Can somebody explain why an LN getting Yen Press translations gets everybody mad?

Can somebody explain why an LN getting Yen Press translations gets everybody mad?

Does Yen Press take some sort of action towards the translators (like DMCA on their blogs/sites), or is it just that the translators get lazy and drop said series because there's somebody who will do a translation (Why bother doing it when other people are gonna do it anyway?)

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>Does Yen Press take some sort of action towards the translators (like DMCA on their blogs/sites)
>or is it just that the translators get lazy and drop said series because there's somebody who will do a translation

Their translations range from good to meme infested shit.

Because Sup Forums is full of people who can't be bothered to pay a few dollars for a book when they think they're entitled to it for free.

yes and yes actually

They are slow as shit

Really? what did they drop?

Pretty much what this guy said.

They have to stop translating it because it's now officially licensed. Another problem besides the poor quality of some of the translations (which can't be excused as easily as with manga or anime because that has other qualities to it than the wiriting) is that Yen Press or other publishers will take several years to fully translate a novel series.


>can't be bothered to pay a few dollars for a book
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>Their translations range from good to meme infested shit.
perhaps you should stop reading meme infested light novels

All of their releases seem incredibly cheap production wise.

Was that really the reason far konosuba? translators mostly drop series because of fears for DMCA's.

Mainly because takedown notices, mediocre quality and really slow translations. If a fan translation finished 3 volumes and gets taken down it'll take Yen Press a few years to even catch up.

LN translators are a bunch of sissies, if manga translators can easily ignore dmca take downs there really is no excuse.

Yen press took the fan translation and published it as their own.
And started sending DMCA notices.

he never really gave two fucks about takedowns, and konosuba actually was hit (for whatever reason) before it got licensed and he just put it back up without batting an eye
he's just being a white knight now, says he wants people to support the author so he won't do it anymore if there's a legal alternative

has he taken down that excellent fan fic of his?

Factually wrong.

It would take them a year to do 3 volumes.

LN fags are slow as fuck with translations themselves like fucking vanadis and Tokyo ravens take forever.

Not always, some series even take them a year to even start the translation after shutting down fan translations. Though you are generally right that many translators are really slow, I'd guess Yen Press is about average in that regard.

Yen Press effectively kills the translation and makes it that much harder to recruit new members.
>or is it just that the translators get lazy and drop said series because there's
somebody who will do a translation
No, that is definitely not the case. And in some cases YP's translations are worse than the fan translations. To put it this way; YP licensed LNs are translated by college kids looking to make an extra buck to save on costs. So the quality is approximately the same as that of a fan translation. But their releases are slower, much, much slower. Spice and Wolf getting licensed near the end set it back 7 years on releases. A fucking sequel came out before YP managed to catch up.

>Being this buthurt you start lying

The fan translators are lazy and scared to continue, that's all there is to it you retard.

>They take forever to translate

Not supporting it one way or another, but this is a publishing thing and not a matter of how long it takes to translate. They stretch out reales for a couple of reasons.

One is that its to act like a safety net. They don't want to spend the time and money putting out all the volumes only for the first to flop, much less the others.

It's also to stretch out sales. They don't want to blow their load all at once, they want to stretch out sales for years. They want it so that when a new volume hits the new release shelves, people who see it and are interested go back and buy the first volume to give the series a shot even years after the first volume is out.

And its also about cost. Publishing a book series is a big investment. They don't want to release 3-10 volumes of one series in the same month as it would cost a ton.

Fan translations don't need to worry about all of this as they don't really have money involved.

It is common knowledge that CR and YP use ex-scanlators and fansubbers who may or may not have credentials as translators. Fakku too, now that we're on the subject.
I will not deny that certain translators (I'm looking at you Larethian, Seitsuki) will use licensing as an excuse to drop the project however. Usually this comes as a result of them burning themselves out, or losing interest in the project. If they were lazy, they never would've translated the work to begin with. I think you're severely underestimating the amount of work that goes into translating LNs.

Same shit happens for visual novel in the west. Sekai killed fantranslated vn's. We got shitty moege's like nekopara instead.

And that's why no one likes YP.

How is it that there is 130,000,000 japanese speakers and 400,000,000 english speakers and somehow there is problems with shit being translated, if i fucking knew japanese i'd spend all my free time translating shit because i know that literally thousands of people will enjoy it

The worst part about YP is if a series they pick up and DMCA fan translations for doesn't do well they will stop releasing new volumes of it but won't allow fan translations to start up again.

Because it's about money, not actual translation speed.

Sekai project was originally a fan translation group for School Days.

Everyone's pissy after the Space Wolf incident

Because the Japanese are stupid and insular.
CruchyRoll has more subscribers to their streaming service than the fucking NFL. The money is clearly here.

>Losing interest or burning yourself out as soon as you get hit with a DMCA after doing like 5 or more volumes in a series with no complaints prior

Yeah sure they are, keep telling yourself that you deluded guy.

You could literall make money by translating shit on here with a trip, then become known for your work, then start taking requests from anons for money. I gurantee you people on here would begin paying for things to be translated.

>reading LN
>its up to like 12 volumes
>yen press licenses it
>"hey guys we wont do fan translations anymore because we dont want to be DMCA'd"
>Yen press releases at like 1 fucking volume a year

Guess ill never find out how series ends.
Repeat x50 times.

> it's an Sup Forums wants free shit post

You know, you guys wouldn't be having this problem if you just learned Japanese.

>Reading garbage ongoing LN's that never ends

Who's to blame? There are no good ongoing LN's besides the few that are on some long ass Hiatus.

Few of us even need it realistically speaking.

If I had a job or wanted to visit japan then yeah sure, I just get by on the free shit being pumped out since this is just stuff I do in my free time.

You are right in what you say, but its not a problem, its just whiny bitches that make it a problem in finding out about our fantasy's

I thought Anti-Magic was pretty good, the final volume is coming out in about two months as well
translations beyond volume 11 never;_;

Larethian was burnt out and fed up long before Mahouka got licensed. I've seen it happen to members in my group as well. Last year we lost R, who translated several chapters of volume 16 and later told us not to use them after fan translation drama on the wiki. S too burnt out.

>it's a shitpost

>Larethian was burnt out and fed up long before Mahouka

Not the guy you talking to but i could probably understand the guy, that LN reads like a damn text book manual so no wonder why that shit stresses him translating that.

Fuck off Lon

Well sure 1 guy probably does that but most I've seen just say shit like
>Since its done officially I'll do something else not localised

Literally telling you they got scared over some petty DMCA as if mangafags haven't been ignoring this for years.

RE Zero manga is taken by YP too and there is still translations of the manga regardless.

I don't disagree on that. My point is that they didn't get lazy all of a sudden. LN translation is not for lazy people to begin with, this shit takes a ton of work.

(to any translators that might be here)

How did you guys learn japanese? I want to start learning, but preferably without using websites of some kind.

Oh, and english is my second language. I don't really have a good grasp on it. It's no time to be learning a third language but what the hell, I just want to learn japanese.

Not for LNs or any anime-connected reason, by the way. I just want to.

Speaking of Yen Press, are their translations good?

Since when does Sup Forums give a fuck about stuff that aren't anime/manga? How does this shit affect this board in any way?

lurk more

LNs are potential future anime, they're not all that offtopic.

So we can discuss vidya too since there are potential anime for that as well?

Anyone ever stop to think that maybe FAN translators are FANs that want FANs to support the series they're FANs of?

No because there is a vidya board

There are actually 4 of them

>That's it, user, be a good goy and give your money to the Eternal Jew


And there is /jp/ or even /lit/ where you can discuss your jap book shit, what's your point?


>but preferably without using websites of some kind.
Like saying you want to phone someone using the phonebook. Why not?

As for me though I'm by no means a translator there was a doujin I wanted translated. I sat down with several dictionaries and grammar books, and tried to translated the thing. I never released the translation (it's fucking terrible, as you might expect), but it was a good crash course into how Japanese works.

Most of the hate they get is because they send DMCAs and shit to blogs and sites and of course LN translators are way too retarded to find ways to upload their translations elsewhere without getting hit or being afraid of DMCAs.

Other than that, they are also slow as balls.

I just prefer books..

Reading from a screen is tiresome, especially when you you're reading a lot.

>random mention of FAKKU

Did you know Nico Tanigawa won't allow yen press to dmc anything watamote.

Invest in an e reader

It doesn't beat paper, nothing beats paper, but it's as close as you can get. I have a Kobo h2o and I love how I can carry a whole library around, battery life is also decent and eink screens are really easy on the eyes.

My only complaints are that even with a 6.8" screen it feels a bit small for manga and I miss out on colour pages in manga and LN illustrations. Colour eink technology is even a thing, but none of the major players are adopting it into their products because the majority of text only book readers wouldn't ay for it.

I never understood why LN translators don't use BitTorrent trackers to distribute their work like everyone else.

because books aren't that big

Because once we release them it's no longer any of our business who sees what. Also, torrents show a list of peers/seeds and it can easily be traced back to us.

I don't get why we can't have something like #bookz for this.

>Also, torrents show a list of peers/seeds and it can easily be traced back to us.
>it's 2016 and people are still scared of torrents

Basically because we don't give a fuck about you fans and because it's too much trouble. We do this for ourselves, we each have our different reasons for translating and there's no one single answer.

You could just upload releases to madokami (it has a novels section now) and only announce on Sup Forums if you're afraid of being traced

You technically wouldn't even need a blog or anything. But whatever, there's no arguing with you if you don't really care about distributing your work.

Depends totally on the translator.


The answer to that is a "no". We upload it to a random DDL site and share the link. Redistribution will be a job for the fans. Jesus, is there no limit to how lazy you are? Everything has to be in place where you can find it with the least amount of effort.
Fuck that, the hours you spend looking for a single link are but a fraction of the time and effort we put into making your free little "fix".

No need to get so worked up mate.

Do as you please, thanks for the "fix".

>LN gets licensed
>fan translation gets taken down
>years pass before Yen Press catches up
>it's been so long that nobody cares about the series anymore

It's all about the (you). You can't form a proper circle jerk without your own website.

>The answer to that is a "no"

You can go fuck yourself and stop being a whiny asshole then.

This is why everyone hates Yen Press

In most cases, yes.

>translators get lazy
And that's the main reason. Lack of attention - and donation (the main reason) - since they can't do it on their own blog/website anymore.

Why are LN translators such pussies anyway? Manga translators don't care about shit like that. For LNs it should be even easier to continue translating but they get scared so easily.

They're not scared. It's just an excuse to quit, as it always has been.

how delusional do you have to be to think translators care about Sup Forums

Well, js06 is here. And at least he is not someone who will stop translating.

There are LNs on #bookz

Only rarely. Like, SAO and S&W to name just two examples carried on happily after the license was announced and they didn't get arrested for it.

It doesn't get me mad. I'm glad we have Yen Press out there for LN translation.

Total bullshit, your whole post, that is.

Really? I got hit by tons of dmca's and I still translate, they only managed to take down the blog.

And yet their translations are shit? I can't judge all of them but the most I read are. Maybe they are just not cut for translating LNs.

And what do you translate?

To be fair most LNs are not top notch literature and are basically glorified fan fiction

There's nothing wrong with the majority of them. NGNL, which is really only a personal agenda, and Log Horizon, where the translator suddenly does well for Baccano, are the only two I can think of.
Hataraku is pretty damn good, as an example.

>take down the blog
That's the most they can do.

Lots of things, Lost Universe, Sorcerous Stabber Orphen, Rune Soldier Louie and a shit ton of manga.

Why are LNfags such bitch niggas? No wonder why YP have you fags under control.

>YP licensed LNs are translated by college kids looking to make an extra buck to save on costs.
Source: your ass. Most of them are professionals with years of experience translating in the industry.

>Haruhi vol 1-4 - Chris Pai (Strato, fan translator)

>Haruhi vol 5-11 and S&W - Paul Starr (professional)

>SAO, SAO Progressive, and Durarara!!- Stephen Paul (professional)

>Accel World - Jocelyne Allen (professional)

>Another - Karen McGillicuddy (professional)

>Index - Yoshito Hinton (professional) and Andrew Prowse (some JLPT N2 nobody)

>Danmachi - Andrew Gaippe (some freelancer nobody)

>NGNL - Daniel Komen (some freelancer nobody)

>Maou-sama! and Kagerou Daze - Kevin Gifford (professional)

>Log Horizon and Baccano - Taylor Engel (some literally who)

>Black Bullet - Nita Lieu (professional)

>Strike the Blood - Jeremiah Bourque (professional)

>Overlord - Emily Balistrieri (some part timer)

Fuck off.

Can't handle the truth?

It's not so much that as not wanting to wait for YP to take years to catch up with the fan translations to get new content when we were already getting it at a reasonable rate.

>all long running series are garbage
I like Narita's series, and they have shitton of entries. At least Baccano will be coming out with more than 1 volume per year, I think. And most of them were already translated.

>Can somebody explain why an LN getting Yen Press translations gets everybody mad?
Because you can't please everyone.
Casuals who don't know the difference between shit and good translations.
Otaku who get bent out of shape with their autism when something is wrong.