If I were millionaire I would hire guys to make my own anime with my own ideas. Why is there no richfags who do this?
If I were millionaire I would hire guys to make my own anime with my own ideas. Why is there no richfags who do this?
You don't stay rich by throwing money away
If it's a venture that they don't see themselves making any capital off of then I don't see why they would do it unless they take the art very seriously and have some pretty good ideas
Passion projects like that always end up as self-indulgent white elephants that please no one.
To seriously have a go at it you'd have to refine your writing skills to come up with a good enough concept, you'd have to hire artists if you can't draw, you'd need a 24/7 interpreter, the list goes on. And at the end of it all, it'll probably be nothing like how you wanted in the first place, or you realize that what you thought you wanted was terrible.
There's a lot of new rich who don't know what to make with their money. I bet there's tons of them who watch anime like pharrell williams.
And who cares if you don't make any benefice from it, money also has the purpose to be used for your fun and enjoyment
Because investing is far better than wasting money on super expensive stuff like comissioning anime. They could buy BDs though.
I would rather hire a studio to produce a new season for an anime that otherwise would never get another season. Like Spice and Wolf, Lucky Star, Haruhi, or whatever.
Hookers and cocaine are more lucrative.
are you seriously asking why are there not many millionaire weeaboo NEETs?
>You don't stay rich by throwing money away
Anime is so cheap though. $1.3m for a whole season, an american rich guy could make an ova or be part of a committee if they really wanted, but I guess you don't become rich wasting your time watching anime.
>my own anime with my own ideas
Yo, I'm not a fucking writer.
That said I would commission some artists I like to do it, I think that would be better idea.
Like Takashi Murakami, the guy who did the It Girl video you're on about, I would give him and his studio some cash to make an OVA or something. Even if it sucked it'd probably still be better than anything I could write.
I don't think you really get the number of new multi-millionair in this world.
I'm not talking about people who build their own empire, I'm talking about their sons who are bored of life and who don't know what to do with their money.
There must be some who like anime and instead of buying 2 rolls royce which will never leave the garage, make an anime real.
I'd do nothing. Anime is made by Japanese, for Japanese. That's the way it is, and that's the way it should be. Murricunts already ruined their own entertainment industry.
because there is no such thing as "Millionaire NEETS" and will never exist, not in a million years.
>only neet watch anime
do you really believe this?
even fucking kanye west watches and likes anime and he has better taste than 90% of Sup Forums
No he doesn't. He watched akira that one time so he can be a attentionwhore about it on facebook.
>Kanye West
>Good taste
nice argument user
>Casual anime watchers wanting to make their own anime
I think most millionaires are probably afraid of what others would think if they funded an anime.
>it says here you funded the animation of a manga about an elementary school girl who fell in love with her teacher
Even if Yeezy did watch much anime (he doesn't) he is far from being a NEET. He just released a new album earlier this year and he is anything but retired.
His children would be more likely to be rich NEETs in a few decades.
What a boring, meaningless life. So rich people don't do anything whatsoever that won't potentially make them money.
Life must be hard being essentially a stock tick machine.
>tfw the only anime I'd fund would be Keit-Ai
>you don't become rich
and the guys who born in this kind of families?
> you don't stay rich ...
pretty much one of the main reasons
Donald trump funded anime when?
Millionaires and Billionaires don't have spare money lying around in their bank account. None of it is liquid.
It's only on paper, in stocks or bonds, ownership, IP and so on. It's just a valuation.
Any expense needs to written off for these kinds of people. A nice car? Yep. A new house? Yep. An investment property? Yep. A private Jet? Yep. An expensive painting? Yep.
An anime?
How do you write that off? Pretty much you can't.
I'm not a billionaire (yet), but I've been an author and I've worked in games design. The creative process is hard work and takes a lot of time.
Unless you work in the industry and have experience you can't just decide to make an anime - even if you think you do. It will just turn out as a mess if you try.
If you truly think you have such a great idea; write a short story first, then a book, then hire an illustrator to do a comic or manga, and then - if it is truly good - and people like it - then only make an anime.
For every 30 great ideas I've had, be it stories or games or businesses, only 1 has withstood critique - and it ended up as something completely different when I finished it.
Creative works evolve and adapt. Getting stuck on one idea will only lead to disaster - which is the main issue with 'fans' who have great ideas and can't move on when they are told it is shit.
My 2c.
Rich people don't trow a significant portion of their money into a project that has almost zero chance of making a profit. Maybe a billionaire would do it.
If that was the case why are there so many shitty movies (Alvin and the Chipmunks, the newest Alice in Wonderland movies)?
It has more to do with the fact that not many people in the US truly care enough about anime. Why would they throw their money on a shitty project if it's a shitty project they don't even care/know about.
Small time, I'd hire little girls in swimsuits to make mine!