North Korea

Is Sup Forums seriously beginning to sympathise with the North Korean regime? WTF?

The "Juche" ideology might supposedly protect family/order values but look at the totalitarianism and cruelty of the regime, c'mon...

You really are misguided by the nazbols

Other urls found in this thread:

North Korea SHOULD have nukes.

Israel wants to bomb the shit out of NK

yea but south Korea's last leader was being controlled by a cult shaman.

Wha are you talking about? So we should support NK against Israel although the first country is being the worst towards its own people than any other one?

That leader didn't threaten world peace to say the least

Yes. Israel is much worse than NK. Israel subjugates it's OWN PEOPLE.

Israel kills whoever the fuck they want.

They'll even blow up our twin towers.

Do the Israelis fear each day because they know that if they do wrong they'll be sent to labor camp?

NK allows much much less personal freedom than Israel (not to say that Israel is a pionneer of democracy but whatever)

not gonna jump in that 9/11 thing 'cause we really don't know

4 generations in the Gulags just for this post

don't listen to this EU poster
kim is /ourgook/

>nazbol flag

be suspicious :o