Near Memorial Day no less
>Japanese stronk
>Banzai Mikado!
Bravo Funimation!
Near Memorial Day no less
>Japanese stronk
>Banzai Mikado!
Bravo Funimation!
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That's cool!
This would be just like Netflix, Amazon licensing
>Triumph of the Will
>Birth of a Nation (the old one)
So? Disney still holds all their rights to the propaganda that they made too.
because its filthy foreign racist trash, not glorious American truth
Everything is filthy foreign racist trash to someone, US made shit is really no different.
Old media is very interesting and gives a better perspective on popular mindsets of its time.
fucking filthy traitor
Licensing doesn't imply that they are actually going to do anything with it.
It was remastered recently, shown at Cannes and is getting a Blu-Ray release in Japan with Kumo to Tulip by Masaoka.
One can only hope that they have access to the full script and are going to release proper subtitles for it, but I doubt it will happen any time soon.
yeah, but who is best waifu tho?
Hooray, we get to learn how to pronounce hiragana all over again.
Nobody cares
Of all the things FUNi does wrong, this is absolutely not one of them friendo.
I'm glad this is happening.
I really like those legit releases of old and primitive works from the media, I really liked those official releases of the Tezuka books and I want to see more stuff like that.
What of it?
Good, its a historis movie nonetheless and certain film holds merit despite propoganda.
>using Twatter
>following Funicancer
>making this thread
You mean it wasn't public domain?
The director lived to like 101 or something, so if it's based on that then it'll still be copyrighted for a long time.
Hey now they've made........two(?) good decisions ever.
If it means more publicity and more easily available older stuff I'm all for this. Anonymoose scratches the itch but that's just one, and the releases are very sparse.
How? It's just one film and it's already available online. The only advantage is if they ever release it (which isn't guaranteed) we'll get better subs for it. But anyway the movie is pretty simple.
Why though? Does anyone actually want to watch this? Seems like a weird move by Funimation.
Except we didn't randomly sneak attack like those shanty eyed cowards.
2 nukes were not enough.
fuck off, murica saw the japs coming and still lost even with a bigger fleet.
stay mad
There were no cellphones and they only had an hour to prepare.
>muh WW2
Who gives a fuck? Only literal autists give a fuck about this old story. You love the past so much you go to a museum or something.
>Muh Pearl harbor
>Muh Nanking
Is it okay when an American company re release Popeye shorts during ww2? Because wouldn't it offends the Japanese.
Shouldn't this be public domain now? The only thing I see them doing with this is doing a blu-ray release and completely fucking that up in every way.
Based Popeye
Who won the war again?
The jews.
They supplied the allies with food, steal, oil, and a shit ton of other commodities.
while the yuros were slaughtering one another, the US was becoming a superpower.
>1918 only year when US sends troops
>Battle of Verdun
>Battle of Somme
>Secound battle of Marne
Those were never fought by US.
In true American fashion, cower in your "invincible" homeland and fan the flames of war until both sides are exhausted and you know which one is worth supporting, swoop in for a brief ending blow and claim all the glory for yourselves.
It worked, didn't it?
It's a legitimate strategy. Sun Tzu would approve that's for sure.
>fan the flames of war until both sides are exhausted and you know which one is worth supporting
But that's wrong, we always support the side Britain and France are on. Doesn't matter if we say we're neutral at the time, we're going to be sneaking them arms and munitions.
>tfw no kaiserreich world
Why even live?
>US starts war
>call warmongers
>US joins war late
>called gloryhunters
>US never joins war
>called assholes
Iraq War, WW1, and the Ukraine War respectively. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Maybe the US should realise that no one likes them.
I'm quite certain that Philippines love them.
To be fair WWI was a bit of a toss up with no clear side having moral superiority. But there is absolutely no excuse for waiting as late as they did to join WWII.
Well their new president certainly don't like the US because he insulted that "Son of a Whore" Trump.
>people unironically hate Americans
Traitors to the human race, the lot of you.
Why should America have any business in what were essentially two European wars? If Europeans want to kill each other so bad I say fucking let them. Fucking Europeans have ruined the world and now America is left to clean up after their mess.
They licensed it so that it won't be played again in Japan. Fucking Jews are at it again.
Will animation ever be as good as this again?
Sun Tzu and all other Strategists compliment us. Stay mad.
If Trump makes America great again then yes
That's just their politicians talking, that guy says a lot of things for the sake of support.
Recently he even starts bugging my country about how Bongs took clay from them hundreds of years ago and now we have to gib back clay. Just wait till next typhoon he will start asking for financial and logistic support again.
But joining the chink side pays more.
The US won so hard that it enjoyed decades of prosperity afterward. Europe got bombed to shit and US came out nearly unscathed, that is why it is the winner.
forever mad
This is your burden to bear as an American. Wear it with pride, comrade.
Except that WWI was still a complete stalemate when they joined the war. The USA didn't join at the end of WWI. The USA joining the war was the cause of the beginning of the end.
Germany may have been able to win had not they jumped in too. Russia had just signed a peace.
Problem goyim?
Spinach > Rice
I watched this, I don't remember it being particularly bad as far as propaganda goes. Iirc it's just the story of that guy and those animals attacking the Americans who look like the bad guy from Popeye. The Japanese don't look particularly heroic, most of the soldier are represented by monkeys. The Americans are shown more as silly than as evil.
People are getting triggered over nothing desu.
Only shit before ¿1929? are public domain.
Everything relased after that date probably will not reach the public domain ever.
goyim is plural, newshit
That's US law. In Japan things get public domain 50 years after the death of the creator.
Disney hasn't managed to change it so Steamboat Willie will become public domain in half a year.
Mickey being public domain when?
>>Disney hasn't managed to change it so Steamboat Willie will become public domain in half a year.
you mean in japan only.
in US it's 2019, but Disney is guaranteed to lobby for an extension again.
Japan and other nations with lifetime+50 years.
Actually America was never neutral during WW2.
Before officially and publicly declaring their entry in WW2, America was already spying and attacking Germany naval activity for Britain.
America was already pretty interested in WW2 and were just pretending to be neutral.
If America really did commit to neutrality, they would have stopped American banks from being allowed to favor whichever European nation they wanted.
Either way, in the end, American taxpayer money was already being used in WW2 way before Pearl Harbor happened.
Germany fucked up by trying to get Mexico to fight the US to keep the US out of Europe.
Not only did the message get intercepted by the British and relayed to Washington before it could get to Mexico, but the Mexican government also realized that Germany couldn't possibly supply enough weaponry to them to fight the US while still at war.
>mfw this is better than modern western animation
Well, Bosnian Serbs assassinated an Archduke. Austria-Hungary had proof that the assassins were officially trained and dispatched by the government.
Austria-Hungary had every right to declare war.
>yfw Serbs caused every single problem in the 20th century
The restoration was cofunded by All the Anime (UK Company) and Funimation. So at the very least, it is getting some form of western release (since it's getting cinema screenings and a full BD release in the UK).
>liking forced animation
We should get more anti-west films.
They're called foreign films.
But most of Europe is in 'the west' despite nearly all of it being east of 0 longitude.
You know there's more to the world than Europe. And there's also more than Europe for what counts as foreign.
This. I live in EU, but I'm tired of USA propaganda
Inshallah my brother.
I wonder who's behind this post.
I'm not a muslim
>USA propaganda
Wait, I thought you guys rely on them for protection from evil Russia and her nukes.
Nah that actually looks good and i miss that in cartoons.