41-year-old anime director Yutaka Yamamoto...

41-year-old anime director Yutaka Yamamoto, best known for his directorial work on The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV anime 1st season), Kannagi, and the most recent Wake Up, Girls!, announced on his official Twitter yesterday that he had decided to take an indefinite break from activities.

He explained the reason for the break as; "Because so many unjust incidents happened at the same time recently, my health condition has become bad." He also added that he can still read Twitter comments, but it is probably impossible to reply to all. Details are expected to be explained on the official Twitter accounts of his production studio Ordet (@ordet_staff) and the Wake Up, Girls! anime franchise (@wakeupgirls_PR).'

"Because so many unjust incidents happened at the same time recently, my health condition has become bad, so I have decided to take an indefinite break. Telephones and emails are still available, but I am afraid that I basically can't give any comment on my future activities."

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck this guy, he cannot direct himself out of a paper bag.

Don't worry, he'll save anime one of these days

Can he save himself from sickness, though?

>what is Kannagi


Maybe if he dies, he will become recognized as the genius he really is. They say true artisans are never appreciated during their lifetime.

Holy shit those character designs are atrocious

The one thing Yamakan did right that was killed by its own author

Well that's just great.

From Haruhi to WUG. What went right?



wtf is an 'unjust incident'?

I guess sponsors backing out?

Please don't do it Yamakan, you have so much to live for! Like .. uh.

He really did shoot himself in the foot, several times actually, and has little recourse but to ditch anime. Really though he became kind of a scapegoat for everything otaku hate about people in the anime industry and they bullied him out.

Senyuu's source material was good enough that he didn't ruin it.

>announced on his official Twitter yesterday that he had decided to take an indefinite break from activities.
What, again?

When will Yamakan stop being such a whiny attention whore.

Please save anime, Yamakan.

What is he doing in Seychelles?

Fucking this. A lot of people went nuts because of that unpure Nagi shit.

He saved anime with WUG.

Anime status: Saved.

It will never get more sequels now.

NOOOOO! Not again.

He promised to adapt Wake Up Girls story completely, from the start to finish and disbanding of the real band. Still waiting for S2 production and movie rips.

Did he secuhara some of his underage idols again and once again forced to step down?

Whats your point? WUG is great.

Is Yamakan possibly upset that no one has subbed the movies?

>movie rips
Both movies were ripped ages ago, subs never though.


Now he is but one of us - a full-time shitposter.

what's the youngest age someone was a director for chinese cartoons?

It's been subbed by Chinks but for whatever reason the English subbers official and unofficial won't touch it.

Most likely got beaten up.

And nothing of worth was lost.

>kind of a scapegoat for everything otaku hate about people in the anime industry
i just thought he was a joke or a meme and didn't look further than that

He has some good ideas but need someone to keep him in check like Ishihara did on Haruhi.

Why aren't you an anime director yet?

But anonymous, I am.

My morning so far:
>watched some of Takemoto and Gatoh's Hong Kong lochunt/drinking binge featurette on my new TSR BD
>had a gyro
>read this news

It's gonna be a great day famtachi

I'm a art director. I'm secretly directing everything.

What I want to know is how WUG is still limping along.

Everything looks like shit

It's just very japanese-like PR speech
It means something problematic (likely, the illness itself, 'incidents' plural might be a mistranslation) came out of the blue and blindsided him.

Why is he a meme?

But who will save anime now?

WUG is fine. They've been releasing singles every few months. Right now there's an ongoing tourist campaign for Miyagi.

Another thing to look forward to is the combined I-1/WUG units. I hope Minami and Reina made the final cut because Hanayamata.

Haruhi season 3, Black Rock Shooter Season 2,And Kasnnagi season 2 possibilities are now truly dead.

Who will be our savior now, Sup Forums?

Mari Okada.

nobody gives a fuck.

I liked Fractal enough and WUG was a fun idea but eh don't really care

He did some sexual harassment. Which is ironic for the otaku to hate him for it. As if they care anything that happens to 3D women

I actually did sub the first part a while ago, but people seemed to not give a fuck and the thread died pretty quickly.
I guess I'm one of the few people who appreciate Idol anime of all forms, even ones which didn't recieve as much praise like WUG.

I'd mux and make a torrent myself, but it's outside of my expertise.
Been away from home for a few months so I haven't had the time to do the second part just yet.
When I get back, its on my list of things to do.

.ass for part one here:

He's looking for inspiration by walking the mountains. Soon he'll come back in full strength


Noted user, I can't into muxing either but if no one releases a proper version within a week I could list the subtitle files on nyaa & TT so it has more exposure, a lot of people actually do give a shit about this but most likely missed the thread.

That's really sad. A lot of newfriends who have no idea what a director actually does will say he's bad, but he's truly one of the greatest talents of his generation.

>I can't into muxing
Are you guys fucking serious? It's easy as shit.