What is the appeal to this show?
Rick and Morty
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Appeals to infantile smoothbrains who think they're smart
Just lke Big Bang Theory
The appeal is if all your friends watch it you get to bond over it, but it's still an "elite", exclusive club.
It's for socially inept people.
I watch it, I enjoy it. I don't have any false ideas that its an intellectual show by any means, but I do find it enjoyable. Some of the themes explored are quite interesting, and its cool to see how they portray multiverse theory.
Just my two cents.
I think the writers and staff BELIEVE they are smart for probably doing some research on some of the themes explored and for trying to portray nihilism and atheism as ideal worldview to have.
I think it's pretty funny and clever, but relies too much on existential nihilism to be considered great.
>very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty
The autistic threads like these are it's biggest appeal
Big Bang Theory is a cancerous sitcom. Like every sitcom, it is unfunny and designed for literal brainlets.
I found brainlets tend to miss the point of Rick & Morty completely
It's funny, cynical and definitely entertaining
I'm happy this show exists to prove good animated series can still exist
Only problem is, with the lore expanding, the fanbase will start to consist mostly of autistic redditors and it will eventually destroy the appeal of the show
It's just weird it's not creative at all the ideas are stupid nothing about it is enjoyable besides the episode were the dog asks where his balls went the show is mediocre and for stoners
It's just a trippy show, fun to watch when you're high and with friends. Nothing really more to it. Stop making big deals out of things
It makes dumb people feel like they're smart.
It appeals to special people.
>the fanbase will start to consist mostly of autistic redditors
Seems like you'd get along well with them.
Someone post the chad image of Rick and Morty and the picture explaining why it is a show exclusively for redditors
I've seen every episode season one and two. Where do I begin? Insanely juvenile humor. An absolutely absurd amount of pseudo science and expurgegation of mythopoetical nonsense from science fiction imagination and try to treat them as real and plausible. Because what is science? All science is is a series of inferences based on observed facts. That's it. But if you can create a universe then you can make up any observed fact or phenomenon you want, whether it fits into reality or not. The crazy thing is that every episode this reality changes. There is no cohesion as you'd see in real science (ironically enough). But perhaps the most astonishing thing about the show is they use these completely impossible and made up scientific conceptions to denounce and falsify God. Unbelievably ignorant in terms of religion. Every episode (I believe literally every episode) shoe-horns in some sort of 'God isn't real!/ nothing matters/ science is our god!' Views.
Has it made me laugh? Yes, probably once or twice an episode there was something genuinely funny. But as I look back now the show is filled with contradictions, immaturity, and straight up lies. It's obvious the creators and writers have an enormous amount of trouble accepting reality, so they've had to make up their own, which fits in perfectly to a reddit user base that also refuses to accept reality, so they eat it up.
I can't respect someone who watches this show and genuinely enjoys it. It's propaganda and subtle conditioning aginst everything wholesome and pure with reality, America, and Religion. Don't watch it if you can, and if you MUST in an attempt to form an opinion, torrent it. But even then, trust me, it isn't worth it,
it looks like a cartoon for adults who wear 1 piece pajamas and diapers
Why someone would defile their own body in such an utterly grotesque manner is beyond comprehension
It's better than world peace ever was
Retards like to feel smart for hearing about basic scientific theorems with pop culture references so they can feel smart. It's pretty much the same fanbase and show as The Big Bang Theory
Fuck off Rick and Morty is so much better than BBT. The true level bit was funny af.
It's gay and retarded
Gays and retards like it
It's a funny cartoon about tripping.
If you watch it while tripping, you see the cartoon is not at all about politics, but about sub-situational occurrences and the irony of "it all" you see things melt onto and off of screen, or the same idea characterized across different dimensions of the story and plot, etc.
It's not about politics, it's about the chaos and irony of reality, it even blatantly uses stylized Back to The Future as the two main characters.
When you live only for the now and need attention based upon pop culture, you do stupid shit. In a few years when the show is long forgotten, thise tats wont get him the attention they once did and he will tat somewhere else with another pop culture shit stain. And so on...
That is literally the most narcissistic thing I have ever read. I didn't think it was possible for me to cringe so hard.
Yeah like how people forgot about Futurama
A friend of mine really liked the first two seasons, but says the latest season isn't funny, just "weird" and uncomfortable. Having only watched the first season, I can't tell you if that's true, but I have seen a similar sentiment echoed in a few places. People seem to really like the first and second seasons and are on the fence about the latest one.
That's literally how OP image was written on purpose, by someone who obviously doesn't understand the show and likens it to an obscure reference cartoon like "Family Guy".
Rick and morty is basically a sci fi parody. It makes fun of science fiction the same way that Archer makes fun of spy flicks.
It isn't an intellectual show, it doesn't make you do math or anything. It is as smart as futurama or any other animated sci fi show.
I learned more about people from watching maury than morty
"people who dislike Rick & Morty are idiots"
Really activated the almonds
I'll never EVER forget. I watched that show everyday after school with my dad and now I watch it everyday with my best friend. Not even the shitty new episodes tempered my desire for shiny metal asses.
Exactly this.
Its just a show, who cares. All fanbases have idiots
>smart as futurama
This show is weirdly underrated and overrated at the same time. Most of the fans are pretty dumb, most people who vocally hate it are even dumber.
There are a lot of subtle redpills within the world of the show if you pay good enough attention.
I actually think they do a really good job of exploring the dynamic between Morty and Rick.
I also don't get why people talk about the nihilism the way they do. The running theme behind that has been that nihilism is stupid and that Rick isn't really a nihilist, he just pretends to be.
It's too bad this show got super popular. Just another nice thing ruined by hordes of lame faggots jumping on the bandwagon.
>Claims High-IQ
>'nothing personnel kid'
I know a person like this.
>my entertainment choices are my identity
>my entertainment choices are evidence of my intelligence
literally jewish fucking tricks. if you watch rick and morty you're no better than someone that watches the kardashian show imo. this superiority complex people have with tv shows is retarded.
guy that wrote this was probably cringeposting on purpose though and might even be OP.
Go listen to your hipster music. The only tune cancerous fans ruin things is when there cancer affects the writer, like what happened with homestuck.
>watch it while tripping bro haha 420 whoa that freaked my mind dirty mind freaker!
Do you know how I know you are a degenerate? You need drugs to appreciate something you couldn't appreciate sober
Fucking autocorrect
the show is enjoyable for what it is, it's the mlp tier fans that are cancer
This must be some paid advertising thing. No other explanation for the reason flood of threads on this garbage tv show. Also makes no sense how they aren't immediately deleted for off topic.
The third season has had three god-tier episodes (1, 6, and 7). The rest have been mediocre, still some creativity plotwise and visually, but weirdly uneven and not nearly as funny
>Rick and Morty for the millionth time
>no one cares
fuck off with these threads
>not knowing psychedelics are one of the final-boss redpills
Comparing psychedelics to addictive degenerate drugs is just ignorant.
Like, this has to be a bot for this advertising thread.
This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.
Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist).
Watched all three seasons. It's got a couple jokes in there that got a laugh out of me, but it's very mediocre at best as a show. The real problem I have with it is the writers absolutely cannot help themselves but to slip in just a tiny bit of leftist propaganda into every episode.
>Rick and Summer are negotiating with feminist super civilization. Muh wage gap.
>Christianity is stupid, muh atheism superior
>Republicans want to destroy civilization
It's funny.
>Not watching Dragon Ball instead
Lack of identity
>nothing personnel
>thinks he's smarter than others
>>Rick and Summer are negotiating with feminist super civilization. Muh wage gap.
They're the antagonists.
>>Christianity is stupid, muh atheism superior
Par for the course at this point, but worth pointing out that Rick pays to God in the episode about them splitting timelines, and the latest episode demonstrated that an alien species' afterlife beliefs were correct for them.
>>Republicans want to destroy civilization
Show also portrays big government as a bad thing, so kind of a balanced scale there.
Threads like this one shit on the show. Stfu and enjoy. Good fucking golly
>nu-lib "progressive" science shows about science
rip, there's nothing subtle, deft, or intellectual about a bunch of college students shouting PICKLE RICK PICKLE RICKKKKKKKK PICKLE RIICCKKK PICKLE RICKKKKKKKKKK all fucking day long
also the new wave of "its cool to be a cynical moron whos upset at life all day" shit rubs the wrong way with me
It appeals to jaded nihilist betas who like to congratulate their own mediocre intelligence.
I prefer my shows to be balls to the wall retarded then a failed attempt by morons at being tfw to intelligent
>Watched first season
>No political agenda, humor was pretty good, the sarcasm was nice
>Watch second season
>No political agenda, humor became stupid forced memes, sarcasm started being used for redditor tier humor instead of general banter
>Third season
>Even more forced memes (PICKLE RICK XDXDXD)
>Sarcasm is used in a mocking way of people on the other end of the political spectrum of the writers
Reddit fucking ruined the show.
I'm done watching it, I'm getting tired of this bullshit where autists on the far left can't help but spam their brainlet opinions into everything they make. Especially after that Summer episode with the breast expansion.
>You shouldn't like big breasts and if you do you're a sexist pig making women feel insecure
ate acid 2 times in my life. only psychedelic i've done. 1st time was beautiful and everything made sense and it was total euphoria. 2nd time was a literal nightmare with insects everywhere and walking laps around a pool to avoid the insects in constant fear that i would step into the pool and drown. totally the final boss of redpills.
>Solid grasp of theoretical physics
>Dimension where sofa people sit on pizzas and order takeaway bread
Okay mate. I mean its a fun show, but people do like to suck the shows intellectual dick far too much.
this one?
>it will eventually destroy the appeal of the show
I haven't even watched the show and I already hate it due to the way people talk about it.
it hurts
>being this new
Kill yourself
>>You shouldn't like big breasts and if you do you're a sexist pig making women feel insecure
I didn't get that implication at all. I actually liked that episode because of Morty confronting the other guy at the end of the episode, and he was just generally pretty competent.
Yeah. It's extremely immature and childish and ultimately self-destructive
whats that show on adult swim that's basically mocking rick and morty?
>Rick is telling Morty to come to garage
>viewers on the edge of their seats, some begin preemptively passing out from excitement
>Rick smirks
>at once- a cacophony of shrieks and laughter of immeasurable magnitude erupts from the viewers
>I am...
>viewers go red in their faces
>the camera zooms on Rick's face
>viewers on the verge of tears from the anticipatory laughter, some have to stop watching TV because of hysterical shrieking and uncontrollable laughter
>the tidal forces resulting from combination of applause, laughter and tribal dancing starts to alter the very fabric of time itself
>huge grin comes on Rick's face and tears of laughter start flowing
>getting a tattoo
>of a fucking cartoon of all things
>also the new wave of "its cool to be a cynical moron whos upset at life all day" shit
>It appeals to jaded nihilist betas
The whole point of the nihilism outs that is stupid.
cancerous, but rare nonetheless
Someone else sees the parallel. Thought I was just reading too much into the similarities
>80% of the episodes manage to create a fantastic world or parody world to enjoy.
>lampshading sci-fi tropes cleverly
>Has an overarching story line, each episode generally contains multiple interwoven (literally or thematically) story lines
>actually has alot of emotional depth (fear, loss, etc)
I'm sure it is not for everyone, but anyone saying it is unilaterally bad, rather than just enjoyable, is probably just being contrarian for the sake of it.
I hate stephen king, the structure of his writing and sentences makes reading his books like walking over a chess board with each of the squares pumping up and down as an independent piston. That said, I accept that he was capable of telling a story in such a way that keeps the pages turning for his ACTUAL TARGET AUDIENCE. I find him to be a shit writer, but he's clearly a genius in his own right.
So yea, I find most episodes of RM enjoyable and lovingly made. If you like sci fi and can't say one nice thing about this show you are just being a super edgy unique opinions man.
It's a stupid funny show. There's no deeper meaning to it other than to make fun of pretty much every institution.
People read into shit too far. Just enjoy the show for what it is.
>brainlet spotted
I didn't even get the feeling that the seen was ment to be hilarious, given Morty's reaction. The junior of that episode was mostly Beth's constant denial that the vast majority of family dysfunction they have is caused by her or Rick, and also Rick fighting people as a pickle.
Its fucking edgy dark humor wrap into sci-fi. It probably one of the better cartoons made by the west right now but seriously people who have to constantly argue about it are just as bad as people who claim you have to be smart to understand it.
Just enjoy life nigger.
>someone actually wrote that
>someone realistically thinks enjoying a cartoon is a sign of high intelligence
>smart show
>universe made of shit
>shit planet
>most the names are fucking gazorpazorp
>tries to get political, ends up shitting on liberals
>origins was a internet toon about mostly dick sucking jokes
>fans are like aspergers kids, but its more cool
>nihilism, yay
>*bwaaaap* morty
>pickle rick joke wasnt meant to be funny, becomes meme
>look at all the intellectuals
still cant find the video where rick and morty fans sperg out because the bus decides to leave before the fans are allowed to hand over all their money.
>mlp tier fans
There is nothing wrong with mlp or its fans
>captcha: Semen
The newest episode had someone die and get pulled into the underworld, Rick mused that it was nice to learn their religion was true.
The devil is a character in one episode. You don't get a devil without a god
I'm absolutely positive that there are more examples, but this is enough to at least say it isn't forcing atheism down anyone's throats. Sure, Rick is (was?) an atheist, but he's also a shitty role model as his only redeeming quality is his intelligence and that isn't an emulatable feature.
R&M is twatty show. It is made by twats for a target audience of twats, twat.
>rambles about IQ
>nothing personnel kid
So so satisfying.
it's a troll post, r-right?
It's a meme. He was trying to fit in with the memers.
Pretentious rationalization for being dedicated to cartoons. That or shameless marketing tactic.
it is "the new shit" like south park or family guy was once and people will watch it until it gets old or something better comes up. what is your butt hurt on the show anyway? you ran out of 9 year old kids to bully and need to attack something else to prove your superior intelligence?
>you need a high IQ to understand Sick & Schmorty
I'm dumb as shit and understand that everything in the show is just edgy science-nonsense
>I'm pickle Rick :D!!!!!
>Thanks Mr. Poppy butthole
Argeed...it's a decent show (at least season one and two, have not seen season three) but you don't need to be a genius to understand it. In fact it's probably funnier if you were a little dumb
Thats a stupid reason not to watch it.
Haha. I fuck with my brother in law and I'll start talking like that; replacing every first letter with a b. Bit borta bos bike bis band beally bisses bim boff.