... this man. A man who was so right that it is frightening. Anyone wishing to rebuke this, go ahead and try. Do your best to bring down a man so soiled by Jewish propaganda that we couldn't see the truth.
The only person who has a problem is you. You're so insecure with yourself that you can't handle someone else who is better than you is on your secret club. But hey, you'll never amount to any contribution towards creating AI for 2D girls.
I'm not here to blog about my life friendo. I was giving you a suggestion, since this is an anime board but you want to talk about how cool you are on an anonymous imageboard.
Not him, but is this your first meta thread?
As if it being a meta thread means it's OK to post links to reddit and act like you're somehow superior for doing so.
Really? Is it the Sup Forums of reddit or something?