>tfw your city is only 40% white
Tfw your city is only 40% white
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probably closer to 20%
Make it 30%. The 40% figure counts spics as white.
So what ?
America was originally 0% white
>your city is 10% white
>your city is full of illegals
>your city is one of the safest cities in the US
>your city is El Paso
>tfw live in memphis
That's because all the dirt gets done in Juarez. Also, no blacks.
Does it really matter? Even if your city was 100% Christian, White, Nordic Aryans, you sill wouldn't leave the house.
But when America was 0% white it was 100% shit.
El Paso is shit, no grass anywhere and the city stinks after it rains.
Yes I would are you kidding
Id spend all day outside
>tfw my city is 90% white
>tfw your town is 99% white and the nearest city is 96% white
>tfw my little town, which is 20 minutes from a big city, is 98% white
>95% white town
>5% spic
>0 niggers
>in-town school I went to was only 55% white
fucking spics can't afford to live here but still they bus in their little shitskin anchor babies to fuck up everything
>TFW despite similar situation, I have family that live in Luton.
just reveals the red pilled truth of (cultural/economic/racial) self-interest right in the face of liberal colleges that preach unreal optimistic opposite that somehow everyone will manage to get along despite often conflicting cultural values
Americans are all mongrels, it shouldn't matter A white american probably has native and nigger ancestry.
>tfw san diego
Tfw you live in Atlanta.
Must be nice, user... We're up to our armpits in niggas
and over half of the whites are over age 65....
>tfw you live in Paris
>continuing to live there
nobody to blame but yourself
>tfw whites are 32% of your city
Would you still call that "live" though?
>tfw your city is 99,9% slav
So, 99,9% non-white?
For now, order hasn't completely broken down yet, also my district is 50% gook 50% white, which feels nice.
Still planning to move though.
99,9% white
Oh there's blacks, but they are as rare as whites. It's just nice that all criminals are smart enough to stay clean in EP.
Deserts smells good after a rain. I don't know where you were.
>tfw your city is the number one most segregated city in the country
This city would be unliveable if that weren't the case