>People will defend this
People will defend this
Guts is love
Guts is life
Fuck off
Looks worse than the PS2 game, man. The PS2 game has some nice models.
why are his legs so long and his torso so tiny
dude are his balls okay
that looks.. uncomfortable
>Looks worse than the PS2 game, man.
not this shit meme again
What the fuck?
What the fuck is this shit?
Didn't know Guts has knock-knees
Is his balls okay?
This. What the hell happened to his torso?
>Isidro and Serpico look fine
>Guts and Farnese look fucked up
He looks like he has a major wedgie. His chest is so fucking small.
the manga sucks anyways, read something good like pic related
Am I the only one who thinks Berserk would have been much better if it had ended with the eclipse?
Griffith sacrificing his friends to demons,
Raping Casca and turning her into his demon lover,
Guts forced to watch the whole thing as he slowly bleeds to death.
I just feel that a tragic ending would have been much better then the drawn out, plodding one issue a year mess Berserk has turned into.
Maybe I'm alone on this, but I feel the only reason most people keep reading is because of how much time we all invested into it.
Nah. I think it flopped hard when it went full on fantasy (Fantasia). The rest before that was good imo.
Most people prefer low fantasy over high fantasy.
Nah man Conviction arc was fantastic.
I hate the girl and comedy relief guy.
We can't judge until we see it. Just because 99.9% of cgi shows are massive shit feats doesn't mean this can't be the one to break the mold. It probably won't, but we save be pissy yet.
Though this is Sup Forums... And summer is coming...
I can see it is already here.
Knights of Sidonia adaption was okay.
>read something good instead
>Farmland Saga
This is bait.
Beserk would have been much better if Isidro never came into the picture.
Hell... Farnese and Serpico are kinda lame too and serve only to detract from Guts time.
Just have Guts and Schierke together.
Looks like you haven't found your inner peace yet, user.
>entire torso barely longer than head
>legs freakishly long
I don't understand
Why did they feel the series needed a bunch of goofy assholes to stand around in the background while Guts kills everything for them? They just keep adding more and more of them...We have not one, but two fairies whose only job is to pop up every few pages and make a stupid face.
i don't know how they managed to fuck up the proportions so much when they have 3d models...
To be fair Puck doesn't even get screen time anymore.
>Berserk would have been much better if Isidro never came into the picture.
Seriously, he has served no purpose except for protecting Casca that one time like 17 years ago.
>I feel the only reason most people keep reading is because of how much time we all invested into it
that's bleach
>that torso
Holy shit
Kid Self-insert maybe?
>Guys with a stick up his ass and a tiny torso
If the 3d model is already shit, the animation will probably be laughable.
Mecha show, CGI doesn't bother me for this kind of show. Berserk isn't a mecha show.
Man I just realized everyone on Sup Forums hates berserk.
I never once read anything positive and only then it was about the golden age.
Sup Forums loves berserk passionately. Hence why the lackluster current arcs and the atrocious quality of the movies brings out an equally passionate hate in response.
>full bodied puck is a thing of the past
Who allowed this
But now everything after golden age is shit.
Seriously not even conviction is getting any love by now.
Unless with
>lackluster current arcs
you meant everything since the eclipse.
Honestly I would say that people who only like golden age aren't berserk fans anymore. The shit now vastly outweighs the good stuff.
>BLACKED Swordsman
Sorry I'm late, now feed me (You)'s
I enjoyed conviction and lost children. Guts and co strolling around afterwards was.... ok.
For me essentially everything was OK up until after Griffith killed Ganishka. Everything after that was a serious downturn. The flashbacks in particular.
What the shirt I just noticed. Awful designs that's not guts. Let's just call him legs instead
The fuck?
Who doesn't like the conviction arc? Even the millennium falcon arc is well liked. Only liking the golden age is something a shitposter said and you believed.
I have a million posts by now in every berserk thread that only golden age was good and it should've ended with the eclipse.
I didn't know Sup Forums was so edgy.
Then how about you leave?
He doesn't need anyone to defend him.
The boat and the elf island arrival has killed my interest. Holy shit those pirates were awful.
I don't believe you. It's always lost children this, Griffith did everything wrong that. Boat memes, shceirke has a cute butt, I want to fuck Puck, wasn't that orgy scene cool?
You've gotten access to some strange nether-realm Sup Forums that only talks about golden age.
Guts and the flower fairy flashback thing felt out of place..
It was a nice reprieve from Miura's wonderful world of fantasy architecture.
Seriousl. It felt like it was pulled straight out of his ass just because he ran out of ideas on what to do.