This shit wasn't that bad at all. For all the meme-ing you guys did saying that this "was destroying anime...

This shit wasn't that bad at all. For all the meme-ing you guys did saying that this "was destroying anime," I went in thinking this would be some despicable abomination, heralding the flood of normalfags into the medium. And, when I actually finished watching it, I was left with a "meh" feeling— not great but not outright terrible by any means.

If I were to rate it, I'd give it a 6.5/10 with 5 being average.

Thanks for sharing your opinion user, enjoy the rest of your day.

Thanks for sharing your opinion user, enjoy the rest of your day.

I think this is a very polite thread and because of that I enjoy it thoroughly.

Thanks for creating a safe environment to post in, OP.

Thanks for sharing your opinion user, enjoy the rest of your day.

Thanks for sharing your opinion user, enjoy the rest of your day.

I like Nonon

You're welcome guys. Thanks for posting your positive feedback.

I like Nonon, Nui, Sanageyama and Mako

Thanks for sharing your opinion user, enjoy the rest of your day

Thanks for sharing your opinion user, enjoy the rest of your day.

And this thread just proves why is and will always be the most pathetic board on all and any chan, you worthless faggots can (Not) present any actual counter-argument when presented with a argument. Come on mods ban me again for breaking your circlejerking like you did last time, worthless fat fucking faggots.

I want to fuck Ryuko

Please user,
There's no need to be rude.

Let's all calm down and enjoy our time together okay?

I'm not that proxyfag but what argument did you present? You just posted a review. Sup Forums isn't your blog and no one cares about your opinion. Go to mal if you want to write a review.

no one gives a fuck about this show or your opinion enough to validate or refute it, go to sleep faggot

Get in line

I'm the OP here. Don't listen to that angry user. I enjoy all of your guys' input into my thread. Thanks.

Kill la Kill is the pinnacle of Japanese animation. You guys are just pathetic waifufags that can't recognise the inherent artistic value of this masterpiece.

Fucking plebs.