So i just had a discussion with my fucking Religion teacher about NGE, huh.
Also Asuka best girl, Misato 2nd
So i just had a discussion with my fucking Religion teacher about NGE, huh
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums is 18+.
not him, but they don't teach religion in public high schools unfortunately. thanks, kikes
>all school is high school
>all high schoolers are
Nice job user. You actually managed to hold a conversation with someone without going autistic. I'm proud
>DA J00S are responsible the first amendment
Liked and Subscribed. ^^
>they don't teach religion in public high schools unfortunately
well, why should they? not everyone believes the same things, and forcing your own beliefs on others is wrong. Now, i wouldn't mind optional religious study classes, as any religion is interesting to learn about even though it's all fake, and understanding history requires knowledge of religion
They only teach religion at university level you cuntosaurus.
my biology teacher had watched eva too
Good for you.
You mean you had a religious conversation about a show that just took religious names, put them on things and then wrote about MUH DEPRESSION AND INSECURITIES.
>my country is the only country in the world
>btw I'm an atheist
Don't forget to tip, lad.
>i put MUH before anything to trivialize it
opinion discarded faster than a colony being dropped out of orbit
every country in the world belongs to america
That depends on the country; here in Sweden 'Christianity and religion' is a mandatory subject at high school level, and we also have lots of optional subjects like business economics, philosophy, marine biology and filmmaking.
Or theologist... dunno if they're the same, but I'm quite inclined to think they are.
If OP was attending a religion class at university he'd know enough to not bring up NGE as a religious topic.
>I'm not an atheist
Summer sure is getting closer.
revealing your power-level out in public
WOW OP its like year 2000 again
Sorry, but only Americans should post on this website.
you would think.
someone post that pic of those guys doing a presentation on trap waifus.
>Having a specific religion teacher
What is even
>being an edgy high schooler
It must be here already if you're posting.
I can't believe this scene was in 2.0.
Oh and do you guys remember the scene where Shinji walks in on Rei Q naked?
Yeah, real nice fanservice moment Anno. Very fitting for the general situation Shinji is in and the atmosphere of the movie. Oh, and right after Kaworu gets horribly decapitated in what was a very serious and sad moment, are shown a close up of Mari's breasts bouncing up and down as she rushes towards the falling Unit 13.
Mari's breasts. Right after Shinji witnessed Kaworu's horrific and traumatic death. Her breat. Mari's breasts. Mari. A character who we nothing about, and never will thanks to 3.0's timeskip.
Evangelion Rebuild is the most horrible written anime I've ever seen in my entire life.
>Religion teacher
>being a militant atheist
>every country in the world belongs to the jews
That's what you meant, and is not really the case.
>Americans think they are welcome on a Japanese website
wow, you called me something that implies immaturity. there is no way i can not lose now because once you call someone a child you've devalued their reasoning
>it's a religionfags get mad that they can't control the world with their beliefs episode
>praying to jewdick christ
since when Evangelion is one of those shows you have to hide?
>being this insecure
Since it was anime you fucking autist.
>No further explanation or interesting commentary
Do yo also think it was deep?
Wry are evagafs so arrogant?
Evangelion specifically came up a decent amount when Pacific Rim came out. Even though they were wrong I heard a few people talk about how Del Toro based it on Eva.
why are you so insecure? i don't care what people think about me as long as it won't get me arrested
>religion teacher
Use punctation.
Capitalize your sentences.
What would this image look like without the straw?
no thx autist
Actually, religion is often taught in high school and middle school, although generally only at private institutions. In university it's called theology.
Seems like I struck a nerve
The whole western world was modeled through Christianity. If you truly believe what you believe, move to Africa or Antarctica
>le current year meme
the western world is an overrated piece of shit
>Islam is rapidly growing in the west and around the world
Islam will dominate
Definitely struck a nerve lol
I think Christianity is growing faster in China.
Of course China is an irrelevant paper tiger, but you take what you can get.
Exactly, right? Go to Africa or Antarctica. You'll be the most special snowflake. I am FOR you
>religion class
>this is still a thing
I feel bad for you.
>Christianity introduced as official religion of Rome
>Rome starts splitting apart
>Europe starts getting worse without Romes powerful influence
>Rome falls
>the western world enters the dark ages and loses much of its knowledge and technology, some of which is never recovered
>Europe devolves into petty squabbling between landlords for a few hundred years
>after centuries of being a capital crime, intellectualism starts growing
>Europe finally starts to advance
>with intellectualism in full swing it dominates the world
>United States of America gets founded eventually, they left most people alone so it was alright
>Islam introduced into Europe heavily
>Europe becomes shit again
The dark ages as you imagine them are a myth.
>damage control
no they aren't, the dark ages were a bunch of petty landlords fighting each other over stupid shit
You know the dark ages was busted by an atheist historian don't you?
Underage get out. Asuka a shit, Rei is the best.
>I'm le atheist
good for you
Wow you are fucking stupid
by dark ages i refer to the period of time in which Europe was broken up into petty landlords and war lords. i certainly don't believe the parts that are just myths made up by the metaphorical jew.
and it is not a myth that after Christianity was introduced wide-scale Europe became much worse, even if it didn't descend into "dark-ages" levels of shit
just stop, even if god is real, which i take into account the possibility of, that doesn't change anything for me. So some dude made it and told us to follow his arbitrary laws? but he couldn't even enforce them? pathetic
>claims of damage control
>doesn't know the "dark ages" originated from Italian scholar Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca) in the 1330s, and was originally intended as a sweeping criticism of the character of Late Latin literature.
>Petrarch regarded the post-Roman centuries as "dark" compared to the light of classical antiquity.
>he ignores that even other atheist dont believe in the dark age myth
>a religious group wouldn't want schools to discuss religion
Dunno about other states, but I used to live in Utah, and the Mormons there teach their shit at the high schools there as an elective.
Your personal question begging epithet isn't the definition of dark ages.
Look at the link provided before you comment
>wanted an EVA thread
>got a Sup Forums thread
>He doesn't know about atheist jews
>he doesn't know jews are promoting atheism
Jews are promoting atheism
Faggot OP had to say he was discussing with his religion teacher, he kind of asked for it.
Now just wait for the mods.
>>it's a religionfags get mad that they can't control the world with their beliefs episode
Except we do. Religion permeates through ever facet of modern culture.
>post religion in his post
>willful ignores that brings out Sup Forums and reddit who proceed to fight
You only have yourself to blame
>muh spooks
we all know the jews are lying shekel snatchers, but that's not a reason to blame everything you personally dislike on them. i was an agnostic by the time i was 8 even though i was raised catholic. it was just the logical conclusion of my thought process, once i realized even if go was real it wouldn't matter, i stopped trying to hold on to beliefs and just let myself go wherever my mind takes me
>dismissing proof without refuting
Not an argument
Your question begging epithet isn't valid
but that's beginning to break down, and it makes religionfags mad
>I'm le christian
That's what revolutionary France thought
Cult of reason
Cult of the supreme being
That's what revolutionary Mexico thought
Calles law
That's what various communist governments thought
League of the militant godless
Red guard
Khmer rouge
Thats what you think
On the topic of University, and Evangelion. Has any user here, who has taken a Psychology class used Shinji, Rei and Asuka, as a way of remembering for Freuds Ego, Superego and ID for tests?
okay, maybe I can be logical about this. i don't really care who pushes for a belief if that belief is right
tell me why, without resorting to sentiment, how
1)god can be proven to exist
2)why i should worship him if he does
don't tell why it would be good for society, don't tell mt why it would be good for me, i don't care about those things. tell me what proof you have that god is real. I'm agnostic so i'm willing to listen
really -- good for you. i don't know why you seek to be argumentative
lol Sup Forums is still rebelling against their parents' old ways
anime girls would stay away from you trainwrecks
Use punctation.
Capitalize your sentences.
sorry, i have OCD which manifests itself in conversation by not dropping an argument until every last facet is examined and explained
>Avoiding the question and attempting question deflection
Why can't you refute what I provided and just use a question begging epithet?
So? You discussed an overrated Monster of The Week anime with your religion teacher, you want a prize? Next time talk about Bleach with him
>Asuka best girl
>Misato 2nd
Also, having this bad taste.
society is like a living cell
if it does not change, it is dying or dead
if it changes without order and direction, it has cancer
wait, wait. i can't really refute what you said, so maybe the jews are pushing for atheism
but i would like you to tell me what makes atheism invalid
The only cartoon my Humanities professor ever talked to us about was Futurama.
your waifu is shit
Actually islam is cowed to
With people being prosecuted for hate speech if you speak out against them
I wanna suck a relidious anons cock
You admit you can't disprove the proofs I provided then attempt question deflection again?
it's not question deflection you moron. i admit i cannot disprove that the jews push for atheism, okay? but why can't you answer my questions? what is so wrong about that?
Atheism is the null hypothesis. ie that this null hypothesis can be falsified: if one piece of evidence is found to contradict it, the existence is considered proven.
This is the basic mechanism of science itself. One famous example is the old hypothesis that only white swans existed. The null hypothesis then was 'there are no non-white swans', something that can be falsified. When in Australia black swans were found, the null hypothesis was rejected. That is the mechanism of the null hypothesis.