They are? Get biology and sex related courses around like age 12-13 in Swedistan.

There's school and then there's real life.

I went to sex ed as well and they tell you all that shit about children developing at those ages but they don't tell you anything about mentality only that "it's so confusing during that time".

Basically there's so much more to development than just your junk and most kids can't actually have sex until like 17/18 anyway because of the mental development they still need to undergo to mature to that level.

But schools like to skim over that fact and promote early promiscuity because they're a marxist infiltrated institution and I was smart enough to know that early in my life.

I lost my virginity at 14 and I was pretty sure of what I was doing the whole time.

>Was already masturbating every day before leaving primary school (12 years old).
>Had fantasies relating to sexual situations.
>Half a decade younger girl says "Isn't that like sex?" while we were 'exploring'.
I'm 100% certain I knew everything about normal sex before I was 10 and I was a late starter compared to the kids singing about Jesus Christ: King of all the porn.
The only thing I've learned since then is that freaky fetishes exist and doggy style isn't anal sex.

Regards; Jesus camp, God loves married couples edition.

kids were working and had children way earlier than they do thesedays, only a 100 years ago, acting like adults.

Now they act like children until like 30.

I remember when that image set was first posted on b. Good ol days.

loni bouchard, makes me hard

Life expectancy is getting longer and human development has changed.

The longer the infancy/developmental period, the more likely the person will live longer. It's biologically advantageous and culturally promoted by the powers that be.

I'm sure your uncle was very gentle with you Miguel.

Should be teaching about marriage and stable relationships.
People got married younger back then and they were fine

"Getting longer"
Like what, 10 years?

So that means teenagers get dumber and dumber? And people act like children until like 30? Because they might live longer?


The longer you remain a kid the longer you remain in the claws of your government.

Remember, School, College, Uni is for brainwashing everyone into being an ant that does whatever its told. Sleep, Work, Eat, Die.

b was never good

>brainwashing everyone into being an ant that does whatever its told. Sleep, Work, Eat, Die.

You sounds like a fucking Antifa anarchist. How else do you picture your future when you don't like "sleep, work, eat, die"?

What if i had sex when i was 15?

That's pretty hot. Was the other person a guy? I hope so that would have been hot. Twink love.
Quite disappointing you turned out straight. The part about you playing with yourself was great.
Well with any luck once our country passes gay marriage we can have a wedding and you can top me.

Get gay.

Amerijews pushing the (((18))) meme every single time

Try leaving the city. Swe user is right for once. If you follow the government prescription you become yet another slave living in a sardine can while believing the money you earn is useful towards making your life more meaningful.

>Swe user is right for once
No, he's an idiot that lives in a fairy tale.

>Try leaving the city
And then what?


And then try living. City fags don't understand how to live as they have been indoctrinated into hiding in their tiny houses with barely any stuff to their name and no chance of inheriting or passing down wealth through the generations.
There really is more to life. It's up to you to discover it.

>And then try living.

Where exactly? Out in the open?

In a three story house with two large annexes and a large separate standing warehouse plus a few 10s of acres of land with a river, a forest, a decent sized hill and plenty of flat land.
Heck for the prices of London sardine flats you can buy a Scottish mansion where you own 'Everything you can see in the valley and the valley beyond the hills'.

I don't think so user, I was a furry by the age of 14

So you need a job in order to pay for the house. I was responding to the Swede who make the following comment:
>brainwashing everyone into being an ant that does whatever its told. Sleep, Work, Eat, Die.

Whether you live in a city or in the countryside, you need a job that generates an income.

There is a big difference between working for yourself and working for others. You need a bit of cash to get started because you're a poor cityfag with no foundation but once you've left the city and got set up outside money almost becomes pointless because only the highest technology goods are actually worth the price put upon them in stores.