ITT Characters with unfitting voices
ITT Characters with unfitting voices
No you fucking faggot, Hosoya aced the role.
Nah he was perfect.
His VA is great. It's just not the kind of voice you expect from someone like Haruhiro.
I like how they didn't make him sound like a complete pussy.
He's still a faggot though.
Not as big as you
His voice is fitting, he was every bit as an annoying piece of shit as the voice made him out to be
I think her voice needed to be a bit deeper or more formal sounding.
nice digits
also whats wrong with her va user
for you
>ITT Characters with unfitting voices
My dad was marathoning One Piece and I just heard this guy
>every yuki kaiji character except maybe eren
Even when I hate spanish Dub, I prefer that voice for him over the Japanese VA.
In Pika's case, that's the joke, though.
The entire cast actually.
Fuck you faggot. She nailed the little girl trying to act like a badass role.
Definitely this.
Edgeworth and Nick sound nothing like how I imagined. Maya is good though.
i dont think the VA got his Ya-Has right and just didnt sound as excited as the chara
Goku sounds like an old lady.
The first exposure to one piece I ever had was the dub, so the Japanese VA always throws me off when I hear him. I use hear the dub voices when I read the manga.
A normal voice would be way more unfitting.