Volume 7 Cover is out. It's disgusting.
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Why is it disgusting? What did you expect?
what is that expression trying to say
Hope we get Cochlea this week.
TG 7 cover parallel?
I want to see Kaneki and Mutsuki nugget fuck
Huh, it actually is, same red background, nice.
Though I'd be interested in seeing a higher resolution image of it, so far this seems like the most boring TG cover so far.
Have some (I think some Fate mobile game) Ishida fanart
>White hair despite this volume being 100% Black Reaper unless he crammed in 12 chapters instead of the usual 11.
>So fucking generic
I vastly prefer the fan art mock cover to what we actually got.
Wasn't this the case with the Haise/Eto cover as well despite their interaction being at the end of that volume?
He really should have gone with the next volume of the Kaneki cover.
That bothered me too, but Eto set her plans into motion (chap. 42, first chapter of vol. 5) to bring back his memories, and it ended with her confronting him. At least it still fit somewhat. I guess we can extend this to vol.6 as well, considering Furuta isn't "relevant" until the current unreleased volume.
Still, Black Reaper would have been much more appropriate here. I'm tired of this white hair shit.
If Kaneki reverts to white hair still in vol7 then it isn't surprising that Ishida would use that as justification for making parallels with original TG
It's 12 chapter. The volume costs more and is longer than usual
Correct. It is predictable and an extremely forced "parallel." At least the original vol.7 art made sense in the context of the entire volume (versus 1 page if he crams in ch. 75) and did not look this bland.
I see. Thanks, user.
He probably wanted his XxxBlack_Reaper666xxX cover. However I think suicide-kun doesn't even deserve a cover. Thanks Ishida.
I guess I'm ok with this thing and just like said, this is the laziest cover Ishida have ever made though
I would have preferred Yomo or Ayato over this mediocre cover.
Blacked Arima 2.0 looks like Urine in that shitty fan art
Absolutely haram
Yomo/Ayato and Hikari/Touka will get the next cover (parallels TG cover 8) when we're getting more Kirishima flashbacks, Mougan and MILF jobbing to them and some Arata info.
Get your ass ready
Kek. Nice meme. Get your eyes checked, autism-kun. Urie looks nothing like that. It's very obviously Kaneki.
Stop making me mad.
Isn't that basically what we're getting just in white?
I don't see the point of calling Ishida's art bland but praising this one when the only differences are the haircolor and a few random paint drops.
That's relieving. I hope this is the last Kaneki cover until V14 +
Nice buzzwords user! You sure showed him!
pffft, no
I sure did! Thanks user!
But in all seriousness, there is no point in arguing subjectivity (and this is Sup Forums, mind you.) I would never expect a legitimate well seasoned critique here, just arbitrary nitpicking and "criticism." I responded with buzzwords because I don't see a point in actually arguing about it. Just a my opinion > your opinion dick measuring contest. It's still light years better than the official as far as I'm concerned.
I was bracing for rue and knew it was gonna suck, but im genuinely surprised and impressed by just how much ishida has managed to suck away almost all of my interest in two chapters.
Something interesting to note is that :re's volume 7 has both of Kaneki's eyes red.
Dropped until it goes back to Cochlea. I'd much rather a flashback arc about Furuta's life than this B level ghoul. Fuck rue island and fuck everyone there, nobody cares about them.
Ishida is just padding it out for extra money.
Yeah. Kinda reminds me of DTB.
Huh? No it doesn't, his left eye is obviously meant to be actually red, while the other is just shaded to be a normal eye.
I'm a Kaneki fag with cravings for his dick every week and even I am not this mad. Chill user.
The other eye is red like this pic
Same, at least last chapter was kind of interesting/entertaining.
I don't think so.
We'll have to wait for higher res to be sure.
Not really a Kaneki fag, it's just that I hate the Qs.
Yeah a lot of the rue characters are just uninteresting. Like ishida shows us miza like once in all of re and then dedicates a chapter to her flashback and death.
>He probably wanted his XxxBlack_Reaper666xxX cover.
You don't need to be a XxxBlack_Reaper666xxXfag to see how awful this cover is. Ishida has put more work in both random and birthday art hosted on his twitter and tumblr accounts.
Why are you this mad? It's true that after 10 chapters were nothing happened the fight was going somewhere but there are a lot of interesting fights on Rue too. Houji-Tatara, Akira, Takizawa, Amon, Suzuya-Kurona, Mutsuki-Torso, also you can watch Ui jobbing again.
In general lately I have the feeling Ishida doesn't give a fuck about Kaneki artwork or doesn't know what to do with it. It's always the least detailed or interesting one.
Ishida said in the past thst he was gonna put yomo on a cover eventually, but since it seems unlikely for him to be on a cover past this one he probably decided to put him on the back cover for this volume. Screencsp this so that i become Sup Forums famous.
Honestly I'm not mad, I just find the :re characters totally uninteresting, which is why the start of :re was such a slog to get through.
You gotta admit the Qs are pretty bland.
TG 8 had Ayato, right? Yomo will probably be in re's 8 for more parallels.
Especially considering three of the qs we know little to nothing about and they've been shown a total of like one time.
Vol 8 was ayato and touka. I dont think yomo has a chance for a cover ever again because we got his story with his sister and another encounter with arima in this volume.
Not that user and as unpopular this opinion is, I liked the Qs and Haise dynamic better than the Anteiku characters and Kaneki dynamic in comparison with both starts.
This is the cover? really? It looks fucking boring. Ishida really wants to pander to edgefags.
You never know, there will be probably a follow up in the next chapters.
Yeah, the beginning of :re was a pain.
I hope the cover for volume 8 ends up as like torso or something, that'd be fucking hilarious.
Ishida literally said that he wants him on the cover of a volume that's 'more important' than volume 12 of the original TG.
I agree. Anteiku crew is painfully boring and at least the mentor/squad dynamic Haise has with the Qs is better than that.
Probably because Haise stayed with the Qs for like 40 ish chapters while Kaneki stayed with anteiku for less than a third of that amount.
Source link?
Yeah ik, but ishida could've changed his mind and ended up settling with putting him on the back cover.
Torso buttfucking Mutsuki
Thanks. Definitely sounds like Yomo will be getting a cover.
Not him, but those two images aren't even close to being comparable outside of the red background. The official cover has no "life" to it, it is just drab and unanimated. Static, if you will. Even the facial expressions and how the eyes are depicted are entirely different as well as Kaneki's attire. The fan cover leaves a stronger impression on me, to be honest. He/she mimicked his style pretty well too. Ishida just dropped the ball on this one. And the "random paint drops" are something Ishida implements a lot in his art, which the fan artist was clearly inspired by. I'm not saying it's perfect, but I agree with the original user it overall is more visually appealing. Pretty sure if Ishida actually tried, he'd do a better job with minimal effort. I really think he cranked this out in a rush or just didn't care.
>The official cover has no "life" to it
pretty much this
The art is nice but the cover is boring and without anything that makes it stand out.
Personally if you're talking about the art itself, I prefer Ishida's by far. That's not even a question. I don't understand why everyone loves that other fan artist, his art doesn't look that good to me.
My only complaint about the cover is that it's boring in comparison with the other ones. Even though the others also had face shots they had more life in them.
Just what was Akira's reaction to Kaneki's change?
I don't really think anyone is saying the said artist is superior to Ishida. It is just that this one particular cover is so lackluster, it made a mimic artist's work look better than what it ordinarily would.
>Draw Arima
>Call it Kaneki
Wow what a cancer thread
back to wiki or somewhere else but no there
I just realised we still haven't had a character introduced in :re be on the front of a volume cover
>back to wiki or somewhere else but no there
>go to place x, but don't go to place x
>implying Arima isn't Kaneki
Incidentally, I also Arima at my first glance.
77 HQ raw is out.
Good job telling everyone everywhere how to get the direct link to the images. Thanks to that they found out and scrambled the filenames so that no longer works.
blame the faggots that go to tumblr and reddit
Such a shame. They made the images easier to copy but now they're in lower resolution. Still no sign of HQ 4-31
The Quinx should have gotten one by now but I guess Ishida is saving it for later.
I can hardly tell the difference.
>now they're in lower resolution
>before: 860 x 1236
>now: 800 x 1150
Yep. The tones look fucking disgusting now. These raws were better than tank digital but now they'll end up as bad. All thanks to the retard that couldn't keep his big mouth shut.
I do not believe this can be blamed on anyone in particular. But I find it interesting this finally happens right about the time MS starts uploading HQ chapters regularly.
MS has been doing re-releases for more than a month. This happened precisely a week after someone posted how to get the pages in another site.
The colors makes it look too bland. I still prefer this one than Haise's.
>some Arata info.
I want it but I doubt Ishida is going to address Arats's situation. We were in Kokuria with all of his family but nah, we need to create cheap drama with Yomo, Touka and Suicidal Kaneki.
Arima is his uncle.
+ The new layout is lackluster
Good point. They started that around chapter 67-71.
Which site? I know that wiki has been reuploading HQ scans for at least two weeks now.
You want more of 'This isn't my final form'?
But people shared this info months ago on here, reddit, and tumblr. It isn't new. And I don't think Shueisha cares about or acknowledges the existence of a handful of literal no name English only speaking posters on non Japanese boards.
They'd pick up on MS, though.
why is arima in the cover
Yep. Ch. 70 was their first, more specifically.
This is by far the best cover yet. This is Ishida's prime. Inverted colors symbolize Furuta's twisted double personality. The apple is an allusion to Eve's tempted actions and her misguided pursuit of knowledge. What does Furuta want to know? Everything. His conceited grin epitomizes Furuta's sadistic nature while belittling his abnormal insecurities. The sunlight enlightens him and is a reference to his past at the Sunlit Garden, where the fruit of V's greatest agents are raised.
I think this might be the greatest manga volume cover ever. Based Furuta.
I rather have a manga of Anteiku drama than muh promotion, muh fear of men, muh Haise clean my ears drama.
He is becum the Tokyo Ghoul
Too bad Furuta himself looks ugly in this.
>saving page as now downloads all images at once, you don't even have to flip through them
Huh. Is this their idea of preventing piracy or making it easier? Too bad about the resolution though. Do you think they could be running some kind of algorithm to resize them and have the full res in a different path?
Please be pasta.
>Kaneki looks serious and a little bit angry
>somehow he is totally like CCG's emotionless robot
Makyunt-chan pls. Go back to your Arima circlejerking club and stay with those landwhales in your hugbox
I just like the easter egg that if you inverted the color, the apple becomes red.
The most interesting cover by far.
What is this thing? Matsumae is back?
I'm not sure you realize that no one but the people that visit those blogs will get your inside jokes. If you're so obsessed with that site you should stay there.
Posting Best Girl
If you don't think he heavilly resembles Arima in the picture then you're blind. Also what said.
Sorry guys, I posted the wrong image
Posting superior best girl.