Are you apart of the flat master race?
Are you apart of the flat master race?
Not in a million years.
But I can respect your tastes as long as you can respect mine.
flat is disgusting
no, i like being close to them
I'm good with both of these. I feel bad for people who aren't.
no, although i am not averse to flat i am not particularly fond of it either. the truth is that normal girls look better flat than lolis, whose huge heads are too ugly for me too look at
normal girls in anime > lolis
So flat
I prefer flat but I'm not a DFC supremacist, at heart I am a true breast lover.
Nope, though not every girl needs big tits.
I usually like big tits but I also like literally actually completely flat. I'm not into small but still noticeable.
Flat is best for 2d
Yes, I am indeed male.
True breast lovers unite
DFC is life. Kyon have shit taste.
No, I'm together with it.
>Lucchinis tiny chest
Truly a miracle of the universe.
There is such a thing as too flat and Aika is it.
Fucking op how do you into english jesus christ just fuck my shit up already I can't take it anymore
Flat is literally better in every way possible.
Flat master race? They're basically boys.
Not exactly.
I just like flat more because it's harder to fuck up.
I like large breasts, but it's soooo easy to make them too large which is just awful.
At long as they're qt I love all breast sizes
Jesus Christ my dick
I never knew heart shaped hole + flat was a thing
No, I'm not, in fact, a pedophile
It's cat shaped though.
Flat, small and medium are all great. Big, large and more is when it becomes shit.