Nihei Tsutomu thread

Tsumugi is searching for net terminal genes and you can't stop her, safeguards.

Also, chapter one of Blame rescans is out.

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Killy is such a funny guy.

Why the fuck are they still actually rescanning it when official volumes are coming out?

good question.
though viewing Blame on the display is better anyway.

Yeah, but someone's going to scan the official volumes almost guaranteed. Seems like a waste of effort.

Why so smug?

Kinda pissed that Nihei tried to go all historical revisionism with his style.

I don't see much localized manga on the net though.

Berserk, One Piece, Dragon Ball, Bleach, Ajin, Shingeki no Kyojin, Gantz, Trigun, etc.

Unless you're either frequenting official sites that don't condone scanlation, sticking to very shallow waters, or actively looking for official releases, you're unlikely to find localized manga.

>Nearly bought all the volumes of Sidonia
>Rushed ending comes out
>Lost the will to finish my collection

I miss these threads.

I would be much more bothered by an incomplete collection than by a shitty ending to be honest.

That's what I'm struggling with. I want to complete the collection, but I don't want to have to own the shitty last volume.

Buy it to spite yourself. That fucker won't see it coming.

It still hurts

Blame is such a horrid mess. His drawings are cool as hell, but Nihei couldn't panel for shit when he made it.

heh, still makes me smile when I use to say she is best bro, then Nihei takes it to the next level in the end of all things.

>Pairing characters together at the end of the manga that otherwise wouldn't end up together

I fucking hate this cliche.

I laughed my fucking ass off at Dudehata, even when I considered her best girl.

What a clusterfuck of a ending.
A bunch of asspulls to bring back "dead" characters. Pairing up characters that had hardly any development together. Tsumugi surviving and getting Benny's body and Nagate just accepting that.

Nihei's daughter needs to be hanged.

>We will never learn the Gauna's motives or space cheese

>Nihei's daughter needs to be hanged.
What did she do?

First she insulted her own dad by wishing he wrote AoT instead, since that was more entertaining to her. She is also the one that got Nehei to write this "happy ever after" ending.

His wife and daughter (not *just* the daughter) are the reason that each of his works has been more accessible than the last, lighter in color, and with less meaning and architecture. Don't believe me? Look it up. Nihei attributes each artistic change to his family saying that they didn't get it. His family is comprised solely of fucking plebs.

First time I heard about his wife being involved.

No wonder it ends up like this.

His family is still correct in saying Blame's paneling was a horrid fucking mess also some of his characters were very hard to distinguish.

It's not very uncommon with debut manga.

That's fair. I think Nihei is great in many ways, but I did buy Blame! and reading that shit took serious deciphering at times.

>all this fanfics
It was all Tsutomu's doing

>rushed ending
It wasn't really rushed.
It was more like "Man I don't give a shit about all these other plot details, main story's done and I got what I wanted out of it, better fuck off with it and mess with those retarded shippers while I'm at it"

Also I marathoned Blame and related stories.

It's pretty obvious, including from his interview, that he does not give a shit about "character drama" as he would put it.

>linking the same interview every time
>ignoring every other interview, every Q&A, and every other thing he's ever said

Then please, provide your own source where it specifically details Nihei's daughter is behind Sidonia's ending. Every single time this nonsense comes up, people only post the twitter post which doesn't prove anything, no other source is ever given.

Also, Nihei saying he tried to simplify his work to make it more accessible to his family and others doesn't imply they were directly responsible for anything. It was still HIS decision to change things, and he himself has said he is content with how his art has progressed. Stop turning his family into boogeymen because you're entitled and asspained.

What do you think of his new title?

I thought it was just a oneshot?

Yeah actually. But many people expect it as chapter 0 or a prequel of his new title.

Has the new one shot been translated yet? Whats it about anyway? I heard it was about some dude trawling through a wasteland or something like that.

Abara was probably the best thing this guy ever drew

I've only watched the anime, where does the anime story stop in the manga?
And how close are the two in terms of story?

>reading that shit took serious deciphering at times.
A lot of Blame! action scenes are practically incomprehensible.

I dunno man, I reread the first couple volumes last month and it held up pretty well. I think it's better on a second read once you know what's happening. The pace was alright and the fights were still awesome. Even Killy being more talkative wasn't that weird considering he's experienced amnesia and feeling a little confused at the beginning.

It's not that bad.

Sidonia always sucked and you got exactly what you deserved.

Actually it was OK for the first volume or two

maigauna waifu can't be this cute.