UQ Holder

Now it's getting interesting!

Other urls found in this thread:

mangakansou.com/【ネタバレ】uqholder!-ユーキューホルダー 125 感想/2/






UQ Holder has one weird fucking power creep.

It makes sense for Touta though. The entire series has just been one training montage after the other and he's been abusing every possible chance to get stronger during stopped time or during Dana's place.

However yeah, the power creep is fucking massive but that's what you get when your protagonist is Negi.

Nice. So Eva's boyfriend finally shows up.

Eva didn't get either Nagi or Negi, probably won't get Touta either.

Touta is not the one fighting MotB. Right now he's at least at Negi level when he rekted Mobrogan.

Just because she didn't get Negi doesn't mean she won't get Touta either. You Negifags are fucking pathetic.

Eva is my favorite fucking character, I want her to get some happiness or whatever, but Ken seems to want to keep her single for eternity.

Eva will likely die or get possessed after this fight, it's happening too soon. Motb has Rakan and Al as well.

Hello falseflagging negifag, Toutafag here you fucking retard.

Don't associate me with negi and learn what falseflagging means.

Actual Negifag here. Never even bothered picking this manga up and just clicked on this thread because it looked like OP's picture has him or Nagi in it.

It is Negi.

But then who was phone?

>Brown imouto is back



Korean scans yuncomics.com/archives/1693081

Don't derail thread you assholes.

I don't even get what you are saying.

I can't wait for Yukihime to BTFO that edgy faggot.

Why don't the enemy just stop time and wipe them out

We know it won't happen.


Whats he saying?

>M-my TV d-drama... Record it..

So is Negi confirmed to be some kind of immortal because of Magia Erebia now?

Welcome to some 5 years ago.

Is something actually happening?

Shading? in MY UQ Holders?

Well, right before the ending where Asuna was in the future, he had a grave, so it was up in the air for me.

More like the raws and scans are such shit that it looks like shading

I guess Ken realize the filler is total shit even for lolicons.

The script is here
mangakansou.com/【ネタバレ】uqholder!-ユーキューホルダー 125 感想/2/

Basically it's Pshh... Nothing personal Touta.

Too late racing destroyed my interest. Ken fucked up the pacing and the series.

See you next week when Eva gets blindsided by fake Nodoka, fake Yue, Jack and Al.

>fake Nodoka, fake Yue, Jack and Al.


Ken's pacing has always been bad.

Now that Negi is back, is this worth reading?

>Read it for Negi

Touta is literally a clone of Negi. Not just genetically, but in terms of all his abilities and powers. As Touta trains, he's literally unlocking all of the capabilities he inherited from Negi. That's why he's progressing so damn fast.

Touta is a better character than Negi.

Kinda like Senya in Sengku Youko.
The boy has potential and everyone drive him to go for the former absurdly strong MC who's gone rogue

He got his talent and ME, Negi didn't have the other powers.

> probably won't get Touta either
Kek. You delusional nostalgiafags are pathetic. Like this is the first Ken's manga you read.

Nope, it's just butthurt Negifags want that. Ken clearly moves the story in another direction.

Hopefully he'll be the better protagonist as well.

Why doesn't Kirie use her ability to get clothes instead of only invoking her broom? I don't wan to see her flat ass. Touta please, use Flans Exarmatio on Cutlass.

>not wanting Kiriebutt

How's thst shit taste working out for ya?

Is there any difference between this series and the late Negima now? Just seems pointless to start another series when you're doing the same thing. Even the protagonists--one a wizard with magic, the other a vampire with sword--fight the exact same way.

Can agree with you on this, and every thread I've always been saying Touta is an Asuna x Negi clone, one of the first attempts considered a failure since he can't channel the power like the organisation created him want.

Erebia is most likely a lifemaker power that half changes the body's constitution, Negi mastered it and this was inherited, but as for why Negi isn't immortal I think UQ Holder tried to tie it into lacking Eva's blood, which helps Touta's training speed. Touta's rapid growth is inherit talent, but the magic channels all go into Touki, like it was for Asuna.

The more parallels the better, this is just the artist trying to patch up his creation due to real world problems in publishing it.

It's kind of sad since it ends up being sloppy.

I didn't follow the Negima series or it's news like you guys did. What do you mean?

It also has a weird passage of time because they can abuse it. He spent 8 months under the HQ training with Kuro and Jinbei

Yes, it's in the future, there are different characters etc. TOuta is not the same kind of fighter than Negi, and he is a vampire, Negi wasn't a vampire.

If we add to that that new loli 'Setsuna' and 'Konoka' are clones born from the same program and Touta 'siblings', it really looks that the first ones were born from Konoka and Setsuna mixed genepool while Touta is experiment where they maybe mixed Negi genes with all the genes coming from his students.

Basically science babies in the most literal sense which also have sense if Konoka and Setsuna needed a heir and didn't want to do it with anyone else, and aside of female ones for their family they also needed a male one.

>Negi's not a vampire
Well if that's enough for a qualifier then I guess you're right.

The magazine wanted intellectual ownership due to a new law in Japan at the time, or something related to it in the business. This forced him to quickly finish the series so the magazine didn't claim rights to Negima series.

He rushed the ending, spent the next few years against the lobbying of harsher forms of laws that they wanted to do, and then eventually settled to continue manga again with UQ holder, having to rebuild the story and momentum from scratch.

Ah, so those are the grimy details. Still wished he could have made UQ Holder's a little different instead of more quick pace, Shonen battle pop stuff.

He dodged a predictable tournament battle arc in favour for training arc DBZ style, not original and similar to Eva's realm, but good enough to justify faster strength gains.

Touta is suppose to go against ridiculous powers, it's better if they stick with the development he was originally a strong faulty weapon.

So will it be a tag team battle? Eva and Touta vs Negi and Cutlass?

I guess. One of my disagreements with the old series is that you had this amazing world created with all these different type of places and characters with talents and organizations added to the mix. Then you had the very concept of magic itself which allows for all sorts of possibilities, the girls with their own unique abilities to unlock and an extremely clever MC who wanted to approach things differently. Yet every conflict end result seemed to boil down to who can punch who fast and harder into the ground.

There should have never been so many girls in action parts. Most of them are not even capable fighters, they only exist for pointless romance and convenient pactios.

Agreed, only battle prepared girls. Having a one who can read minds is nice, but if you have throw yourself in front of her in the heat of things every time there's a glancing attack, it's better to keep her out of the way, no matter what she says.

Might be one big battle royale.
Eva vs Negi.
Touta vs Cutlass
Fate vs Jack
Zazie and Mana vs Al
Everyone else vs Fake Yue and Nodoka

I feel Negi had more likability then Touta. It was interesting to see his progression as someone who could only chase his father's back to choosing his own path and becoming his own person.

I don't know, I read UQ when it was still new, he seemed generic as fuck to me.

Why the fuck is she always in granny form

This. Negi actually trained hard and seeked masters to get stronger, Touta's been everyone throwing powers and super masters at him.

It still is but tries hard to capitalize on Negima for characters and themes.


yes please

>Being able to write better protage than Mizukami


What? They do the same thing.

You only like Negi more because he was moe shota. Are you girls?

>liking your standard cliche "with secret hidden power" genki protag
Are you a fag?

I love getting spoiled

user, I am not even saying that I prefer Touta here even though I do and I don't dislike Negi. That was an honest question. Negi is not the genki type but he was a born genius with gifts. Touta is a genius because he inherited of it

I meant at how Senya was far more better than Jinka i hope Touta ends up far more better than Negi. Of course Ken cant write a better protagonist than Mizukami.