>[HorribleSubs] Sousei no Onmyouji - 09 [720p].mkv
Sousei no Onmyouji
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Why did this suddenly turn into a B-tier horror movie? The whole traagedy was hilarious as fuck.
Well it only took 9 episodes but at least the plot has finally started.
I guess everyone stopped watching already. Ah well.
>The whole traagedy was hilarious as fuck.
it was expected since ep 1
and with the preview from last week you could guess that it was his friends that turned into monsters
I'm just watching it for Benio at this point.
I enjoy the soundtrack... is it Iwasaki Taku?
This was a pretty good episode, even if i had to watch cute girls get broken into pieces, or have their heads bitten off
So is this any good?
I tried the first episode, but it was literally "h-hayai": the shounen fights from the get go
The girl looks cute but damn
If you don't like shonen fighting i would go with no, but there are plenty of SoL's this season to go fap to.
Sure sound like his style. I always look forward to his soundtracks.
its generic, but fun
This moment is coming
Next ep seems to be back to non-manga content.
New 12 Guardian and training arc incoming?
Read the manga. Anime is full of filler shit with an annoying mascot and rearrangement of some events.
No myanimelist.net
Not anytime soon, like with Shimon this was a early introduction, most likely more filler, then Kamui, some more filler, and then Yuuto.
Most likely leading into Kamui and Benio watching her parents squished..
legs are over rated
>even if i had to watch cute girls get broken into pieces, or have their heads bitten off
That was the best part tho. Loli/young maiden suffering is absolutely delicious.
Rokuros berserk form was rather underwhelming.
It was pretty bad, in the manga at least he got a hit in.
I still watch it. The production values are low, but eh, its a highschoolers battle shounen where they actually expend the time fighting demons so I won't drop it no matter what.
Considering the tone of the adaptation I don't think TV version will be that explicit
This show managed to keep me watching where BnHA didn't. Even the allegedly shitty episodes I was still enjoying, and because it's almost definitely 50 episodes, I can at least expect it to feel like a complete story.
>Considering the tone of the adaptation I don't think TV version will be that explicit
You mean the show that just graphically killed to little kids and had Rokuro painting a wall with his blood? Yeah, i would be surprised if the dont show bone shards and one of the detached legs twitching.
Does she still have the misunderstanding this episode?
During? Yes
After? No
>Next ep seems to be back to non-manga content.
Isn't this show 12 episodes?
Fucking why Pierrot.
>Isn't this show 12 episodes?
No, it will be around 50 episodes
>Isn't this show 12 episodes
24 episode
Last time i checked it was listed with 12 episodes on fansubdb.
Well, now it's 50 as you said, makes more sense for the fillers, even though it will probably be terribad.
I started watching because I enjoy the arranged marriage set-up. As long as it remains, I have no intention of dropping.
>Considering the tone of the adaptation I don't think TV version will be that explicit
The episode had a little kid have her head bitten off.
manga update when?
My god. Is it even possible to make someone even more of an edgemaster than him? It's so over the top.
I still haven't caught up since ep6, has it gotten better? Even Endride-level would be acceptable.
sometime this week or next.
Probably not.
>those guitar riffs as he's berating Benio
Is this a comedy?
>Is this a comedy?
The author's last work was Binbougami Ga
You make it sound more explicit that it actually was. We only saw a mouth open then an arm falling. The head bitten part was offscreen.
It's just me or everyone in this show except Rokuro is an asshole?
Leaving it to our imagination makes it much more gruesome to be honest.
I want to take this show seriously, but every time Rokuro does something, says something, feels something, it just gets undermined with his silly fucking monster teeth.
>gets fucking pissed off
>zigzag teeth
>zigzag teeth
>feels sad or guilty
>zig-fucking-zag teeth
I can't take this kid seriously.
Benio and Mayura are nice
Well, it was more explicit then when it happened in Madoka.
I'll watch it again someday
If Rokuro could look like that in the anime. His character design is easily the worst in this.
>you will never get a girl to smile like that towards you
It hurts. It hurts so fucking much.
Benio is so cute, I would kill her brother in a heartbeat.
Rokuro pls.
In two days Jump SQ comes out in Japan
Please tell me Benio's brother is going to die ASAP. This little shit has a terrible case of cartoonishly evil villain and is already dragging the show down.
He gets forgiven and joins the main cast.
I'm enjoying it the same way I'm enjoying Ushio to Tora
It's not a complete copy paste shounen so far, though it'll probably become one though. So far it's been above average.
No. He'll get rekted and disappear. He has not reappeared ever since in the manga. He's the evil rival type
So is Mayura already engaged to Phoenix or does that come later.
So how far is this going anyway? I hear we're getting a lot of episodes, but my understanding was that the manga isn't that close to being done yet, so a long running, faithful adaption seems kind of strange. I'm totally for it though.
I gotta say, that is some sick cover art
The only reason its been approved for so many episodes is because Abe-san heard it was about pressuring two youths to have babies and immediately funded it using tax-payer money.
As soon as he hears that there's still no Miko yet he's going to be pissed.
I wonder what's Abe-san's favorite anime
>See the cover
>Rad the manga
>Think Pierrot did a great job
>Watch the anime
>It's shit
Advertisements are really cruel.
They are doing another anime original episode next. Cordelia when?
Any anime about young adults having babies and paying taxes.
I don't really see how that's wrong or some sinister evil master plan, on the contrary. If anime is harnessed for that purpose it's all good in my book. Would be cool to have a Japan in the future, filled with Japanese and not some 3rd world immigrants.
And there's this rumour going on the interwebs that the actual act of making babies is pretty fun, in various ways.
He isn't even edgy though. He's just a psychopath.
You mean sociopath user.
The problem is Japanese men hate the modern Japanese women because America corrupted their minds.
What's the issue with modern Japanese women?
Can't really blame them.
Every second of them is ギャル.
Legs are just for show anyway.
Murrika turns everything into a twisted reflection of itself. t. やまとなでしこ-fan.
Wow. You know what, I don't think I like Japan even half as much as I did 5 minutes ago.
Why is Benio so weak? Could they really not find anyone more suitable to be Rokuro's fellow Twinstar?
Seigen might have been a bit harsh but his actions made perfect sense. Imagine if Yuto had turned up and he hadn't been there to explain/correberate things.
Even with that aside, they both deserved to know about each other and avoiding was the actual asshole decision there.
Similarly, considering how fucked up that night was for Rokuro, having him fight with hollow ideals is just heading for a mental breakdown which risks his and other lives.
What the hell? Yuuto had his impurity power up there. She get hers later.
>destroying Benio's only selling points
>Implying all of Benio isn't perfect
Why is this anime adaptation so shit when compared to the original work?
It's a fucking plot wreck.
Who cares about 3d sluts, you're here because you enjoy cartoons.
>only selling points
How the fuck did they manage to scew up Yuto's reveal this badly?
They bloated 7eps with filler just to rush the fuck out one of the mosy important parts.
And apparently we're right back to fillers next ep.
I just hope this doesn't kill the manga as well.
They are totally going to confess to each other after this battle, aren't they? fuck ;_:
I'll only be satisfied if they show Rokuro and Benio actually having vigorous, passionate, sweaty sex at the end of the series. No need to show nipple or anything too extreme, but I do demand them cuddling in the afterglow.
I want to bully Benio-sama.
Was there something like that in his previous series?
Is this the new chapter?
Or just something I forgot?
It's from 5th extra chapter.
Wait, so who are these two going to be? Just how badly are they fucking with the timeline?
Subaru and Benio. Who else?
Mayura's mom maybe?
Oh shiet, here we go again.