These two faggots were German

These two faggots were German.

G*rmans are always the ones who start shit.
But they do so with English influence.

It's a Germanic peoples problem

Karl Marx was a jew and son of a rabbi. Engels was German.

These two people created something that was okay in their historical context
Wanna be mad with someone? Be mad with the faggots that think that's still possible to apply those concept today

>Max Stirner
He's a fucking anglo you autistic kekistani. His father was from England, his father owned land in England, his father gave birth to Stirner in England. There by, he is no where close to being G*rman.


Why's Karl look black?

Left is Jewish, right is English

I wish I could be as stupid as you, I'd be so much happier

Who the hell actually thinks this is possible today?
All we have at best are social democrats, even here

Wasn't your previous president a literal commie terrorist?

Politics? Noone
Edgy teens? Everyone

Haha, because his surname is "Engels" you think he's English? Haha.

Russians jews, germanized their name after fleeing from the tsar...fixed. Anti-german atrocity propagandist.

Lula was everything bad and shit.
But I wouldn't call him a communist, he was alongside the party back then and he still had some sympathies but actual communist implementation was never tried here since the 1960s.
Edgy teens cannot be taken into account for anything, they're not well formed already.
I'll probably extend this definition for people until 30, everyone's a child nowadays but all of them love the companies who advocate gay rights

Marx made good points about the perils of unchecked capitalism. The idea that doing the exact opposite will solve anything is just as fucking retarded now as it was in the 19th century.


Lula wasn't left enough to be a social democrat, not even that.
What he wanted was a good capitalist economy here to feed shitty dictatorships, he knew he couldn't destroy capitalism here, ever.

I mean Dilma.

His father and mother were Englishmen

He literally returned to England and died there

You fucking retard

You mean Moses Mordechai Levi Marx was jewish turned satanist. Engels a luciferian mason.


All she really ever tried was to get a hold of the armed forces in order to ensure PT would never get out of power.

She wanted a system somewhere in the middle of Venezuela and China and yes, she was a terrorist once.

But actual commie reforms, the only one she tried was the land reform (which I wouldn't call commie since we do have a problem with that, even fucking USA did it) but I guess it was too late anyway.

>G*rman """"""people"""""

>try to save europe three times
>fail after the entirety of the known world revolts against you
>called the bad guy

the eternal burden of the German man

That's a German surname. He came over here, so fucking what?

I think you mean
>loses first world war
>gets butthurt it has to suffer actual consequences
>chimps out and kills people that aren't them
>ruins white nationalism for everyone else
>have years of white guilt now and impose it on every other type of white
>import millions of third worlders
>"B-but I dindu nuffin!"


This is very embarrassing. I am cringing at your post.
Engels isn't an English surname. Engels is a German surname and sometimes Dutch.

>start reformation because jews have infiltrated the church
>start world war one to maintain the empires of europe against the ever extending revolutionary tendencies
>bring about the greatest state to ever exist in human history as antithesis to the Jewish order of the world only to have your European brothers turn on you
>be mocked for the literal communist puppet government of the allied powers' actions in modern Germany

I understand your unwillingness to read things that prove you wrong, but you may want to read the pic of my last post

Yes, it is a surname that has never existed in England beyond immigrants. It is not a native surname. It is exclusively German and Dutch, no native Englishman has ever had that surname. It doesn't even look English. Could be a surname for English diaspora in Germany/Netherlands, even then, English ancestry would be severely diluted.

Came here to say this.

He was. Don't believe the whitewashed version of history.

> and infested Slavs

makes you think

Heroes of mankind.

>he fell for the culture marxist meme

American idiot.

And the were both financed by the illuminarty

they were kikes

germany is the blight of the world

fuck off leftypol

Weird way to spell "scum of the earth".

It wasn't them that executed communism.