Polosophy Thread

Why do conservatives fear nihilists so much?

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Because conservatism is all about order and nihilism is chaos.


Nihilism is postmodernism, whilst modernism fought against it postmodernism embraces it and pretends being wilfully retarded is deep. Actually, the entirety of postmodernism after the Soviets "got" it has been about getting people to want to be less or create something lesser than they otherwise would.

That's nihilism, you literally stop giving a fuck what you're producing.

we do not. nihilism is a phase you need to go through to achieve being an overman. you must improve yourself more and not be stuck to the nihilist phase.

There is such a thing as organised chaos.

And chaos can be subjective, what one person finds chatoic another finds order.

no one who knows anything about philosophy treats nihilism seriously anymore
it's dead philosophy for miserable people
brush up on your knowledge

Sup Forumsosophy

>Why do conservatives fear nihilists so much?
Because nihilist destroy the societies that conservatives try to preserve.

This really shouldn't be hard to figure out.





I like Sup Forums I've gone from hippie to Hitler. And I'm not really sad about it.

t. critical theorist

>no one who knows anything about philosophy treats nihilism seriously anymore

T. Someone who doesn't study philosophy

enjoy your objectively wrong ideology created as a coping mechanism for miserable people

at least you found your meaning, although it's pretty sad and actually just fucking stupid, lmao

>coping mechanism for miserable people

So you admit that you not only haven't actually read and studied anything by Nietzsche, but also don't actually study philosophy as you fail to see the basic philosophical arguments Nietzsche made in his works.


False. What's "wrong" and "right" arn't objective, they're subjective.

Sup Forums thinks nihilism is a Jewish trick or something, despite Sup Forums's awkward moral philosophy only making sense in the absence of any objective values - and even then, only through a failure to truly come to terms with it. Heidegger predicted Sup Forums.

Drug users empower criminal street gangs

Why do nihilists do?

>conservatives fear nihilists
Are you stupid? If there is "any" feeling at all it's mostly loathsome.

Honestly philosophy threads on Sup Forums is just brainlets whoread a book or two and think they know philosophy.

The Sup Forumsyp fears the spookposter.

Critical thinking is for cucks become a pragmatist.

kill yourself you postmodern neomarxist
wait, are you saying that nietszche was a nihilist and not ultimately completely fucking destroyed it by talking about it a lot?

Hello, my property

pol needs to read up on how national socialism and the idea of an unobtainable idea or ubermensch came about as an answer to nationalism

Is Sup Forums idealist or materialist?

Reminder to read David Hume you pansies.

Because we know it's true. Leftists and liberals on the other hand believe some objective rationalist utopian, that will never exist.

they dont fear it,nihilism is just wrong..

how is it wrong?

without morals,humanity would be destroyed

>its wrong because if people accepted it as true something i dont like will happen
really makes you think...................

no one would like the result of having a nihilistic society.

Morals are man made though, they are subjective, they change constantly throughout time. 1000 years ago nobody would have given a second thought to murdering invaders, invaders today are welcomed, morals evolve and change all of the time they are not a constant.

So it is fear? Or at least, trepidation; concern. Not necessarily a bad thing.

without morals and religion,people will become evil...
if you want a good future,be conservative

>Morals are *subjective*
Argument ouf ot subjectivity is pure philosophical laziness, read some KANT BOY

>Morals are man made though
yes,the intelligence of the humans created morals to survive.
yes,morals change.But that doesnt mean that nihilism is something good for society.

people have empathy& hope for a better future-except of nihilists.

people should not appreciate chaos
conservatism helps & makes people to care about others

Most people have a childish view of "nihilism" generally, so most are simply reacting that so called nihilism.

Philosophies like inverted-Deluzianism or Brassierist nihilism are entirely another matter, and in no uncertain terms are interesting and robust strains of nihilist thought.

Conservatives tend to be implicit nihilists in denial anyway, which is why they cultivate the will-to-believe (faith) in ultimate meaning to elude this reality.

They prefer to construct a re-enchantment with the world rather than take nihilism to its ultimate conclusion. This tendency though isn't limited to conservatives, but philosophy in general, most simply find nihilism unpalatable for aesthetic or sentimental reasons.

Nihilism isn't an existential quandary, it is a speculative opportunity. In short, people that think conservatism and nihilism are incompatible don't fully understand either.

you're a good guy

Kant is no god, how about you develop a rational analytical mind and think for yourself and not just parrot what the most popular guy said?

You're actually a moron.

because they are malnourished mental deranged existentialists

>rational analytic mind

Witty made a fallacious supposition that everything in the world must be made of unique facts. From that principle, he derived a work called Tractatus where he smugly derided logic and philosophy as meaningless exercises.

Later in life, Wittgenstein realised how fucking stupid his ideas actually were but was too embarrassed and ashamed to publish his second book because he knew that it would make him a laughing stock

>nietszche was a nihilist
>and not ultimately completely fucking destroyed it

You haven't read much of Nietzsche and have a very shallow understanding of his work.

Nietzsche was a nihilist full stop, but he also believed the mere truth of it would be the most destructive force in history so he sought to reconcile this fundamental problem.

He never "destroys nihilism", because he still held to a lack of objective meaning, universal-purposelessness, a failure of epistemology, and the self-cannibalizing character of values.

The main thrust of his genius was building a new-ideal and approach to positively address and build on the mere truth of nihilism without succumbing to negative existential maladies. In other words, he solved the intuitive crises of nihilism without rejecting it outright.

> and think for yourself
>and not just parrot

To not be well-versed in the works of some of the greatest thinking minds in history is just to handicap one's own mind.

You're not clever by refusing to stand on the shoulders of giants. It is as stupid as deciding that one will toss away all scientific progress and "develop the sciences yourself" from scratch.

How is it mentally deranged and not a hard to accept truth to know that we are all going to die and cease to exist one day. that goes for the entirety of the human race, the universe will cease to exist one day, everything we work towards will inevitably eventually be destroyed. there's an argument for just enjoying the moment, living in the moment, but the future is grim. that's not subjective, it's fact, the earth will die one day, all of the stars will be gone one day, the universe will be cold one day and all life will cease to exist. no matter which way you try to sugar coat the present it doesn't change the inevitable future.

Are you referring to conservatives, nihilists, or both?

To further buttress the point that you don't know what you're talking about:

Nietzsche himself:

"I praise, I do not reproach, nihilism's arrival. I believe it is one of the greatest crises, a moment of the deepest self-reflection of humanity. Whether man recovers from it, whether he becomes master of this crisis, is a question of his strength. It is possible. . . . "(Complete Works Vol. 13)

nihilists are like a mad dog and should promptly be put down

>Nietzsche was a nihilist full stop, but
>full stop, but
Fucking retard.

Was it autism?

> Y R conservatives no likey "nihilism"?
> nihilism is literally the belief in NOTHING
> a hopeless forlorn ego-trip that is the primary reason the hippie 60s boomers are suck assholes
> no interest in history
> no interest in the future
> now is all that matters, so fuck everything
faggot, nihilism is a dead end of childish and self-destructive anarcho-fuckitallism
conservatives believe that the society we have is worth saving, and it can improved by restoring ethical and moral guidance from the past, lost by the ego-centric boomers.
anyone who says "im a nihilist" deserves to be slapped.

.Amazing, rebuttal

Soen is a good band

Kants moral philosophy was inhuman.

>Nihilism is postmodernism

I hate burgers. *infecrts you with lice*
>tries to defend Western civilisation despite kowing nothing about it

No I think he's just a moron. I can usually tell when someone on the internet is legitimately autistic.

Because accepting that fully and leading a life of pleasure for the moment will ultimately turn the present into a living hell.

Nietzsche is a proto-post modernist, even if we credit the actual beginning of post-modernism to Heidegger in philosophy, but Nietzsche pawed the way with his ridiculement of Enlightenment, reason, logic et cetera. Him and Husserl.

First of all die and nothing happening is a presumption, I believe in reincarnation is likely.

However even if it isn't life should be lived wisely if it's to depressing or uninspiring to live hang yourself. Otherwise quit bitching don't be a hypocrite, living on while saying it's worthless to, and make a purpose within your life. Make it accord with natural law because you're built out of the forces of natural laws.

So pick related or moved forward with wisdom your call. By the way no one should make their minds up on anything with out proper nutrition for a few months first


>Nietzsche is a proto-post modernist

Agreed. Sup Forums needs to stop pretending that PoMo is somehow innately a "far-left" perspective (in USA political vernacular).

You can be PoMo and a literal Nazi or right-libertarian.

Kant had no moral philosophy
his entire body of work was a thinly veiled apologia for christianity, specifically the catholic dogmatic paulite heresy.

everything he ever wrote can be summed up in one word, and it's his name.
> find reason and order in the universe through observation ?
> develop a moral and ethical framework without the intercession of a priestly class?
> develop a fully realized philosophy without the need for supernatural explanations which a priori assume christianity?
> live a full and healthy life without being a christian?
> study the world and it's physical laws without using the cracked lens of cucktianity as your focus?

aristotle would have slapped the taste out of kant's mouth and plato would have horsewhipped that piece of shit through the streets.

> not an argument
go suck a bag of dicks.

>Kant had no moral philosophy

What the fuck?

On abandoning Dionysian taste. While indulging from time to time even lightly daily in hedonism is fine you are a beneficiary of being in a society (granted a dying rome 2.0) if it was doing well by you, you are obligated to help out in someway or essentially be a thief and subject to what may befall one

Why are you a libtarded little bitch?

thats right.
he had no moral philosophy.
nor did he have any ethics.
all he had was catholic dogma
everything he wrote was literally: "christianity is essential for everything, and here is why..."
when you strip away the catholic dogma, kant is a silk stocking full of pig shit
if you think catholicism is a moral authority, you havent been paying attention.

Morals are subjectively negotiated.

>First of all die and nothing happening is a presumption, I believe in reincarnation is likely.

What facts are you operating on that make reincarnation more likely? I am operating on my own experience, I know what it was like to not be born, it was nothingness because my consciousness and therefore awareness of the universe didn't exist. I'v already been dead once before I was born, so I know what it's like.

the rest of what you posted is irrelevant gobble.


To a lesser extent electric universe theory

>consciousness and therefore awareness of the universe didn't exist
Then how do you know "what it's like"?

This is Phil 101 stuff. You can only imagine the negation of being, you can't experience it.

> my a priori assumptions are evidence of something
> my imagined nothing is proof of something
> therefore nihilism is correct
sounds legit...

to admit that you do not know, is to be honest
claiming you know something, which happens to be NOTHING, which is in itself entirely unknowable, is to be a liar and a huckster

faith is an assumption, and your assumption that pre-birth = nothingness, and therefore post-death = nothingness is sophistry of the lowest order.

do you remember the taste of your mommy's tit?
no? then i guess infants are "nothing"
do you remember what you ate on february 3 2003?
no? i guess you didnt eat anything that day.
do you remember the name of your first grade teacher?
no? well i guess you never went to 1st grade.

your assumptions are not facts, nor are they proof of anything, especially not nothingness.

>Nietzsche is a proto-post modernist, even if we credit the actual beginning of post-modernism to Heidegger in philosophy
Very good.

Never forget postmodernism is an adversarial art movement, it is making the claim it is post, or beyond, modernism. They don't even talk about Nietzsche they hate him so much, that's supposedly what the left believes is the greatest punishment.

I sometimes wonder that they're the most authoritarian group is somehow part of it. They've become the monster and don't care because they're beyond evil.

>do you remember the taste of your mommy's tit?
I was bottle fed, but if I was breast fed, at the time, I would have been aware of the taste, but have simply forgotten over time, forgetting doesn't mean it never happened. I haven't forgot what it was like before I was born because it is impossible to forget something that never existed.

I didn't forget what it was like to not exist because being in a state of non-existence means knowing in the first place and therefore the ability to forget is impossible.

Objectivity implies universality. Who arbitrates this system of ethics that applies to the entirety of existence? Who says that the universe has an ethical system that will apply billions of years from now to a civilization that may not exist? Before modern human consciousness, where was this objective morality? Is it present in the clouds of gas trillions of miles away?

To say that there is a objective morality you completely deny the existence of the subjectivity of the human mind. Morality was borne of the subjectivity of man. It originates in the individuated conscious mind, which itself can only be subjective in its perception of reality.

> my other assumptions are proof that even more assumptions must be correct...
if you can accept that you dont remember some shit, why assume you must be able to remember even earlier shit, and the fact that you dont means it never existed?

do you remember WW1?
no? then it never happened right?
what about the jurassic period?
is that a fiction too?

just because you dont remember it doesnt mean it never happened.
of course, this doesnt mean it DID happen either.
accepting that some shit is unknowable is the first stage of becoming a grownup. it is also the end stage of nihilism

Exhibit A: a typical British man, with their smug, "I know more than you so hah," self-righteous dog shit. Meanwhile, these are the people who the NSA runs information through, so that they can get away with spying on "Burgers". The people who require TV licenses, who have absolutely no problem with Big Daddy Government wiping their ass, and whom believe in no meaning to their existence. You just keep letting those migrants in, Britcuck. I won't shed a single tear when your country and its submissive, fedora-tipping culture are made extinct by the Moslem hordes.
>lel ur just buttmad cause I'm so right about my presumptive, Gnostic atheism
Except that I'm not, I don't even give a shit about nihilism one way or the other. I'm just so used to seeing your people and culture be complete and utter shitsticks on a daily basis that I just wanted to take this moment out of my life to spew hate at you just because I can.
Fuck you, fuck your country, fuck your stupid face, faggot.

>Why do conservatives fear nihilists so much?
Why does it matter? Let the religious have their faith in bullshit gods and enchanted kingdoms that don't even exist. Untermenschen with the slave mentality serve a purpose in the grand scheme of things, someone has to do all of the menial hard work and they're much easier to force into that role if they think they have the moral high ground. If you were truly a nihilist, you would be less concerned with opinions of sheep and more concerned with becoming an Ubermensch by building your own hierarchy.

>Because conservatism is all about order and nihilism is chaos.
I disagree. Nihilism is about creating your own hierarchy instead of being a slave to someone else's. Nihilism is more focused on being in control and keeping things orderly instead of being controlled.

>we do not. nihilism is a phase you need to go through to achieve being an overman. you must improve yourself more and not be stuck to the nihilist phase.
This guy gets it.

>Because nihilist destroy the societies that conservatives try to preserve.
Things that don't innovate go instinct. The decay of tradition is just the price of progress.

>enjoy your objectively wrong ideology created as a coping mechanism for miserable people
>I don't understand nihilism the response

>at least you found your meaning
Yes, because that's kind of the whole point of nihilism.

>Because we know it's true. Leftists and liberals on the other hand believe some objective rationalist utopian, that will never exist.
This and even if there truly was an achievable utopia it would cause massive suffering. Happiness is just a chemical in your brain called dopamine that gets released when you are in pain. If you remove all the pain out of your life you wouldn't be able to experience happiness. If you think about it, humans have already created a utopia and we are currently living in it.

I also need to clarify that conservatism has nothing to do with religion. The goal of nihilism is to build hierarchy and the current easiest method of doing so is via free market capitalism. Both nihilism and capitalism are immoral and theoretically with the current state of politics more conservatives should be nihilists.

>Exhibit A: a typical British man, with their smug, "I know more than you so hah," self-righteous dog shit.

nice judgemental attitude. I never claimed to know more than anyone, I know what I know.

also your rage at the end of your post shows your immaturity, that you can't discuss something without devolving into petty insults.

Schools already stated kiddo.


Don't some of the presuppositions of primary nihilist argument like subjectivity make the totality of their end arguments like meaninglessness a bit of an ironic clusterfuck?

>i know what i know
>i'm going to analyze your rage psychologically

Unfortunately for you, Britcuck, you fail to realize that someone could actively CHOOSE to act with insensitivity and hatred, with no regard to the topic at hand. I believe it was clearly stated that the topic of discussion was of no interest, and thus the insult derived was made as an attack at your culture and its pompous, holier-than-thou attitude.

Nietzsche hated nihilism you cunt

>Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.

Yep. Next step is Absurdism


I agree, this happened to me recently. Still battling with nihilism but seems like i am winning.
However, i will never get rid of hedonistic way of life. I am improving, upgragading myself as the days go by and that won't stop till i die. Realized that i don't need a bigger meaning in life to live, accepted my fate that comes after life.
Now its time to live

Sisyphus was miserable.

The screed of Talmudic discourse recognizeable throughout the ages

I'm not scared them, I'm rather disgusted by them, infact I think they should all kill themselves for being such edgy faggots.

i like you user

Nihilism is stale and boring.

I don't fear nihilists, I pity them. Widespread nihilism is why depression rates and substance abuse rates are so high right now. Turns out that not believing in anything has terrible effects on your self-confidence.

Actually, postmodernists love Nietzsche. What the fuck are you talking about.