Sup Forums, what gives you the right to tell someone who they should love?

Sup Forums, what gives you the right to tell someone who they should love?

and why does Sup Forums have an autistic fit over white females with black males. But not with white males with any other race?

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>why does Sup Forums have an autistic fit over white females with black males. But not with white males with any other race?

because of hypocrisy
jesus christ is this your first day?

>what gives you the right to tell someone who they should love?
the fact that i'm the king.
now fuck off.

>Sup Forums, what gives you the right to tell someone who they should love?
The right to free speech.

>Sup Forums, what gives you the right to tell someone who they should love?
why do you let an irrational feeling rule your life? dont you know how violent niggers are? naturally we dont want the women of our race to get fucked by some nigger, impregnated and left behind so the only thing she can do is go on welfare. thats not acceptable. why cant you see that?

someone send these girls some memes plz

and post results!

Because when you love fucking people in the ass it doesn't create white children and instead creates AIDS. That hurts society and that's why I have a problem.



Good luck raising a baby without a father and that doesn't look like you at all and being a destructive degenerate

There is nothing wrong with white girls dating black men

Moral relativism

I can't wait to see pictures of them again in like 5 years

Daily reminder that people who seek out sexual partners solely on skin color are actually broken in the head.

Oh, and,

Burn the coal, pay the toll.

race mixers should be shot no matter the race

Exactly. Date blacks if you want but there is, ALWAYS, a toll.

Because unlike coal-burning, bleaching doesn't end in single moms and broken bones 9/10 times

Yea, most men of any ethnicity, prefer white women.

Those signs won't have aged well when they can't find a white guy who will pick them up for a second date after finding out their kids are niglets.

In 4 years they will be posting about why they can't even get a beta to raise their black kid. Four years after that they will regret this when they realize their kid will have to live with niggers.

Because nigs are dirty, STD ridden, and they live a sub human, degenerate life. Why would I want any white sister subjugated to that? If I saw my child walking into the road, I would yell/try to stop them because of the coming danger they don't see. And for the record, I'm sure many like myself are disgusted by white males with black females too. I have friends who date blacks, and I tell them every day that they are pathetic for not having a white girlfriend...because they are. If a white man needs to lower himself to fucking a negress then its because he can't get a much better looking white girl. Even fucking a fat white bitch is better than any form of nig.

>Sup Forums, what gives you the right to tell someone who they should love?
Ask the Jews that push this degeneracy.

rly makes me go hmm

Lies, Asians are better.

because if your race's males are fucking every other race's females, that's evolutionary success

And there's nothing wrong with disowning women that have dated black men.
I shouldn't have to pay taxes to clean up after them.

they can love whomever they want. they should just take responsibility and deal with the consequences.

getting fucked by 20 niggers and then requesting some white guy to marry her to raise the 3 bastard niglets is not a valid plan.

if women do away with the welfare state that robs hard working white men to finance the degeneracy of race mixing whore I'm not going to say anything if someone decides to race mix. but for now I'm all against it because in the end I have to pay the bill.


Women willing to racemix are women who hate their families, their origins. They are mentally unstable, plenty of daddy issues, and are better kept away no matter how hot their diminishing goods are

i only date asian broads because well eventually YT is going to have to choose a side to mix into, and niggers don't have a future. asians, on the other hand, have unparalleled capacity for cruelty.

>Sup Forums is one person

we will deal with them soon.

One can look at this and take solace Rusty this will end in certain eventualities for these women.
They will, at some point, be horribly beaten, possibly murdered.
They will be single mothers.
These are facts.

i hope asians keep me as a slave to work in extermination camps for the lesser races. maybe I will be allowed to die a natural death as compensations for the atrocities I'm going to commit in the name of asian supremacy.

Because pol hates women.

I don't remember having an autistic fit over white females with black males, considering black males get useless skanks and fat bitches.

By all means, be the garbage men of the white race, mix your black genes with white genes and we'll probably get some halfies that are somewhat fit and smart enough not to go to prison.

we know their nature

These things have a tendency to self-correct.

if white broads get to rub niggers in our faces, we get to rub asians in their faces.

a little long term thinking doesn't hurt, but then if they could think long term, they wouldn't be burning coal. fuck em, let the niggers have em. my yellow descendants will exterminate their brown descendants.

Once you got shitted we don't want you back.

Beat these roasties black.

All the subsidies women take that we pay for.

nigs throw the pussy out to desperate beta males, that's why this happens.


Girls who craves BBC is the ultimate normie filter for guys everywhere

i like you. reminder than japs, chinks, and south koreans are the only acceptable options.

Good post.

Her mom is part black. Löl.

Christianity is incompatible with White Nationalism.

north koreans are best koreans. gods among men.

You can tell by that flat nose.

White males with asian females are regularly trash

You sound like someone who'll end up very lonely

you sound like someone who fucks niggers

Because i don't want world to become one blant brown color wide world, killing all the wide beautiful diversity in this earth.

Yeah bleaches the hair and uses blue contacts. Everything in porn is so fake.

>implying asians will let yellow fever trash survive
If you had to run from your own race as a man you arent contributing good genetics

Only women that run from the white race have an argument worth listening to

white burger females who call white men with asian females trash are usually fat bitches who can't compete with real petite feminine females.

>capable of loving anyone other than themselves

It's just an opinion. Not gonna kill you retards bc you don't agree.

>Only women that run from the white race have an argument worth listening to
Hi John.

You will be exterminated too pale nigger

If youre lucky, your pigroasting wife/offspring will be allowed to survive

it's more of a won't, combined with lazy entitlement.

>right to tell
the 1st amendment

how do you manage to reach the keyboard with your fat belly in the way?

My dude its Sup Forums IT ALWAYS HAVE RIGHT

>not want a race of qt happa womunz

because black males are inferior violent scum.

Toll paid.

Running away from your responsibilities as a man to a different race with a fetish for you is cowardice

Im a roastie male half asian youtuber apparentlly because you losers are so afraid of the truth that you resort to ad hominem

If you racemix with asian women it says more about how much you lack as a white man than it does about your success as a breeder

Sterilize yourselves at least so your parasite mentality does not continue

no it gets worse. she didn't just burn coal, she mined for it.

at least the first toll installment

So I had to move to a small town for my job. Started noticing something strange. The town had like 3000 people only like 3 black males that I ever saw but when I pick up my kids from school I noticed at least 50% of the kid were black and about 75% of the mothers single. Started talking to one of the moms. apparently they get the highest welfare pay out if their kids are colored. They all treat me like a god I am literally the only dad in my kids class that is not divorced. Theses dumb cunts get pissed when I don't pay them no attention. fuck them they all get theirs in the end. fuck all you lazy ass cunts.

>Not wanting a race of degenerate racemixing fetish couples
Stop being superficial

What part of her is black exactly? The suntan?

alphas get white women but we need to steer the hopeless betas towards asians over niggers.

When you drill that deep for coal, dont be surprised when the mine collapses on you

well she's cuter than mulattos ever are. i'm 1488 though so it doesn't matter to me.

yeah i doubt you're asian and if you're a roastie, you *can't* be male.. unless your asshole is BTFO from getting fucked by gay nigger cock.

my money says you're a fat hwite angry bitch who loves her some nigger cock and has a halfie kid and you're rationalizing your lot in life because modern civilization won't let you drop the halflet off a cliff to redeem yourself.

>Sup Forums, what gives you the right to tell someone who they should love?

Burn the coal pay the toll is a warning, not a command.

don't take it so hard. you're just a genetic mistake comited in a time where people shortly believed the "one world one people" meme. you mixlings have a limited half life. enjoy your time while it lasts. because the next big race purge is coming.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

No you need to steer them towards wizardry you retard

You need smart spiritual leaders to replace jews

If all your wizards racemix with slants, jews will always rule whites spiritually



Shes a lucky byproduct of bad choices

Shes still a pornwhore

>ad hominem on Sup Forums

Just dont be a parasite and chase after yellow fever like a closet pedophile

the white race is going to go extinct. it's that neanderthal extinction gene that prevents us from banding together to save our species.

but since we're going out anyway, let's do it with a bang, and mix into the azn and watch up from hell as our descendants toss the niggers and jews into ovens.

Cause white males are super race. We started and ended the holocaust, made American great again, and invented everything except peanut butter

You sound beyond delusional

Awesome pic for triggering /pol

i like my women with curves and tits and plenty of azn have that

How about no.
Do we chimp out when white woman goes for Nipp?
No we fucking dont, they are bro tier.

But degrading out genes down to stone age is fucking nightmare

>White race is extinct anyway
>Lets run away and chase little asian women like closet pedophiles that are pathetic disappointments
Thats why youre going extinct

i don't chase no bitch. they chase me.
you've never dealt with a real alpha chad before or you'd know this.

As if you'll marry one of those

Just dont have kids because you seem like a nigtier father

The one on the left isn't white. The one on the right looks like a tranny.

They are just attention seeking whores. That's why Sup Forums has a problem. These bitches will end up being battered single mothers and put up pics to get sympathy.

A nip that earns a quality white woman has climbed the tallest mountain known to man and deserves respect. Theres probably more of them that have climbed mt fuji than have entered a blonde vagina

Pick one.

According to some Sup Forumstard scholars Im a moorish barbosa.
Am I nigger enough to score an american Stacy? Im referring to the 18 yr old midwestern blonde types with the pale bikini marks on their golden divine shiny asses? The ones that squirt hard to foreigners.

I can be more alpha than mexicans if thats what it takes.