Girls Und Panzer
The game isn't translated right? This is just image translations.
Post best tank.
Can someone make a pomf of the penis tank with Let's Get it On?
I don't think it's even real, most likely it's fanart
Post webms of Finns
not TOTSUGEKI enough
>be working on assembling the figma tank
>the schürzen don't connect properly, leaving slight gaps and requiring pounds of glue to fight against the pressure of breaking apart
For such an expensive item the lack of QC is pretty irritating.
Fuck me this entire sequence is so stupid
but it's so fun
I'm planning on grabbing the reissue of that for when the Maho and Erica Figmas come out.
If it got into combat before it broke down and you had to pray the supply truck with the replacement part didn't get bombed.
Don't forget to hotglue them Sup Forumsnon.
This is most satisfying movie i ever watch, full of action and more than 1 hour tanks doing cool things
I love the HS allstars medley.
t. MEXT Official
so how the fuck did Mika's tank able to drive the tank without the tracks? wont it get sink because of its weight?
Yes, but not the Mk 1 becuz IS3.
Did Momo's monocle fall off? Das cute
>so how the fuck did Mika's tank able to drive the tank without the tracks? wont it get sink because of its weight?
It wasn't that heavy, just 15 tonnes. It doesn't have much armour.
Finnish magic.
Why she is so smug?
BT series could drive on their wheels without their tracks
I thought they had to connect a chain between the drive wheel and the road wheel but it seems like that isnt true
This was as best as I could get it. Thinking of filling the gap with something but not sure what. The reason was they made one of the pieces not curved the correct angle.
I'm no expert, but I think it's because some Finn engineered the chassis to be able to drive without tracks.
Christie suspension lets tanks drive on the wheels. One of these tanks was clocked at 167km/h.
that's not smugness, that's bloodlust
>ill just watch a little bit of the film to kill time
>watch the entire last hour
How the fuck did this movie end up being so good.
this is my fetish
It's really good.
Till next time.
The early models use chains to transfer power but you only have to change the hubcaps on the later ones.
Christie designed his suspension that way because he was making sports cars before he started designing tanks.
Her crush is a complete faggot for not being in love with such a beautiful woman.
If he doesn't want to be with her, then I will
Because she is fully aware of the insanity that she is going to start.
>The Kasuga-class cruiser (春日型巡洋艦 Kasuga-gata jun'yōkan?) was a class of two armored cruisers of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) based on the Giuseppe Garibaldi-class cruisers developed by Italy at the end of the 19th century.
>launched 1902
Makes you wonder what other old-ass war machines they have lying around.
so that's why the tank has sportscar engine noises
>beautiful woman
Shut up Arisa.
I wonder what it would be like to have sex with her
Nigga I'm not Alisa.
Daughter tier tomboy.
Levan Polkka AMV when?
Why are mechanics always top tier girls?
>tfw this scene
I'm going give that dictator a happy family life
Finns are not familiar with the concept of sex.
So was anyone else glad to see Erika as a ...not tremendous bitch
They know only rape.
Miho is a fucking sociopath.
I've only watched it straight though once, but I'd say if you added together all the scenes I've revisited individually, I've probably watched it 5 times in total.
It's addictive.
Erika was sad the whole movie.
>mfw when that track played
She smiled for one frame.
I thought the sounds of someones heart breaking was ZUKYUN
she smiled once
>Howdy folks and welcome back to another episode of Mingles with Jingles...
Why is this series popular right now? Why is it outselling Madoka Rebellion? During its season it had several other hard hitting anime that it's hard to believe it's carved out a niche.
>Magi: Labyrinth of Magic
>Psycho Pass
>To Love-Ru Darkness
>Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
>Zetsuen no Tempest
This anime wouldn't be found in many people's top anime of Fall 2012 or something.
she was being German. She was quite happy. Look at the happy German team. Can't you see their joy.
>Operation PakiPaki
>TFW Leopon team merch never
I am at 4 times the whole movie + I don't know how many times different scenes. Top scenes:
-Za pravdu!
-Finns gonna die historicly on the fury road
I think Finland is gonna be the first country I play in HoI4
Does he have a GUP der film vid out?
Only Psycho Pass was a commercial success out of the ones you posted.
Says you, It's the only anime of 2012 I legit love.
Dayumn, someone actually saved something I made
Kaibutsu-kun is the only good show on that list, though.
Looks like weak competition.
You walk into Senshado Club and see this.
wat do
Not yet no, but I imagine he'll talk about it in next weeks Mingles with Jingles
I love the faces of disgust and disapproval she always does.
She tries to play nice, but secretly think poorly of others, a true Nishizumi.
>Put down the bowls full of pasta on the table >Have a good time
How doe their berets stay on at such an angle?
Unzip dick
Modern tanks are so lame.
The strange thing is that when I first watched the movie I definitely enjoyed it but I didn't it was great as /ak/ was making it out to be. But then, slowly but surely, through re-watching the instantly memorable scenes and the lightning fast /ak/ threads that followed in the wake of the subs being released, I realised the true brilliance of the movie.
My eyes have been opened. I now see as you do!
I'd hit on the bottom row, especially far right and second from the left.
Because I'm Not afraid of girls
This Jingles fanatic thanks you for your service, user.
Nah mate ya gotta troll the Nips as 'stralia.
>Kaibutsu-kun is the only good show on that list, though.
Many people would disagree with you, especially when well-done romance anime are almost always staple for being "good" when it's the same stale tropes over and over again imo just because the west overrates emotional atmospheres, character development, and engrossing plot. By their own rights, the anime I listed are also "good". I'm not looking for plot and deep character development in GUP.
Warms my heart.
>that skirt
Im calling dips on this one.