Spanish police storm Catalan government buildings to stop independence referendum

Sup Forums spaniards people WTF is going on?

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Spanish Civil War II starts on October 1st user

Catalonia is trying to force their independence. Their allies, Morocco, argelia only

We will punish the traitors.

Leftists want closed borders now.

Catalan is one of those rich places that have turned into leftist shitholes and now they equate this with their success.

At least i think this is the case.

It might actually go through on the simple merit that the leftists want it.

Kurdistan referendum is closer tho.

why Morocoo?
they were with Franco?

But what will the spanish football team do without barcelona?

Barcelona is a moroccan caliphate now and they want to protect it.

>interering outside of their backyard

>not siding with spain in all circumstances

you need to be 18 to post here

Real Spaniards should just purge those commie fucks.

Why is this even a thing? I bet it's nothing and will blow over. Catalonians are pussy drama queens, unlike the basques.


>Their allies, Morocco, argelia only

You'd be surprised, but Hungary said yesterday that they will accept the "will of the people" if they desire independence. They are mainly doing this because they can profit if the Catalonian referendum passes, by inciting the
Szekler spirits in Transylvania.

>Hungary will “respect the will of the people” if Catalonia goes ahead with a referendum on independence on October 1, the Hungarian government said on Monday.
>“The will of the people is always what matters, that’s the position,” Zoltán Kovács, spokesman for Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s administration, told a press conference in Brussels when asked if Hungary had a position on Catalonia.

Expect a shitstorm starting all across Europe if the catacucks manage to gain their independence. Kosovo was a little child's play compared with the repercussions that will be felt if the stupid fucks disturb the fragile status quo. There are many, many ethnic tensions across the Balkans, all ready to blow up in a second.

If I let that vote go off, will Spain die?


It would be extremely spainful...

they are the fuse though, they will give a reason for the rest to get moving.

I seriously doubt the others will ignore the blantant desperation of the central government, they will be biding their time, waiting for catalans to whine and moan and die (yet again) until they are legitimized enough to jump the fire.

we owe our independence to the catalan lack of vision

>so catalonians are muslim lovers?
>i now kinda dont suport the independence

Votes yes in october 1 to deal a blow to the globalists.

Soon de sedicionist and secesionist will be punish, order restored.

Nothing that is your matter, keep walking.

Nah, spaniards say that all the time to smear us that but it's a lie. In fact it's the opposite, the spanish goverment sends most immigrants here to dilute the national identity of Catalonia so we never win an independence referendum.

>Spanish Civil War II starts on October 1st user
Gadafi send his regards.

>hungarian troops ready to start supriz attack

who are the most based : catalans or spanish people ?

How are Spain, Portugal, Greece, and whoever else still there? Weren't they all on the verge of gov budget collapse and anarchy and shit? Did Germany bail everybody out in exchange for Syrians?

That's fucking hilarious.

Who's shocked that as the Socialist/Muslim wave spreads agony across Europe, rich spics wanna gtfo? Eurofags need to go Atlas shrugged now!

Fight it out, lads

Don't listen to the moorish rapebabies. Catalonia wants out of the cuckery that is Spain, and the Spanish government is uber butthurt over it so they're trying all they can to prevent it. Only a spaniard is dumb enough to try to resolve a political problem with judicial means.

don't believe this crappy meme. Look at the history of catalan governments since 1978, all but two of them have been right wing governments. Catalonia is very traditionalist, only a small minority of leftists (many of them part of the major spaniard commie party Podemos) are spouting all that lefty bs, it's just that the (((MSM))) likes to put the focus on them and not the millions of conservative catalans who want to preserve their culture and their traditions.

Catalonia is fucking BASED, and Spain is a shithole, it's just natural that catalans want to stop getting cucked by pic fucking related.

Isn't the referendum mostly favored by the left wing?

It's funny how you all know exactly how the world works and what people must think. When you live the same situation as we are living in Spain in Burgerland we'll talk.

Welcome to the sov... european union, catalonian comrades. Enjoy the Feuertaufe!

Basque and Catalan always felt like not belonging into cuck monarchy that imported 3 million niggers and has tourism and housing bubble ruled by England, besides that they probably want own protection, not cuck NATO nigger enablers. I understand Spanish "government" wants to keep country together, but then again they lost control to international NATO/UN/EU long time ago. King in Spain doesn't serves national interests.

It's ironic certainly.

Imagine Catalonian independence as the Spanish version of Calexit, except the daft cunts are actually going to try it.

germany made an economic protectorate of the PIGS. It was a smart move, but they shot themselves on the foot, because the rules changed midgame.

furthermore, I can tell you portugal was bankrupt 3 times betwen 1910 and 1930. Life kinda goes on, we thrive on misery. Portugal was also near bankrupt in 80 something, just before entering the union.
same for spain
same for greece

based catalonians. I don't dig how you attacked the germanics when they were doing their reconquista, but meh, I'll let that slide.
Start making catelinian generals and delegate tasks so pol can help you create ammo for your memetic warfare, mkay? There is tonnes of good material than can be translated at your request, and thousands of willing meme-veterans, just give the word

>Catalonian General now

Catalonia being leftist is a meme though, a lie repeated by spaniards because that's the best they've got. Look up who win the elections here, we've had only 2 left wing goverments out of 11.

Catalans want to be on their own while spaniards want to be with Catalonia, this alone should tell you everything.

>When you live the same situation as we are living in Spain in Burgerland we'll talk.
Not gonna happen, because burgers aren't as retarded as you dumb fucking spaniards. The spanish government is the only reason this has gotten so far, you people keep opressing catalans until the whole thing just spilled over. Stop blaming others for you having shit for brains. All you moors know how to do is blame others of your failures.

ffs the president is behaving like he has no responsibility, HE'S THE FUCKING PRESIDENT. Imagine a company going bankrupt and the CEO just spouts
>not my fault lol it was that other guy's fault not mine
but you're the fucking PRESIDENT, asshole, you're responsible for everything that happens in your piece of shit country.


I truly find it funny and amazing that Hungary managed to brainwash the entire Szekler population in Romania into believing that they are ethnic Hungarians, when there's plenty of evidence suggesting otherwise. Truly sad to see that an ethnic minority that has managed to keep its traditions and identity for centuries was pretty much cucked by the eternal catholic steppe mongol.

Nevertheless, get ready for some big ethnic tensions next year - 100 years since our unification / 100 year since Trianon / election year in Hungary. We're in for a ride, user.

this user knows where it's at

i hope i can help you again spainbros (if the civil war don't start here also)

daily reminder that Catalonia is the spanish Commiefornia and that all soros NGOs operate there

Ah ok. That will teach me not to trust anything Tyler Durden writes ever again.

Glad to hear Catalonia seeks independence and I hope it goes well fot you lot :)

Any other cool stuff about this new country?

Spain doesn't have the balls for a war. The only reason there was a civil war in the first place was because of Germany helping out Franco. Spain has never ever won a war by itself.

please let it be just photoshop...

So lets say Catalonia gets independence. Does this mean they would annex Andorra?

Knew it. Soro types want weak small states that are prone to collapse and regional fighting because they are easy to control and export by stateless international types

It's better to be a Muslim than a nigger. Worst combination is if you are both.

It's worse

So why would they not break up Germany? That should be their number one target. Why did Soros shit his pants over Brexit and flip out when Scotland tried to leave the UK? If he wants smaller states then he should have supported Brexit and Scotland leaving UK.

por tu

>Any other cool stuff about this new country?
Catalonia has for centuries fought hard to preserve its culture, language and heritage, despite constant attempts of Spain to try and delude it. Castilians have tiny dicks so they can't handle others having a different culture, they've forever tried to opress all different cultures in Spain other than their own (which is little more than torturing and prepping bulls).

Check out this map from 1852. It shows the "uniform" spain, an the "assimilated" spain, which corresponds to the former kingdom of Aragón, which was annexed after the war of 1714. Spain tried to assimilate the former kingdom of Aragón, and succeeded to some degree, because Valencia and Aragón (the present-day autonomous community) have been pretty much assimilated. Only the core of what was the kingdom of Aragón, which is present-day Catalonia, has managed to resist the castilian opressors.

The worst overall is just Sub-Saharan purebreeds.

Truly a separate subspecies.

Catalonia being leftist is a meme though, a lie repeated by spaniards because that's the best they've got. Look up who win the elections here, we've had only 2 left wing goverments out of 11.

Catalans want to be on their own while spaniards want to be with Catalonia, this alone should tell you everything.


Most Catalans support a referendum but polls show that a minority actually support independence, AFAIK.

Funny that Catalan offices were being stormed by police fearful that they may be printing voting ballots, just at the same time as Juncker was giving his EU address about Europe being free and democratic and against oppression etc.

Does Catalonia have a big Sikh population?

>polls show that a minority actually support independence, AFAIK.
hard to know, some polls say a majority is for, some say against. Keep in mind this can vary greatly these days as a reaction to spanish opression like we're seeing.

White Spaniards stopping niggery nogs from CataExit. Hope they use every bit of force needed.

The world war begins in Spain again.

Shouldnt have sided with the commies bud.

Lol who cares about the balkans.

Make Aragón great again catalonianon
I believe in your glorious war against the soft cock castilian fascistas

Start with the ones at the congress Faggot. Fuck off, I am Catalan and Spanish, but those fear mongering tactics have the opposite effect here. I will go and vote no, but I will vote because I refuse to acknowledge those traitors.

>tfw this referendum will finally start a war in europe that isn't russia sperging out or islamic terrorists
i hope this will be a domino effect

Everybody, apparently. They'll never leave us alone.

I've been coverted to the truth on Catalonia by the other user. I'm with you now m80.


Why through?
Your country's already plagued by crippling unemployment, i don't see how you leaving Spain will fix it

Yeah, it's not like i hate any of them if they stay in Africa, but European countries aren't their homeland. Slavery guilt doesn't works on me, since we never ran slavery. To be honest, elites don't care about Africans or Europeans, they just exploiting both. Spanish king also doesn't cares about Spanish people, they betrayed people long time ago.

Posting pics of shitskins with catalan flags is the best spanishcucks can do lol.

Yeah we did some Catalonia generals in the past but they always got raided by butthurt spaniards spamming the threads with trash. Thanks tho.
i think spanish army must act NOW
jesus fucking christ this muslimshits destroy e...

>this is your brain on cuck brainwashing

>Catalan government officials arrested amid referendum row
>Officers raid Catalan government buildings in Barcelona in run-up to banned independence vote

Why can't Spain into politics? As soon as they can't handle a political issue they throw a tantrum like a little baby. It's pretty sad actually.

Sorry spaincucks, this time you won't have your buddy Hitler to send in his warplanes to make up for your best military leader being a literal C U C K.


why is Madrid so insecure ?

None sided with the commies, you're just repeating lies.

Spain is really angry at Catalan for calling htis referendum again

Catalan is really angry at Spain for not letting it have this referendum

lots of beef on both sides
govt is acting fairly fashy to retain its national sovereignty, international community is being it's usual "peoples should have self-determination"
and the referendum will stand in international eyes, as legal, but probably not in Spanish eyes,
therefore or the EU will come in as arbitrator but Juncker has said he favours Catalan independence, so Spain can seek no aod from the EU on the matter.

It would also provide a legal precedent for a regional accession within an EU state, therefore other EU states with secessionist regions would be under the same threat.

muy importante amigos!

>people hiding ballot boxes to disrupt vote
>media coverage is sparse
>state acting against independence media in Catalan
>Catalan used QUANTUM cryptography for a press conference, aims to be a futurist state, particularly with cryptography, to defend itself against the Spanish state (and others)

Gather round people and let's have this moorish rapebaby tell us the yarn of how "Spain is the oldest nation in all of the world" (Rajoy dixit).

be careful
last time they brought moors to rape and murder the local population cause spain can't fight a war on their own

tiny moorish dicks

Assange also weighing in on the issue


Spain is scared because they know if anyone should ever be asked if he wants to be part of this shithole they'd vote NO.
No region has ever been annexed to Spain peacefully, it has always been through violence. Goes to show what a terrible country this is, that noone wants to be part of it voluntarily.

I prefer Bosnians any day before African Christians. Not that i want any of them, just stating the facts. Bosnians are similar to Serbians anyway.


>unironically siding with the Comintern and its lackeys.

Franco should have purged all of you bastards.

I hope it all goes well in the end mate

The spread of islam in Catalonia is the result of the ethnic replacement of catalans done by the spanish goverment in order to make catalans a minority in Catalonia so we never win an independence referendum. Now they settle here most thirdworlders but in the sixties Franco did the same bringing millions of spanish immigrants to Catalonia.
Independence is the only way to stop the shitskin invasion because we will have finally control of the borders and immigration.


stfu gypsy your people are scum

Of course need to stop this shit, stop the catalan tratiors.

Borders closed = happy ending.

Nice to hear, thanks.

Because Spain is a death weight for Catalonia. This has been happening for centuries.

This. Franco and the successive govts tried to delude the catalan essence. What happened? Those people actually learned the superiority of Catalonia and decided to assimilate. Many of the people favoring independence are the sons of Andalusians and Extremadurians who migrated to Catalonia in the 40's and 50's.

are you muslim?Its that you in the video?
I never met anyone to say I WOULD RATHER BE MUSLIM THEN...

That's fucking hilarious.

Well, in the end, banks either forgive the insurmountable debts or they're forced to. I mean, aig is too big to fail. Imagine a fucking nation. It's what Trump said about owing the bank 100mil except it's trillions.


kek, come back with something better you moor rape baby. You have no idea how much I enjoy seeing your country getting raped by the gippo hordes. Next time you take a stroll through your shitty overpopulated city, make sure to pay your brown overseers their honorary tribute, it will only make my GDP grow stronger.

Now, run away and scream for your imaginary independence, it will definitely work this time!

Any chances for an actual happening?

This is no
>muh nationalism winning against globalism
>yeah fuck yurop 1488
>muh democracy, let them vote!1!!

What most outside of Spain fail to realise is that this 'Catalan Independencia' shit is a staged play for useful idiots to sustain both corrupt governments in Madrid and in Catalonia.

Pro tip from a spanish iurist: nothing will happen on 1/10.
Some tensions, no voting, 'muh victim complex', some detentions, 'muh oppression' and off they will go to cash in some more votes on the next elections.

> A meme
> has always been the communists center of operations
> Even today they are all pro refugee and anti tourism

>Independence is the only way to stop the shitskin invasion because we will have finally control of the borders and immigration
You'll need to leave the EU for that lad, are you ready to go all the way?

1st October*