Why is "depression" so common now?


no jobs, no future, no security, nobody worthwhile to start a family with, no money, no identity, no christ

Life sucks, and there are realistically not many women who are worth getting to know, nevermind taking as a wife.

it's not.
only faggots get depressed.

media has told you from an early age to compare yourself to everything. nowadays the average person is more aware of juxtapositions and others opinions more than any other time in the past.

comparison is the thief of joy

This is too true. I have a problem comparing myself with others my age and younger and going "well fuck, I won't end up anywhere good when you look at it that way".


humans aren't meant to live in this modern environment among millions of people while being bombarded with amounts information every single day. there's no challenge to living in these times, we've removed all the hazards that used to pose a natural threat to us and we've basically locked ourselves up in a prison, except we call it civilization instead.

I think we, as a species, are ok with civilization. The issue is that there's forced "diversity", you're raised to be told to get a white collar job and go to college and buy buy buy, you're told that you're a bad person-objectively-for increasingly asinine reasons, and the gender you have feelings and urges toward has become objectively disgusting.
And for what reason? "Progress"? As a common man, the most you can hope to accomplish is a job that will eventually lead to a career you can at least halfway tolerate. You either opt out of society and dating or you almost flip a coin with a woman. Heads, it may work out, maybe. Tails, she divorces you and you lose a mind blowing amount of assets you singularly worked for, because she decided she was done when you weren't.

Edgy. Only faggots get schizophrenic too

Most people are either unemployed or are wageslaves.
More people than ever aren't getting married and have no desire to do so.
People have no time to do anything they enjoy.
White people have to live with white guilt and everyone hating them.
Non-whites live with people constantly telling them that they are oppressed and have no hope for a good future.
College students are in more debt for four years than you would be in from buying a house, and they get nothing out of it.

It's a combination of a) having it good enough that we don't need to worry (much) about survival and b) things are getting bad enough that we do have to worry about our future

Post modernists tell everyone life is meaningless and then act surprised when this depresses people.

Because America had a black president for 8 years and it dragged the entire world down.

>comparison is the thief of joy

some people are depressed because their brain chemicals are optimum, i have no issues with that.
other people are not depressed, they are just low on their dominance hierarchy and so they see the world as if they are depressed and they can behave as if they are.

some are probably in between, it is difficult to tell.

>comparison is the thief of joy
don't forget you are watching their highlight reel

This, but it is also incentivized by people and governments coddling the depressed who need to overcome it through growth and self reliance instead of dependancy.
Also psychs being kikes along with pharma pill merchants

People mistake sadness for depression.


This. Only you can control your emotions and thoughts.

It's a perfectly reasonable psychological response to living in a spiritually dead postmodern society



this is why i'm not on social media. If you are on facebook/instagram you just get constant bombardment of people showing off. Everyone try to out-do one another. It's destructive.

A Nigger was leader of the freeworld for 8 years.

That effects everyone including Jews. Everyone is fucking depressed.

No one wants to do anything anymore


because the world is shit and everyone knows it

This reminds me of those pointless 2-3 frame gifs from tumblr, people love it because its """""""""deep""""""""

Find your people, life will then become worth living.

>Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.
>You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
>And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
>No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.
>Every year is getting shorter; never seem to find the time.
>Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines.

This exact realization.
You wasted your time, your time is limited, it's moving fast, you had your chance, you wasted it, you'll never get another chance, you'll never make up lost time.

Soil nutrient depletion and lower solar irradiance allowing for less vitamin D production, also the lower atmosphere has lost a lot of it oxygen content

Mostly people need to fix their dietary intake

Also try out C60 in olive oil.
I'm feeling great on it.

Look at pick related, think it's going to run well if half out it is missing and the parts are remade of shit plastic?

Depression isn't real, it's entirely a construct of the industrial revolution, mental illness is used by the power class to control the worker drones.

It's no coincidence that you're labelled depressed if you're dissatisfied with your lot in life, and they give you a pill to alter the chemistry of your brain to tolerate it.


Alsp, the diet and the environment are toxic, and make you feel like shit physically.

pretty much /thread

depression is a rich people problem. people who know real suffering don't get depressed. they accept life for what it is and are generally ok. The rich have everything they need but find that it's not enough to give them true fulfillment so they get depressed.


Unhealthy lifestyle.

The water.

total bullshit


Because life sucks and then you die


I only look at loli and shota doujins and I'm incredibly happy.
3D is truly the root of depression.

When there is no real suffering in your life, you just have to invent it.
Best cure for depression is being sent to a poverty ridden hellhole.

debt piling up, everything looks black, modernist architecture, islam, poverty, white flight, criminals not going to jail, no justice, overpopulation

Humans want attention. Other humans want to make money for nothing. Voila!

Something tells me you have made no attempt.

humans need to feel useful. That's why communism doesnt work.

This. We eastern euros know best

Flavour of the month. Some poeple want to feel special.
That being said, it's a real condition that some people have

>only faggots get depressed.
That's right, exert some fucking self control over your emotions. You are going to suck at first but that's just how it goes. You have to retrain your brain. Nothing worth doing is ever going to be easy, but the sooner you get started the sooner you have self control.

Americans have autism and depression because low quality food and too much fake medicine, it fucks with your brains and overall overweight problems can lead to low energy, no matter how many vitamins you eat. Add to that relationship problems and you got basic model of city human, who's only joy/motivation in life is getting money and show off with money. So i guess they need a raise in salary or a better job to be less tired.

Because society tricks us into believing we need all these things we can't have

It's a common diagnosis because it's not socially acceptable to tell someone who comes to you for help to "get over it", despite the fact that's usually exactly what happens.

I think it's also exacerbated by excessive choice with no framework for making a decision. If you are overloaded with options but have little to no means of ascribing value to any one people become lost and confused. Look at the way people address those seeking their guidance; various forms of "do what makes you happy" or somesuch vague nonsense. Happiness has become unqualified and thus more unobtainable.

I'm curious about what Sup Forums thinks about people like me. I was diagnosed from an early age (11 or 12 I can't really remember) with severe depression. I had no reason to be depressed. I was doing very well in school, had zero family issues, middle class family, lots of friends. Something I'd not right when a young boy wants to kill himself for no explainable reason. I've been in and out of mental hospitals for the majority of my life (27 now) and have been taking different antidepressants for well over a decade.
I'm not neet, I have a well paying job and some kind of social life. I don't tell people I have severe depression and try to contribute to society and be as normal as possible. But I still have urges to kill myself for reasons I can't explain. My last suicide attempt was 2 years ago, I was found before it got too bad and ended up spending 3 days in the ICU and then a month and a half in a mental hospital.
I just want it to go away so I can get on with my life and just be normal.


That's a good question, OP. I almost shot myself yesterday because it just felt like the end of the line. I stopped myself because I'm helping with an event Sunday for men's health awareness (suicide being one of the issues) and figured I should at least do that one last time before I call it quits. It's not like I don't have anything to live for; what with a good paying job, nice car and a place to myself. Loneliness is always there, though, and it hurts.

The truth is most of guys, no matter how successful/far they are in life, get depressed and potentially kill themselves. It's not something you can just "toughen up" to get through, and that saying often leads guys to suicide because they feel there's never a right time or place to address their concerns. We rationalize things too much and sometimes suicide seems like the best option. Pretty much all guys hide their depression until they die or it kills them. Pretty sad tbqh

It's not people just wrongly conflate it with being sad

Well let's be honest, there is an entire industry built around keeping people in a perpetual state of depression. Do you honestly believe it's accidental anti depressants cause suicidal ideation?


Also, isolation doesn't really help. Technology and industrialization has made people too individualistic and has limited our social interactions with other people in real life. Jobs are so atomized now that people can be easily replaced. Family is non-existent with all the divorces happening around. Identity is eroding away due to society becoming highly fragmented due to politics, religion and ideology. People have no sense of society and camraderie as everyone is looking out for himself.

Also, oppression is high nowadays. We are now always being looked on under the microscope with social media and what we say, do and think will make or break us online. Even if you have no social media accounts, others will and any video tape recordings of you or any shaming done online on other people's accounts is bound to get you socially ostracized. The modern world is highly dysfunctional but people don't notice it because all the technological advances give the illusion that we are prosperous, conveniently forgetting that technological advancement and the amount of material wealth is not the only barometer of prosperity and success.

It's childish.
And you shall know them by their works...

Because everyone has a victim complex now and white people can only blame mental health cuz they don't have race.


because modern society is total shit and built by jews to create perfect consumers with no identity lead by emptiness and desire for stupid shit no one needs and most people are to fucking dumb and inept to devise purpose for themselves and find a passion to just invest in for the sake of it instead opting for wallowing self pity and blaming.

That's not a new concept though. What is relatively new is the structures of value being dismantled and leaving people with no idea as to what time is well spent.

Shirley you jest...

THC, sugar and pornography.

The same reason that assburgers and “autism” are so prelevant; self diagnosis. Had a bad few days and a bit sad? Depression. Missed the bus because you were 5 minutes late? Depression. Your favourite anime character didn’t get the girl he wanted? Depression.

Actual depression is debilitating, this bullshit isn’t.

>humans existed for tens of thousands of years before the invention of anti-depressents
>now suddenly people need pills all the time

Really gasses my kike.

Life has gotten so easy for most people in first world countries that their minds have to invent something to be the scapegoat of all of their downfalls. If you go to places where you die if you feel sorry for yourself all fucking day you'll find the amount of people with clinical depression is pretty minute.

>goes on internet 12hrs a day


>humans need to feel useful. That's why communism doesnt work.

What could be more useful than spending your life in a papermill making toilet paper for proles so you can earn your room and board?

The world is a dark place and only getting darker. With just how many people their are in the world now the chances of you doing anything worth a damn are pretty slim. More people are trying to find purpose but finding nothing worth while or coming to the conclusion that nothing really matters. The human race is having a existential crisis and finding no concrete answers.

>Why is "depression" so common now?
to answer that... you just have to look out of your window

Talking about depression makes it a large problem because it enables people to "think" they are depressed when really they are just fucking bored.

Overstimulation, undersocialization, and a breakdown of the social institutions which in the past had transmitted the wisdom necessary to lead a good and balanced life (replaced by capitalist mouthpieces celebrating hedonism and consumption)

Lack of purpose. You need a purpose for striving to make sense. If you don't have an overarching purpose, you have to go with little purposes like setting goals. Setting little goals (weekly, monthly, yearly) and striving to reach them will be enough to trick the mind and provide a purpose almost as good as a grand purpose like God.

I try to avoid looking out of my window.

he gets it...


Because people is high on the feeling of feeling good. Lots of tasty and cheap food and beverages, lots of good movies and tv shows, videogames, porn, you name it, instant gratification. Eventually isn't going to cut it anymore and you start to feel like whatever you enjoy doesn't entertain anymore and you think it's depression because false correlation, people just have too much time on their hand and they burn out quickly.

Just think about this, people went INSANE for mario bros back in the days, mario games are still a thing after so many years, now we got pokemon go which "as concept" is amazing, going out to chase monsters and battle with them? If this game came out 40 years ago people would've furiously masturbated over it, now everyone was like OMG BEST GAME EVER, LET'S HAVE RETARDED HAND GESTURES DEPENDING ON WHAT TEAM YOU ARE ON AND LET'S ACT TO WHATEVER STEREOTYPE THEY ARE ASSOCIATED WITH for a whole year, then it pretty much disappeared.

there are tons of reasons, and the internet is a big culprit, but i don't feel like writing an essay, this one will do for now.

They actually did extensive study as to why depression is so common. They looked at tribal people and how they live. They found our diet of and lack of exercise are the main causes for the high rate of clinical depression. Specifically eating grain fed meat high in omega 6s is the main dietary cause. To reduce depression we either need to eat more nut and seed fed meats like squirrel or some shit or otherwise take omega 3s as a supplement. Omega 6s are inherently inflammatory and we need at least half the amount of Omega 3s to counteract the inflammatory and therefore depressing nature of eating grain fed meats.

Vitamin D deficiency and not enough sleep. People have no idea how damn important getting a full nights sleep is for their health. Also sleeping pills in the future will be considered along side lobotomies and blood letting they dont work and make things worse. You dont get real sleep when you are on sleeping pills youre just effectively knocked out.

Hard for gets big moneys. Only get small moneys for big slave time. Sad when me have no moneys. How do I get them Chad in a Hummer bux?

Post modernism, atheism, and existentialism. It's liberals mentally masturbating.

>You dont get real sleep when you are on sleeping pills youre just effectively knocked out.
Hmm. One of the best and most refreshing sleeps I've ever had was when I was gassed on a night train in Eastern Europe. I was really tired and struggled to sleep on trains. That sleep was magical. Luckily they didn't steal my stuff because of the way the compartment was laid out, they only stole the stuff of the person closest to the corridor.

I need to read some Alain de Benoist.

I agree with you guys and that certain scenarios really just call for you to not be a faggot and man up, but there are certain scenarios where things are out of your control for long periods of time that cause depression

Those scenarios are becoming more common to people e.g. wife fucking you over kids, job fucking you over, loss of identity/no future, money issues, modern diet, there are a lot more things coming into play as we continue with the development of current things that will feed into this cycle

Most of the time people who are not really depressed and just need to control their shit are the ones just being vocal about it, the true depressed people have nobody to talk about it with, always keeping it to themselves and have no plan b, c d or the whole alphabet because they are that fucked over in life, these people exist but you will never see or know about them

>tl;dr - we are not made for current modern society

Depression is caused by chemicals added to the water, these drugs are meant to make people easier to control. Depression is one of the forms that these controlling effects can take (mostly because variations in human brain chemistry), while it in itself doesn't make people more likely to follow orders that come from the top it makes it more unlikely for those affected by it to resist and fight against the NWO.

i think that, for whatever it's worth, you are a better influence on society than every single nigger in the world


Can some one explain to me what is so special about depression ?

>mechatronic engineer
>have a good job, great pay, excellent working conditions plus a lot of free time and benefits
>worked a lot of different jobs since I was 16y to pay for school, traveled to almost every european country and was on every continent.
>excellent health condition, can't remember when I was last time sick.
>have a great family
>two brothers by arms

But every one is saying that I made it that I will have a great future but I dont care about my future, don't care about what is going on, more then half of the money I am making I am giving to others because I figured they need it more.
Few months ago refused to be a part of my family will, told them to give everything to my younger sisters.

Doing absolutely nothing except work and go to sleep, have no hobbies or interest in anything.

I am not happy, I am not sad, I just am !

So what would you say am I depressed or just stupid ?

What is this meme, it's edgy to NOT be depressed now?

This is why I sometimes travel to russia

"It's not depression, we just have to concentrate more on our societal health.
And when your country is full of pakis and wogs it takes a hella concentrate."
-Basil Brush

>t. unfeeling autist

It's a bunch of faggot teenagers thinking their life is hard, while in reality all they do is go to school for 8 hours, go back home and jerk off.

it won't kick in right now, but those are signs of depression of a different kind

It's a symptom of the psychic vampires sucking the essence of our souls out of our bodies

Get off the fucking meds if you want to feel better and simply eat right, exercise, and sleep right