JoJo Thread


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Also, posting the original soundtrack of HFTF in FLAC with some songs from the HD menu and ones left off the soundtrack (Credits to Musicedge)!z8QVVYib!AMIGBxPDShKAzEePcCHelwGLvtpwBZmEuRR8rhI0L7w

When does the actual bad guy show up?

Never. All the bad guys aren't actually bad guys and eventually become friends with the main crew. Friendship will always win in JoJo from here on out.


Best girl with the best stand ability

Thanks a heap user. If you're experienced with sound, do you have any idea on how to rip the Eyes of Heaven soundtrack? I can't do it and neither could Doc last I asked.!ItkjyDgb!vdkJR_Sr0vlB6SXijSGceWJtRqwL7IOm4FZpCU7-Xl8

Or if it became corrupted when I tried extracting it, maybe working with the EoH ISO from scratch could work? (this is from the pastebin)

If you or anyone else could do it, that would be amazing.

>I can't do it and neither could Doc last I asked.
didn't doc say it was corrupted or something?

I think so, and even I was having problems. Maybe if someone else tries downloading that ISO from the pastebin and unpacking it from there might work, but I still can't believe that all we have are the YouTube ones uploaded by that Vish guy which definitely don't sound the best after all this time.

>Implying part 4 has a bad guy.









Do you want me to personally devastate your computer so you can no longer shitpost?


fucking hell man why did you do this to me



Fate has arrived, huh?

you fucked up

Do you think cosplay will still be a thing in 10-15 years?

It's already been around since the 50s, pic related is from late 70s.

So no.

>So no

I mean >no it's not going anywhere

Added to pastebin

It's been a while, but Koichi doesn't really use Echoes Act 2 after Yukako much, right?

The more I think about it, the more broken and interesting that stand can be, it kind of makes me sad that Araki pretty much took the easy way out with a gravity stand that has nothing to do with sounds

>get my mom into jojo
>she starts using jojo memes in real life


I don't even
spill the beans user

Ask her who's her favourite villain/jojo & favourite part

she keeps saying "yare yare daze", especially when we are watching the show.

part 3, jonathan, dio because she thought the world was "good looking"

It's okay user, now you can perve on your mum having a bath and it'll be okay coz you can say "NIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE!"

To be fair as well, Dio is really good looking.

I mean how the fuck did she got into jojo. Is she a living breathing pioneer weaboo?

she was looking for something to watch and has watched some anime before, so i showed her jojo

Your mother sounds p cool user, be proud.

what sound effect is dogon?


Jesus that DIO

Does she like the musical references?

In Part 4? Like two fifths of the way in but he doesn't do much until about halfway through. He's still pretty good though.

Act 3 had a really convoluted spelling based power but it was too confusing for readers who didn't know enough English so he never made it do anything except for the gravity thing.

Was Polpo actually huge or was that an illusion

He's just a huge fat fuck.


How is part 4 of the anime compared to the other 3? Is it QUALITY?

Also, I've read the manga all the way up until about a third of the way through part 6. Please tell me it gets better later or that either of the next two are worth reading.

Spiral Staircase

Will JJL show us more of the legend of johnny?

Part 4 anime is higher quality than part 3 imo

part 6 does get better and steel ball run is amazing. I also enjoy Jojolion

Part 4 is pretty good. Not a lot of quality
Parts 7 and 8 are good user, just try to get through 6

It's probably the best adaptation so far. Of course there's QUALITY every so often but it's not bad at all. Part 6 has always been pretty divisive but the second half is generally considered way better than the first half, it's also the most flat out insane section of possibly any shonen manga ever. And Part 7 is one of the best Parts, it switches to monthly after 23 chapters and it has the best art and writing by far. The second half is probably the best the series has ever been. Part 8 is going strong as well, if Araki finishes it well then it will probably turn out even better than Part 7.

You need to finish Part 6 though, the beginning is meh and the middle drags on a bit longer than it needed to but the second half is generally considered worth it.

Part 4 anime so far is better than the part 3 one since it's not a carbon copy of the manga, they're experimenting a lot and it's REALLY good so far.
Also part 7 is widely considered to be the best part and 8 is shaping up to be one as well.
The first half of part 6 is a bit hard to get through but you'll fucking love the 2nd half, trust me.
Now get out before you're spoiled

Now for the greatest question of all.
Which subgroup?

Oh yeah, just so you know Part 7 is a reboot and has no connections to the first 6 Parts despite what the end of 6 and beginning of 7 might lead you to believe. Separate continuities.

We'll probably find out more details about how he died and what effects that has on JJL but his story is done, so we won't get a flashback just detailing his life or anything.

Horrible Subs if you watch on release, Some Stuffs for keeps (they change the Stand names back to the originals among other stuff, but it takes longer than just ripping CR subs so they release slowly).

When can we expect to get the next four episode titles from stardust shooters?

I watch it on crunchyroll

HS if you want to watch each episode as it comes out, Some Stuffs are the best choice though because they keep the original stand name but they take longer to release
Have fun though user!

>Damo fights ends
>Josuke wants some serious explanation
>is taken to Norisuke studio
>book belonged to Johnny is shown to him
>pic of Johnny and Gyro taken in an happy moment drops from it

>Startef Jojolion with the Project Bite Me scanlations
>Was surprised as fuck at how everyone sounded like medical professionals
>Learnt that HWMN scans are the best ones
Is it bad I miss how Gappy spoke in the Bite Me scanlations?

Who can resist this masterpiece of nature?

part 7 is the best part t6h

I thought that was his characterisation first actually, but you get used to it eventually.

Are you on Westwood in 6?

>live-action Jojo's
>Somehow becomes successful enough for more movies
>we get to Stone Ocean
And they cast pic related as Pucci. Your reaction?


but pucci isn't black

>decide to check out the boards I never visit
>go to Sup Forums
>general called coco's bizarre adventure or something
the fuck is this shit

Pucci is pretty white

You rang?

>going to Sup Forums
Well there's your first problem.

Basically someone made a joke about daffy the duck dressed funny being a stand user and a whole "fandom" evolved about the idea of rewriting jojo with Sup Forums characters.

All threads are now about giving characters stands but they're getting nowhere with the actual story. About the only genuine OC that has come out of it is:

So pretty much autism.

they've mocked up outlines for 4 parts and are halfway in 5, if i recall

outlines are pointless if they don't become an actual story, and they've had, what, a year now? there's not even a script

>actually monitoring their progress

But where are the results?

jesus christ


Stands -
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -

IIRC their part 6 through 8 are undergoing a revamp.


>the only script is in greentext

>Waifu Ocean
I'm fucking done


Brock Lesnar would be a perfect Westwood
Show me a better choice than that

>literally a purple gorilla
>[monkey business]

no fucking subtlety

>Sup Forums started the concept of bronies
>now they're doing this shit
Most autistic board

Gorillas aren't monkeys, they're apes.

They say it's to parody Sup Forums's waifu fetishism.
I have yet to be convinced.
That said most of them seem to hate the idea too, they just haven't rewritten any of it yet

we're not talking about your mother here


>best stand

Nah, /tg/ does this sort of shit all the time, so if you're using this as evidence for Sup Forums being the most autistic...

I guess capeshit rots the mind


I know it's at thing, I'm complaining about the name, they couldn't call it [Clint Eastwood] or something subtler

Araki doesn't tend to do allusions like that, though. Any link between the stand and the name tends to be as blunt as a mallet to the face.

The least subtle ones I can think of are The Hand and Talking Head

>How is part 4 of the anime compared to the other 3?

>Please tell me it gets better later
a tiny bit, doesn't redeem how boring 75% of it is though

Wait, and The Lock, of course

Diver Down has scuba gear and dives into stuff

Good point