Chosen by God

>chosen by God
>incredibly hideous

what did God mean with this?

Looks don't matter obviously. Your bank account does.


>cherrypicked image

>Jews are a very small population pool
>Culturally, they forbid marrying outside that population pool
>Inbreeding for centuries leads to loads of monstrous genetic defects

There's your answer, fishbulb.

God loves ugly

>gods chosen
>can't win a war against inbred retards


Third result goy.

they were chosen by god to die because they killed jesus christ

[1/3]The Jew is a cog in a cosmic game, a game that both anti-Semite Sup Forumstards and the Zionists are losing, big time.

The Jew represents the assertion of psyche over matter. Their archetype is the superior intellect trying to out-alpha the physically alpha. This archetype represents, on a micro-scale, the same drama of the superior human mind dominating the denser "matter" of the animal nature we evolved from.

The Jews were made special by the Conscious Creator Force (different from the true Absolute but still very powerful and holy) in order to bless all other nations. They were a nation of rescued slaves who were to represent a spiritual alternative to all of the corrupt military-industrial complexes which were starting to take dominion over the earth, like the one which had enslaved them. They are to keep strict dietary restrictions, perform certain spiritual practices and rituals- and yes, some kooky weird shit in there too. Some of it is certainly a product of its time. But far more importantly, their "Book of Law" (kind of like America's Constitution, this was the document that formed the basis of their community/nation) featured a system of economic checks and balances which ensured that monopolies and cronies would not form. Every 7 years, debts were to be forgiven and indentured servants set free. Every 49 years, all land was returned to its ancestral owners and the deck reshuffled, as it were. And the Book of the Law, and even more vocally and poetically their Prophets, repeated over and over again: Care for the orphan, the widow, the poor and the foreigner among you. The Hebrews were not to forget their humble roots as slaves, and so they would care for those who were weak and marginal, the kinds of people who got trampled under the chariots of war and injustice in the other civilizations. This was a way to create a more healthy thriving generous human community.

Hasidic Jews are like the niggers of jews.

God's Chosen People and those who call themselves Jews today are not the same people.

What did the Demiurge mean by this ?


[2/3]Unfortunately, this was not to be. There's not much evidence the Jews ever kept the Jubilee economic laws - nor did most of them seem to keep the religious laws either. A big chunk of the Old Testament is prophets who chastise the people for worshiping false idols, for not obeying religious laws - or, more damningly, for performing the religious ceremonies but hypocritically, without recognizing the Spirit behind them. They weren't caring for the least among them. Their wars stretched beyond self-defense into rapacious conflicts. They exhorted and abused each other.

It's easy to scapegoat and blame the "slimy Jew nature" for all of this failure. But to play Devil's advocate, the Jews seem to be the ONLY culture I know of that has held up documents of its own failures with such holy and sacred reverence. Something peculiar and thematic is going on here. The Jew's strength is in his very humility and humanness, not his striving towards his Ubermensch. This is why secular Zionists bent on global domination is so Satanic - they have gravely misinterpreted their own role and their Jewish uniqueness. The story of the Jew's domination is a peculiar paradox.

Jesus is also a paradox. This is why Christ, the very essence of God Himself, incarnates as the humble Jew, and is rejected by Gentile and Jew alike, a homeless blaspheming wanderer dying a shameful criminal's death. Worshiping a crucified Messiah was complete madness and delusion in Jesus's day - and in ours too, if we can take the familiarity away from it. His story is the story of anguish and hopeless defeat. Worshiping such a moment and such a figure is like a koan to break apart all your previous judgments and ways of projecting value onto the world. Yes, it's followed by a glorious resurrection, but this is still unlike any "victorious story" to arise from any other nation.

>jews are not ugly on average

You got it all wrong. Jewish women are chosen by god.


Reactionary and ultra Orthodox Jews sometimes have traits like that because they always marry inside the group and tend to have huge families (8-10 kids). Modern Orthodox and below are much less crazy.

[3/3]The Jew, in their role as freed slave, is the ultimate Other which is the ultimate test of our Christlikeness, our divine compassion. In their role as the aspirational beta-male, their "schemingness" can test our compassion. But this is just a part of the game. You have to allow the Christ story to open up divine suffering and divine compassion in order to get the bigger picture on the Jew and stop contributing to a zeitgeist you know in your heart of hearts has led to some fucked-up shit, otherwise why would there be people screaming "Holohoax" and "gas the kikes" in the same sentence?

Yes, Zionism is super fucked-up. It's a perversion of the Torah and the truly Orthodox will recognize this. Their arrogant pride in their Jewishness was what led the elite Jews to crucify Jesus, just as Zionists now in many ways try to crucify people the world over. But Jesus himself was a Jew. So were his disciples and his early church. So were many brave and noble and admirable men before Jesus, and after Jesus. Do not hate their whole race. Do not hate period, but if you must then at least point it towards the places it deserves to go - towards the Israeli government, and towards the global banking complex and media manipualtors and the Zionist interests therein. Do not fail the test of the Jew and just slam one more nail into Christ on the cross as you spread the message of hate of the Other from the comfort of a global military superpower. Never forget, the Romans crucified Jesus, and then the ROMAN Catholic Church spent centuries convincing people to beat up and murder Jews for the crime. There are non-Jewish enemies as well, friends. The story of Christ is about what happens when the Spirit of God goes up against organized religion and empire. They kill Him, but He will always emerge victorious in spectacular and un-intuitive ways. Don't give way to hate brothers. May Jesus the Jew bless and keep all of you.


Please God i need a jewish slampig.

The Jews chosen by God followed Christ to Rome and became Christians, two thousand years later they're what you would call Europeans today. The ones claiming to be Jews today are Khazars and Pharisees. Read up on what Jesus thought of the Pharisees.

He meant that incest is bad.
Diversity would truly help make the Jewish race stronger.

Ashkenazi Jews sometimes look more like Sicilians, Italians, or Greeks than like Northern Europeans, but outside of Hasidim and their ilk they aren't very prone to deformities.

it is obvious
satan choose them

>chosen by god
Nice jew lie you are parroting there.
Jews were never the Chosen Ones

People are ugly on average. Rlly makes you think.

same pic 4


This, mostly applicable to the very insular communities. Past inbreeding though was prevalent enough that Ashkenazim have nearly unique genetic diseases like Tay Sachs. It's problematic enough that the Israel state offers genetic testing and counseling for free to prospective parents.

Yahweh didnt make us jews pretty because we are an intelligent, spiritually enlightened people. superficial materialism is for filthy goys.

>Chosen by God
>Get lost in the desert for 40 years

>Chosen by God
>Crucify and betray the Son of God for Shekels

If you could lead your entire race into the desert knowing in advance that all the cucks and degenerates would die out by the end, would you do it?