How do i refute this

My mates keep making this arguement when I tell them America has the right to deport ILLEGAL immigrants.
How do I counter this?
Theyre not redpilled so please modest language.
Also im European.

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How did uncontrolled immigration of another culture end up for the natives?

If all else fails, remind him that most of them were a bunch of warring tribes who got taken over by another tribe that was better at the same game. Most bluepilled normies believe in the noble savage myth and if they're really bluepilled you can tell them that that's racist.

I wonder how the remaining Native Americans feel about being used as a "Gotcha!" by the obviously white lefties who make these image macros.

Immigration is different from conquest. One is entering a country due to its kindness and its virtues, other is defeating it to acquire the virtues.
its pretty much asking why stealing and robbery are seen as different things.

your mates have obviously never heard of conquest


Get better mates? They sound like pathetic losers.

Moreover, bringing up natives as an anti-hard borders case is retarded.
Europeans defeated them. logically we wouldn't want the same for ourselves. Being replaced never works out well.

Tell them that the indians are a bunch of drunk inbred retarded savages living on gibs and we should've killed them all.

& also, the natives WERE against immigration- evidenced by war

>the Tribes sold their land
>lost it when they chimped out and got rekt
>never used it

The indians weren't the first there either.

The natives sold their land for beads and shit then started getting uppity when colonists didn't keep giving them beads and shit. They can get fucked.

No because i do not choose my friends based on politics :^)

History serves as a reminder of past victories and defeats. It's also a lesson for the future generations. You should try to recreate the conditions to victories and avoid the ones that caused the defeat.

Relatively open stance of American Injuns to European migration caused mostly by their lack of functional government and primitive organisation caused their downfall - even if they wanted to stop it, they would have no way to muster enough manpower to do it, since cooperation between different tribes was very local at best. From once prosperous(if backwards) communities to bunch of alcoholics and junkies living on government's(built and controlled by newcomers!) pittance - that's how they ended up like.. Why would you repeat their mistake, especially, as with the current governments and political systems around the world, stopping migration is a matter of will since all the resources required to do so are at hand.

My grandfather was half black foot tell them they must understand history or human nature but you can't hold onto land in this world unless you can defend against invaders it is inevitable. The people that are here now will hold this land until they let the kikes fuck them out of it or get conquered to give it up. Inviting people to destroy your culture and civilization is purely fucking retarded like your moronic ass. I will fight with the whites to protect this land and so will all native peoples because they won't enjoy the same rights with their own private nations when Tyrone and Jose overrun it.

Conquest is not immigration.
Nomads own no lands
Get fucked, primitive.

>Also im European.
The fact that you use a meme flag (and the E-Jew one at that) and then add "I'm european" tells anyone with an IQ all they need to know. Sage and filter.

>How do I counter this?
I was conceived and born in America...just like the Native Americans.

the first settlers of the americas were of european descent if we are going to argue with stupid points

this. just say the native american is a perfect example as to why immigration fails.

The natives did not have a nation state and were largely decimated before we got here. They also attacked each other often and were no angels. Finally, there large swaths of land totally uninhabited. Fuck off with the indian meme

ai, caramba. good gringo. 14 heartbreaking photos that will make you say "fuck having borders and law and shit"

There are a few reasons that's bullshit. First being that the native Americans came to this continent from asia. They have no more right to be here than everyone else who came.

The reason why whites have more of a right to the land than those other groups is because unlike them, whites built a huge, powerful country. Before, it was just bare-assed natives raping and killing eachother over fucking seashells, living in thatch roof huts and worshipping animals.

so this is an argument....against mass immigration?

easy. the Indians should have built a wall. are they really suggesting that it's great to see your culture destroyed the way that whites did to Indians? how suicidal are they? !

It is theorized that man came from the Middle East.

Therefore the Indians were immigrants too.

Also, what happened to the Indians is a case study in why we shouldn't blindly accept foreign immigrants, as they tend to want to rape and kill us into irrelevancy.

''The fool learns on his mistakes, the smart man - others''

Don't bother arguing someone who doesn't know the difference between illegal and legal immigration.

Anyone who uses that native American meme has already consumed all of the talking points of comedy shows/MSM.

The world is much different then it was post 1700s, land isn't "conquered" like it was in the past, we have laws and rules, civilization to hold up.

As well as the same SJWs crying for 15$ an hour & unchecked illegal immigration and free healthcare for everyone doesn't realize how terrible of a plan it all is. The media shilling so hard for those 3 things are trying hard to escalate tensions between people who have brains and people who can't think for themselves.

How does illegal immigration benefit Native Americans TODAY? If anything, it means more competition for their social welfare money.

It also uses two moral arguments - collective guilt (the "nation" is timeless and accumulates sins over time) and blood-guilt (the people of the nation are guilty for the "sins" of the nation's past). But those are fundamentally religious arguments. What if you don't share that religion?

I've only known one injun and he got my best friends mom hooked on smack

Show them this:

Might is right. America became European land by right of conquest.

If the native Americans were strong enough to repel the European invaders they would have - they tried. The only difference is that they failed.

If Mexico can conquer the USA, then they have the right to move north with no borders or immigration control. If not, then they need to follow the law of the land - America's land.

Read Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War

Many tribes welcomed whites with open arms because whites were more technologically advanced and thus made good trading partners. They had plenty of opportunity to drive whites out but chose not to until whites became more powerful than themselves at which point they felt threatened and attacked.

In fact almost every "genocide" that whites took part in was in all actuality just whites, most of which born in the Americas, fighting back in wars that the native Americans started.

eat shit kike shill

We're not a nation of immigrants, we're a nation of conquerors. Our ancestors didn't come here to sing songs and smoke the peace pipe, we came to plant flags and crack skulls. And there is absolutely no shame in that.

What am I looking at here?

You dont counter it. You acknowledge it as a truth and move on. If it was false you would be welcoming your new minority majority and accepting their future domination as natural.

The Americas were taken through conquest. That means they were conquerors, not immigrants. It's as simple as that. And then if they give you some bullshit excuse about how the conquered land should be given back, just point out the numerous wars that have been fought on every continent by every group of people. In particular, you could bring up: "well if the US should give back land to the natives, then North Africa and the Middle East should be given back to the Christians." It's just the way things are. Some peoples get conquered and wiped out; others thrive. It's impossible to bring justice to every wrong that has been committed over the millennia.

The American Indians also had the right to deport illegal immigrants. Unfortunately they did a rather poor job of it.

Show them this pic

We didn't immigrate, we conquered.

1. white europeans were here first, but got killed/bred out of existence (solutrean etc.)
2. indians didnt believe in property rights, whoever inhabits a piece of land can use said land
3. europeans settled legally, no subversion or hopping fences required
4. land was paid/exhanged/treatied for
5. wars have consequences, we had bona fide military engagements with indians
immigrants state they are civilians, therefore are given notice to leave as civilians.
if they want to say they are a military power declaring war, we can treat them as such and have a bona fide battle.

i could continue, but that's a start

If you're going to say that, then I think it would be important to also note that everyone else was planting flags and cracking skulls too.
If you don't, their mind only registers "whitey are ebul murderer"

>Conquest =/= Immigration

Indian country had no borders and look what happened

With a bison picture with equally asinine text.

It's been proven that Natives OWNED slaves. So first off, they're not perfect.

Then Aztecs and shit tried to kill them before Europeans ever did.

As for the immigration thing, you have a right to a land you take over. It's not Europe's fault the Natives were weak ass bitches

Native anericans didnt have an immigration policy and they had no real stake on the land. Saying the natives were forced out unjustly is like saying it's bad to kick a squatter out of a vacant lot.

Never confuse immigrants with conquerors

This is historically inaccurate anyways. The French, Dutch, Spanish and English were all different factions with their own interest that competed against one another. Native tribes weren't united and war between tribes was common. Tribes demanded tributes, gifts, and bribes for alliances with the British and French. They all had different self interest when it came to dealing with colonialism.

Natives lost America primarily due to the biological warfare as Europeans lived in close proximity with their filthy animals and natives did not and were not resistant to certain pathogens. Once a significant number of natives had died from disease and war between the british or French their dwindling numbers and technological inferiority is what made them die out once the British had kicked the French out of the Midwest they told the natives to go fuck themselves no more tribute.



That was not immigration.

That was a military conquest.

Dont bother fellow eubro they dont understand law only leftwing morality (assuming youre NW European too)

Just tell him that, yes, most americans are indeed the descendants of illegal immigrants.

The "government" under which such immigration happened didn't take actions early enough and strongly enough to prevent it.

The reason WHY it didn't act are irrelevant here, even if we know it was because it COULDN'T : how a bunch stone-age tribes with no central authority were going to organize on a continent-level against migrants ?

But the result of inaction is visible : its people were nearly wipped off while the immigrants created their own new government.

Said new government initially excluded the natives on the ground they were savages, pagans, barely humans and whatnot.
Not a problem for the old government, as it didn't recognize the new government as lawful so the natives not having a say in it wasn't an issue.

But then the new government waged an active conquest and genocide policy against the old government (the tribes) until total victory, giving that new government effective control of the land and its inhabitants, both legally and de facto.

When the natives were then included as citizens, it didn't matter because the natives were too few to have any meaningful influence on domestic politics.

So yeah, americans are illegal residents according to the laws of a government that has now been dead for more than a century.
They SHOULD have been deported back then... but the weakness of the natives allowed the migrants to staid.
And it spelled the doom of the natives.

Reminds me of how the Chinks claim everything is a fucking delicacy.
Pic.related on Amerindian "natives".

Watch the video.

You guys keep saying "this is why immigration fails" but at the same time you dont call it immigration but "conquest".
Which one is it???

we didn't immigrate, we conquored

>It's been proven that Natives OWNED slaves.

Hilarious reaction from a famous nig who thought it was only white people that owned slaves.

It's the same.

It's called immigrations when the new people are a minority and weak and disorganized and actually looking for a home and a better life and are ready to do any kind of work to build said life.

It's called conquest once these same people feel that the land is now rightfully their own and that they should govern it and that if you don't agree then fuck you and your laws and culture because it's not your country anymore.

It feels me with bliss

It's not an argument it's just a dumb statement.
Who did the Indians kick out before the settlers came?
Were they a unified nation before the settlers?
Did they all speak the same language?

Its a poor argument and mostly just an emotional appeal. In any case, there was an indian chief that was uniting the tribes but he died due to disease i think so the tribes went back to fighting each other as usual. So they might have been able to keep europeans out of US area for some time but may have just been delaying the inevitable.
tl;dr Native Americans serve as a warning of unite or die.

Europe is fucked. At your or there while you can

I love autocorrect. Get out of there while you can*

Stay mad natinuggers

Just show them the 11/16 issue of Scientific American showing C14 proof that Europeans were in the Americas a minimum of 10,000 years before Clovis Man, that the Mongoloids would have all been eaten by mastodons had the white men not taught the bugmen how to nap flint and absorbed them into their tribes.

Make no mistake, this is not only the white man's nation, this is the white man's landmass.

We'll absorb no more.

Why do your friends and you, as continental European leftist (as evidence by your flag, give a shit about woowoos?
Do you also believe the nobell red savage live peacefully with all the spirits of the forest and painted with all the colors of the wind too? That's racist

ask them what the fuck they see in colonialism as a pro-immigration argument

>. Inviting people to destroy your culture and civilization is purely fucking retarded like your moronic ass. I will fight with the whites to protect this land and so will all native peoples because they won't enjoy the same rights with their own private nations when Tyrone and Jose overrun it.


Traditional jerky making, note the burnt hickory logs and dried herbs the Sioux jerky-lord had used in the smoking hut to add flavor


We manifested our destiny all over their land, the only question is are we done manifesting? canadia looks like it needs to be "liberated"

Point out that this meme inadvertently argues that mass illegal immigration will lead to the near extinction of those who already live there through disease and violence, so why is he arguing in favor of disease and violence for all his friends, family and neighbors.

American indians have full access to America. Also, there were almost none of them left by the time euros showed up. 10 people don't get to claim an entire country.


Well, Canada is already just an extension of the USA, what with most of its population living along the US border.

There's barely 30 millions of Canadians compared to 320 millions Americans. Even if only 1% of Americans emigrated to Canada, they would start a huge shift in both demographics and culture.

So yeah, the logical next step for americans would be to move further North and populate the vast empty space.

the native Americans got owned and lost their land. Lucky we give them anything the punk bitches

They can try.
As long as they can keep the other thousands of people in check, that land is theirs.

Remind them that not caring about immigration, law enforcement, and national borders didn't work out so hot in this exact case.

When you make me....

NA was a fertile land that could easily withstand countless lives, but a few tribes every hundred or so miles apart who do not optimize the land should be allowed to keep it?

Illegal immigration isn't optimizing anything, but rather forcing the locals living there to pay large sums for them to overflow the cup of the US. Mexicans have a 70% welfare usage, whereas legal EU citizens are around 20%, so to say that theyre coming here and making a positive impact is nonsense.

The USA was created by white migrants (mostly brits) over spanish, british and french land with german and other european migrants. The (((natives))), which were asian migrants as some point aswell, built no nation. The USA is no related to ´em, it just happened that they were wandering there when americans built the most advanced nation nowadays, in bad and good ways (SJWs/Science)

>comment about transaction

So the problem isn't immigration but welfare.
Less welfare would mean less immigration, which make every american happy :

- The xenophobic patriots would like the fact that there's less foreigners coming to take their jobs.

- The libertarians and anarcho-capitalists would love that their sweat isn't stolen and used for some state-controlled redistribution program.

- the liberals would love a chance to prove that, for once, blacks and other minorities can indeed matter and stand for themselves.

Well, the last one might be wrong but still...

So, you are telling me that, hem... Western countres will know the fate of Amerindians if nothing is done against mass immigration?

Do you think Whites will have reservations and be exempt from taxes?

Why would you need to? It makes your point.

Unfettered immigration will eventually overwhelm the local population and swamp whatever culture is there.

Go look for the native Americans - they've been wiped out or relegated to poor land in an out-of-the-way place.

That is what happens.

>the germ hadn't been discovered yet
>biological warfare
Why not just say chemical warfare because the superior whites used gunpowder instead of bows and arrows?

The only answer you ever need is Manifest Destiny

>how do I refute this?
conquest is not immigration

Europeans didn't immigrate to established societies. They settled America. They established the societies. The population density of North America before Europeans arrived was ridiculously low. It was basically empty. Additionally, the argument about Indians being there first is flawed, since there certainly were numerous waves of people arriving in America, so it'd be impossible to say who came first. The only thing we know for certain is that Europeans established USA, so Europeans have the right to USA.

Nowadays invasion and settlement is not seen as moral anyways so this is a just stupid case of linear time. However it is slightly too late to change anything so yeah... what is their point?

They should have had clearly defined borders and a strong immigration policy

Ask them to cite you the law that was broken by American settlers.

Eventually they will have to admit there was no law because there was no gevernment because there was no nation, only tribes without laws.

If there is no law, then by definition the law cannot be broken.

>something happened to Indians
>we need to flood Europe with niggers
Libshits btfo

>How did uncontrolled immigration of another culture end up for the natives?

Pretty good. They got horses, rifles, pickup trucks, casinos.


Indians were really black...