Would you support complete deregulation of medicine?

Would you support complete deregulation of medicine?

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No, that's fucking retarded, and I think you know that.

>ayo mane
>*smacks lips*
>I thank u got strep throat or sum'n, so imma prescribe u sum lean ma nigga a'ight
>>but...I came in for an MRI on my back...

Yes. In fact, it's necessary if modern medicine is to continue past the next 30 years. The system is so very close to catastrophically imploding. If only you knew how bad things really are.

T. CMA for last 6 years

>No, that's fucking retarded
Why? It would drastically reduce healthcare costs, and free market always increases individual freedom.

Yeah why not

No one's forcing you to accept treatment if you don't want to.

Oops she caught me

>It would drastically reduce healthcare costs,
There are far safer ways to do that.
>and free market always increases individual freedom.
Yeah, freedom to be tricked into buying snake oil, or just straight-up poison.

>Going to a nigger doctor

You deserve exactly what you get. In a deregulated system, you could choose not to do that. In our current system, the government appoints you a nigger doctor to have diversity and if you don't like it, you get jail time for racism. Which system would you rather have?

>No one's forcing you to accept treatment
And how is that enforceable if the medical system/field becomes "deregulated", you commie fuck

>In our current system, the government appoints you a nigger doctor to have diversity
In our current system I can go to whichever doctor I want and walk the fuck out before paying the co-pay if my doctor is D'shawn Washington-Freeman M.D.

you commie fuck

>The government should protect you from your own stupidity

Are you a child incapable of making their own informed decisions?

>I'm advocating for less government control and more personal freedom
>I'm also a commie

Holy shit, am I a magician and never knew it?

>it's my job to take any medicine I buy back to my homemade lab and test it
The only children here are the ancap morons who think anarchy will improve quality of life.

Yes. Would make bio rejuvenation meds easier to come by when they start kicking up research. Aging is a diseased and will be "cured" this century

See; www.sens.org/



No, because then the Jews would be free to mutilate everyone.

>There are far safer ways to do that.

why does it need to be safe at the expense of the taxpayer and customer? I would prefer the less expensive way, let any issues that arise be handled by the appropriate court

requirement of prescription is an unfair burden of cost to the medical consumer

What, decriminalizing drugs? Sure.
Too many psychiatrists etc. get away with essentially being legally permitted drug dealers.

>I don't care if innocent people die, or if healthcare becomes a gamble on my life, or if the courts become clogged with easily avoidable malpractice suits, as long as I save some dollarydoos
I feel like none of you have actually thought this through at all. Or you're just being edgy.