Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Is that grammatically correct? Shouldn't it be 乳房を足が or something?
what is this, the nba
what if you just follow along with japanese subtitles and english subtitles?
I've been watching at a rate of ~1 and a half hours per episode from reading a japanese transcript, unpausing, listening to what I just read and then pausing again, repeat
>reading a japanese transcript
looks good here, im not gonna stop you
the rest is your own tedium, so knock yourself out
yeah, there shouldn't be two を in one clause
I'm more confused as to what is physically going on though, is one foot in her mouth and the other stepping on her chest?
Ding ding ding.
I'll be well on my way to learning japanese then!!
why do you even need the english subs in this case
ってか今 夜中じゃん
because I'm still learning grammar and not very good
consider it training wheels
彼は日本語についてギットグッドすべき なっははは (爆笑)
アイム芸 (爆笑)
Sounds like a chore
Why don't you just stick with reading until you can confortably read Jsubs without pausing and looking dictionaries as much?
because it's really not much different from reading in general and because this is also the kind of content I want to consume right now
another reason is because looking up words is not a problem since I'm parsing through with rikaisama and exporting new vocabulary I encounter to anki
it may sound a little tedious, but I get a little bit of everything this way
I think it's a very balanced way to learn and as I stick with it, it will get much easier and quicker.
You don't have to justify yourself to manchildren.
Do whatever the fucks for you and don't look back.
maybe justifying himself to manchildren is whatever the fucks for him dude get off ya soap box mutha fucka
Holy shit my stats today are crazy
How do you study that many cards that quick jeez
Thanks to the guy that recommended that one Kenkyuusha dictionary for Rikai or what's it called, really helping me understand the words' nuances
Dunno just years of doing anki has trained me to speed through it I guess
how do you get retention like that? did you do RTK?
I'm always at ~65% retention
i just smoke alot of pole honestly
My retentions usually terrible, until a few months back my mature percentage was like 75%, but I reduced my new card amount down loads and now it's 87% and climbing
I did a kanjidamage deck before but it didn't really help that much, the only thing I try to do now is read as much as possible
タイム トゥ DIE
can you make joke names or obviously made up names in jap like sharon semen or kirsty mangold
You can do whatever you want user
Some days ago someone posted a picture of a student roster with names like 星の王女 and Raion Kingu
Am I the only one who fucking hates Anki? Not because of SRS or reps or anything, but because it's an incredibly poorly put together program?
Literally all it has to do is record a couple of bytes of info and show me some text. And yet, multiple times a day, it'll chug along and freeze every time I hit show answer for 5+ seconds, wasting my fucking time.
Never happened to me, it's just you. Get a better PC.
whats wrong with that, maybe they wanted their kid to be able to handle a scrap or two, let the public education system give them a proper beating, teaching staff included
i'm like 130% sure that's fake
kira kira names are a thing
愛猫 きてぃ Is the best one
yes for example crusher tanabe
クソボケが 、アホクソボケカスが。
I'm trying to help a Japanese guy with his english for a presentation but he's explaining it in Japanese and my nip is babby level. I'm not too sure how to phrase it despite understanding all the words, any ideas for how it should be translated to sound natural?
He translated it himself but the english isn't clear ('To grab a microphone like this and speak something in front of you was since I went to Karaoke in Japan').
Sure it isn't just your Japanese homework?
What sort of Japanese homework would come with an awkward engrish translation along with it?
He's either saying it's his first time talking in front of people ever since doing some Karaoke, or he's just mentioning he's talked in front of other people before when doing Karaoke.
I don't know, just ask him which of these two he means.
>already done with reps
todays a good day
>Not doing them as soon as you wake up everyday
good jerb i mean terker jerbs
The new vocab I continue to come across after all this time amazes me
ichinichi nihonjin ni naritai
I have a stupid question, I hope someone will help my stupid ass to understand.
Okay so ございました is the past, but I'm pretty sure I heard someone saying おはよう ございました or ありがとう ございました
That wouldn't make any sense right?
A hotel employee said something like that in the morning.
I didn't know any Japanese back then, other than what anime taught me at least, so I assumed it was just more polite than ございます I learned that it is actually the past form a day ago.
It doesn't seem like it makes much sense in those forms, because they're more or less just set expressions, but if you see what they're based off of it makes more sense
For example ありがとう is from 有り難い, which just means "grateful", so more literally ありがとうございました just means "I was grateful (that you just did whatever for me (and I'm now expressing that gratitude))"
I don't think Japanese past form necessarily has connotations of "the past" either, it just indicates that something has happened, so it might sound weirder if you think of it from a more English idea that it was in the past, rather than the Japanese idea that it's simply been done
>after all this time
if that's new to you I doubt this was very long
Probably at least 2 and a half years of solid reading by now
I'd imagine what words you encounter depends a lot more on what you happen to read rather than the amount of time spent doing so, like I'm sure there are plenty of words you haven't seen that other people happaned to encounter early on
Have to agree with this guy unfortunately
Which Anki are you using?
>it'll chug along and freeze every time I hit show answer for 5+ seconds
That's abnormal.
If you have to explain such a basic fact to him, there's a good chance he doesn't have the brains to understand it.
た isn't past, it's telic,
Is there a version of Tae Kim's guide in full romanji? If it's aimed for beginners it's really retarded that he uses kanas, let alone kanjis. Practically the only people who can use the guide like this are people who quit learning after a few years and learning kanas, and then restarted from zero.
Tae Kim tells you to learn the kana before reading the rest of the guide. Why do you want to do things out of order?
He's shitposting
So why are you amazed?
It makes zero sense to start grinding boring shit for weeks before you're at least intermediate level. Makes me want to just quit learning the language. You're supposed to grab the learner's attention with something interesting first.
It's like saying that you should read a dictionary cover to cover before starting to learn English grammar.
>Makes me want to just quit learning the language
If you're finding this part a struggle then your convictions are far too weak for learning jap friendino
I just find it interesting that I'm always finding words for such simple concepts despite all the reading I've already done
>It's like saying that you should read a dictionary cover to cover before starting to learn English grammar.
No, it's like telling someone to learn the alphabet before learning the rest of a language, which I'm sure is how you also learned your own language when you started academically studying it in school.
>Makes me want to just quit learning the language. You're supposed to grab the learner's attention with something interesting first.
Tae Kim doesn't profit from having users of his guide keep going/quitting early on, giving you motivation is not his goal. If the efficient way to learn Japanese is too tedious for you then you're in bad luck. You'll have a hard time finding guides tailored to people that get bored quick.
Well not quite.
Are there any other parallel reading books like Read Real Japanese where a Japanese text is picked apart and explained in English line by line?
This is a very useful method for teaching reading natural text, but it seems there's an awful lack of such materials in Japanese.
There is a book I could recommend you that you can even use if you don't know shit, but you are acting like a scumbag so get fucked you little pussy.
Also you can't learn Japanese faggot.
Good to see the thread is still full of elitist shitlords who maybe got to lower intermediate level, quit learning and just stayed here to shitpost at beginners.
Good to see the thread is still occasionally visited by EOP faggots that lack the discipline to study literally anything whatsoever on their own.
>Good to see the thread is still full of elitist shitlords
It takes literally less than a week to learn the kana, if you're too much of a lazy faggot to do that what's the point of trying to learn the grammar structures and shit Tae Kim would start teaching you.
All your questions and more is answered in Tae Kim's grammar guide's introduction, friend.
Why are you so mad though?
No, it's preterite.
Maybe not everyone is a NEET who can study 16 hours a day and learn them all in a week, user. It's a fairly big time investment for doing something extremely boring, language learning should start out with something interesting, like short stories in romanji which introduces you to basic grammar.
Why are you doing this? If you just want to see the view sakura saw then I'd recommend you stop right now. You'll just burn yourself out.
>Implying it even takes 16 hours to learn the kana all up
So you're just that lazy and such a faggot you can't learn anything if it doesn't instantly reward you, k got it m8.
is that just a random mineral, be honest
sounds sus af
90% of the time spent learning Japanese is grinding kanji and vocab, if you can't even learn 60 incredibly simple characters that only represent sounds then you're not going to have a great time with the rest of the language
Although I still call shitpost
RIP in pieces, F
what dreams may come, a favorite of mine