Germany has made hundreds of films set in Britain

Not just that, these films are shot on location with German actors, who use English names and try to pronounce them in English (John, Adam, Mary, Theresa etc.). Many of these films are based on cheap romance novels such as Rosamunde Pilcher's penny novels.

And Brits believe Germans hate the British... not at all, Germans admire Britain and idolize the a British society.

Other urls found in this thread: pilcher&sm=1

I love all my European brothers.

Most of those names aren't English apart from Mary kind of.

Everyone in these movies is always white and Christian. Like everyone. They portray an idle society.

Then find the Turk that keeps spamming threads every morning and flay him, then deliver his head to Buckingham Palace along with Merkel's head and then all will be forgiven.

In regards to your image, why the fuck would we put up our Prime Minister in a fucking castle?

They are not royalty, royalty gets palaces, Prime Ministers get houses and Prime Ministers have more power than the Chancellor does. Something your backward country needs to sort out. Merkel is not the President or Prime Minister, she is but a humble Chancellor and yet for some reason your backwards backwater shit pit puts her above that of your PM.


as a brit of half german descent, stop riding britain's dick germany. it's overhyped.

also stop building godawful postmodern architecture, jeez.

they were common names in britain when romantic bronte/austin writers were about

So what are they? john isn't a German name. The point is these films are in the most Prussian German accent ever and the actors behave 100% German, but they pronounce names in "English" and use certain terms they believe make it look like they are English like "dad" or "party" or "splendid".

Kill the Turk and Merkel, deliver their heads to number 1 Buckingham Palace, New Pakistan London something something 1. You have until dawn Friday to do so.

Get on with it.

This sounds super autistic but quite endearing. I've always had a soft spot for Germans even when I was a teen and they were trying to brainwash me about how evil you were.

I think my mum was a strong influence of that. When I was a kid watching Germany play against some shitskin south American country, my dad was cheering against the Germans because he's a dumb naive boomer. My mum berated him and said "user, wouldn't you rather Germany won? Look at them, they look just like you."

>My mum berated him and said "user, wouldn't you rather Germany won? Look at them, they look just like you."

Your mum is a wise human being.

Fuck g*rmany and fuck g*rmans, this is just taquiya pilcher&sm=1

That ain't no joke

You've been issued your orders, do as you are commanded and then we can have "peace".

>Rosamunde Pilcher on Sup Forums
What a time to be alive.

And another fan joins in. Look, Brits, all Germans know these films.

>when Hitler said that Britain would make a great ally to combat the French imperialism but "muh warmonger"

I hadn't even heard of her until now.

Churchill was a fucking zionist pig cunt

All the women in this are so pretty, and it's amazing how much more enjoyable a show like this could be when it doesn't have to adhere to a diversity quota. All of our homegrown shows are filled to the brim with pakis and blacks since the late 90s.

this is now a northern friendship thread. everybody north of alps invited except sweden

I'm flattered, Hans, but you're all rude cunts to me when I visit. I'll visit again because Berlin is top-notch, though.

>everybody north of alps
This still includes fucking bavarians. What the fuck, bro?

i once saw this program were they were all on boats or on riviera type of place and they all had a shirt over their shoulders. then they basically talked and wanted to be on one boat or the other while somebody was cheating on one boat while somebody on shore wanted to get on the boat while somebody on a boat wanted to get to shore so on

These books/films are written by Rosamunde Pilcher.
The plot is usally a shallow romance drama, set in some idealised version of english rural life.
I'd describe them as harmless niceties.

>and use certain terms they believe make it look like they are English like "dad" or "party" or "splendid".

While the truth is that two out of these three words are actually French terms that entered English after 1066

And all those shity movies get bought our air tv channels...

I'd describe that as sop. I don't really read fiction.

they seem okay for the grill party

And those French words were from Latin. Your point?

And your language happend because peasants were left to talk latin without propper supervision for 500 years.
Now, what?

one great thing i have seen on german tv is these regional programs were they show local historical mansions/schlotts what ever they call it.
really comfy

>Your point?

That English is a Romance language

>half of europe was ruled by italians
lel. burgers get so dramatic about rome collapsing but it was a miracle it even happened. now they can barely run a bikerace.

English is classed as a Germanic language because its structure is Germanic, not Romance. Most Romance words are also the most complex and "posh" ones, whereas normal day-to-day conversational English is dominated by words from Old English.

It's banter Hans, stop taking it personally.

Deep down Brits have a lot of respect for France and Germany, alongside the Nords, Dutch, and whoever else is worth noting.

Honestly, I love all Europeans except Belgians and I think I can speak for all Brits in saying that.

>Most Romance words are also the most complex and "posh" ones

Provided you consider "river", "forest", "city", "mountain", "people", "country", "place", "point"...etc as posh words...

What are you even going on about??

Also did you mention (((films))) ?

Key word: most.
>how's it going?
>what have you been up to?
>where you off to?
>what time is it?
Not denying that we use Latin-derived words like fuck, though.

He is correct about the majority of English words. The Jutes, Saxons and Vikings are a the largest donors to the English language. Curiously, Celtic words have the least influence despite Celtic languages being native to the Isles. It's as though the Jutes and Saxons consciously avoided letting them be used. Read some David Crystal user.

Last time I was in Berlin I ended up in some place called 'tresor' with no idea what it was.

They turned all the turks and pakis away, not bad for progressive libshit ravers.

idyllic or stationary

Don't Germans love some old British comedy sketch about a drunk butler and his master?

Dunno, but I hear that Germans love Mr Bean.

Head of state buildings in pic. Except Britain? Why 10 downing street when the head of states residence is Buckingham palace?

new years eve we watch it with a butler and an old woman.

can you pls post a youtube clip or something, it sounds quite odd

Merkels house is an abomination of architecture

French and Latin influence is so huge in English that the language is basically unrecognizable if you try to avoid using them

Read this text for an idea of the result (and even then, they forgot a few romance words there and there)

I know, I did say that we use words from Latin all the time.
Again, your language is pretty much solely derived from Latin, so there's no difference, except for the fact that you speak English because it's a necessity for many careers and we speak French because we want to fuck easily impressed birds or get some grade in school.

blessed be your loving mother

They shouldn't.

>Again, your language is pretty much solely derived from Latin, so there's no difference

Difference is that Latin is a dead language ancestor to French (so being heavily influenced by it isnt humiliating) while French is a living language, NOT ancestor to English and that soiled it after a military conquest in 1066

Gaul was conquered pretty easily by the Romans. Nobody is humiliated by the French influence in English, it is childish to think that people are. This conversation is very autistic, please stop.

Gaul wasnt France tho
France was born in 843
Meanwhile, it's definitly England that was conquere in 1066

yes i always watch that on new years eve
thans for that brits

the french are absolutely neurotic

Okay, but the Gauls were French. Unless you're looking at it from a civic point of view.

They werent in any way
The French people is a mix of Gauls, Romans and Franks
Gauls are just a part of the composants

Mainly Gallic and Roman, Frankish influence is very insignificant.

the architecture of your presidential palace gave me cancer

Why don't they use the Berlin Palace?

some english words are literally the danish word. some are very close. foten closer than to the german word

Death to the eternal (((anglo)))

Jesus, look at that post modern monstrosity.

I'll take the limey apartment on Downing over that eye sore any day of the week.

>Germans admire Britain and idolize the a British society.
You just want to steal their Muslims

There's no "brititsh" society, just like there isn't a german one; these countries belong to everyone!