what causes women to chimp out like this?
What causes women to chimp out like this?
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Not having a male role model.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
60% chance this is right.
like said
no role model/weak role model. and probably a lack of male attention, she's not the prettiest girl so she acts agressive because she wants the D and is frustrated that she's not getting it.
>what causes women to chimp out like this?
Society has conditioned them to think it's acceptable.
>Man slaps woman.
Whoa! Call the police! Tackle him!
>Woman slaps man.
People literally applaud and cheer at her.
It's disgusting, immoral, and telling of the times we live in. Where principles of respect don't apply to certain people.
>She will be charged
Haha good luck, but if you do manage, she totally deserves it.
It really is. I've not yet debated a liberal who hasn't interrupted/raised their voice/got all emotional/resorted to using words like 'fascist' within the first two minutes of a discussion.
The shitshow circus which is most TV political debates definitely makes these people worse. They see a liberal screaming and being rude on TV and the (((audience))) start clapping YASS KWIN SLAY and these people then believe it's acceptable to behave and debate like that in real life. Just imagine what sort of children these people are raising, how they're teaching them to behave. Truly terrifying.
you know lots of women get charged with assault, the cases go unreported because who cares,we and get confirmation bias by only reading reports of 'woman stabs man goes free , judge 'she's a good gurl she wasn't thinking''
Fucking digits!
My daughter is fairly red pilled and sees feminism as total bullshit. She spends a lot of time with me but I've never really trashed feminism in front of her. She just compares women to men, boys to girls and moms to dads and sees that the females are all basically crazy and dependent and the males are chill and provide for everyone.
At first I thought it was a bit gay to press charges.. but then I noticed that the beer she poured over him was almost entirely full..
Not to go all beer half empty or half full, but there is a limit to how large a volume a beer there can be thrown at you, before it can be considered political assault.
That beer volume, was to much..
Racists are the new heretics of the post modernist religion.
kek, charged with hate crime.
Im for the charges being pressed. Its so she can learn a lesson from it and not think she can get away with her temper tantrum for having a vagina.
Smaller IQ.
I like that. Also check'd.
Emotional conditioning.
All those ads with starving nigger kids, all those news specials on events like charlottesville with dramatic music, all those Social Media and electronic media clickbait articles with sad pictures and shit (pic related)....
You see that stuff, as a man, and you think "what's this soppy appeal to emotion BS".
But on women it actually works and their emotions completely override their logic, but it's not entirely their fault - they were wired that way for infant care.
hahaha top kek
>your usual shitpo...
this kills the emu
How do brainlets get enough money to drink brew in Denmark?
(we get a some money to attend university by the state, not much, but enough so people can rent an apartment and drink beers in the weekends)
I experience similar things with the expat community here in Berlin. Whether it's Americans, Canadians, Brits, they get very agitated and intolerant even for just saying I accept or understand that people voted for Trump or Brexit. They probably believe that bs and reinforce their beliefs by socially cutting out other opinions. When I look at their twitter rants, they make very clear what they think of people who don't totally agree with their believe system.
Everybody with different opinions here is tip-toeing around hot topics, open disagreement is actually dangerous for those who work in the expat community, at startup jobs, or as entrepreneurs. "Tech talent" spouts stuff straight out of tumblr. VCs check whether you're a potential trouble-maker and wouldn't back you up when the shitstorm occurs. The weaker the people, the more they virtue signal. Perhaps so intense that they really believe it. Like in a cult or totalitarian system where it's better for your survival to really believe that 2+2=5.
It's the reinforcing bubble at work. And women are the best enforcers. They conform.
>Africa donation as comes on TV
>Women of the house...
>"Aww it's awful isn't it? You just want to give them a hug"
>Me and my old man...
>"Probably some fat warlord cunt hoarding all the money. Kill the root."
Just look at all the absolute bollocks women post/share on Facebook. It's pathetic.
Surely this is a loan?
*ad comes on TV
This. She's still a little girl who has no concept of a masculine side imprinted on her from a father. She exists only in her womanly emotions.
NEVER date women who didn't have father figures or had abusive fathers growing up.
there is a reason they were not allowed to vote for so long
You can take an additional loan, but the SU is actual "free-gibs".
SU is around 800 $/monthly.
I would have grabbed that bottle and beat that bitch to the floor.
Spitting in her face would have been fun too.
>You can take an additional loan,
Not additional - because the first one is not a loan. But you can take a special loan on the side, with the interest rate being extremely low.
What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
probably just the drunkenness desu. most emotional people can't handle their alcohol.
It's not even her brain per say reacting, it's her womb. Females are inherently positive to migration because it offers more men to reproduce with. For a woman, more men means more opportunities. For men, it means more competition. That's generally why women favor open borders and men don't, and this is why women react so emotionally towards men who want to restrict migration, you are basically standing in her way of reproducing. This is what women fear the most, thus the extreme reactions and hatred towards "racism".
Pardon me, I need to begin structuring my post graduate coursework at Copenhagen.
It's called a "scholarship" and/or "financial aid", they have it in the US too.
>It's called a "scholarship" and/or "financial aid",
Scholarship in the US is not something everyone gets.. I don't know if financial aid, is something everyone gets either.
Every student in a university, receive these money. Even students that come from abroad.
No nigger, this is a stipend for ALL students. Go read the SU website. My family makes too much for grants, and being traditional republitard jews I don't get any help until they die.
>what causes women to chimp out like this?
Men who let women walk over them in an attempt to get laid would be my guess. Just giving them constant validation for their shitty behavior, so in turn the woman will hopefully fuck them.
I see alcohol. people do stupid things they wouldn't normally do when alcohol is involved. She might always be that crazy, but i'd wager the booze had a bit to do with it.
Participation Award Generation, rap culture, mixing with groids
White women are turning into jigs
Did that sound like an American accent to you? Fuck off
Watch the video from the beginning, faggot.
>An American woman
>what causes women to chimp out like this?
Being the nigger of genders
Yeah actually. It sounded like a typical child of global culture rudderless zombie who has spent approximately 3 months immersed in a foreign culture for school.
A white knight, everyone.
To bad the majority of women in America are without father's thanks to feminist.
T fatherless America
Complete emotional autist and the reason why she acts so boldly is because she knows for a fact that a huwhite man won't hurt her.
thats right. she wouldnt bully some homo hater in uganda like that.
They're really just hateful, angry and/or immoral people. They project those internal flaws outward. They're essentially trying to resolve their own flaws by proxy but are completely unaware of it. The cathartics they experience when attacking these "racists" is coming from their desire to confront their own demons, however, they are ultimately left even more hateful and angry. They will then seek out a new proxy for this hate in a attempt to protect their ego from their own nature and the cycle goes on and on.
The source of this rage could be any number of things. More than likely it stems from their families or lack there of. They are very sick and immature people.
tl:dr they lack self knowledge and are filled with repressed hatred and rage. This is the only way they know how to relieve pain of it, but it's a reflex not a conscious decision.
did i say that person's behavior was acceptable? i just see that only one other person mentioned alcohol; and i simply answered the OP question.
>You never got to see a time when it was unacceptable for women to be anywhere near a pub (unless they were a barmaid)
Why live?
>calling people horrible and racist
>not realizing this pushes people further towards their political extremes
are liberals really this brainlet tier
You fill out a form with your income and expenses, the government plugs it into a formula to say how much you can afford to pay, and then depending on the school you either get it all paid for or a mix of scholarships and no-interest government backed loans, and if you're below an income limit the government unconditionally gives you some money. If you're not retarded it's really easy to get merit-based scholarships too where income doesn't matter, both through the school to encourage you to go and private ones from usually charities, companies, and stuff set up from dead rich people who want to help.
If you do decent on one of the standardized tests you get money for that too, the people complaining about $6 gorillion in loans always went to expensive private colleges and weren't qualified or smart enough to get it all paid for (or understand the concept of loans and that you need to pay them back).
Kek'd hard at this, cheers Michael.
I had something similar happened to me at a casino. It was a guy who sat next to me. I was wearing a white MAGA hat. He kept saying stupid shit about my hat and I kept ignoring him. Anytime I would talk he would always throw in some stupid comment about my hat and about how I was ignorant. Finally he asked me questions about the wall. And the whole poker table got involved.
>Who here supports building the wall?
>6 people of 9 raise their hand
>You all are retarded! Are you all stupid?
Anyway the table sort of looked around and we just sort of ignored him. This was in phoenix by the way. He was some shit lib from cali. But he kept on talking and the table largely ignored him or asked him why he was so angry. He lost like 500 bucks in the period of 30 and left after that.
Basically the guy lived in an echo chamber. He thinks that anyone who supports the wall and voted for Trump is literally Hitler. They believe this in California and other liberal strong holds. They aren't very bright.
>It's the reinforcing bubble at work.
This user gets it.
Well spotted.
>Oh you voted for Trump?
>You're a stupid piece of shit
>Well you're right
>I no longer support Trump.,,
I'm willing to bet that she has fucked a nigger and she got embarrassed that he pointed out that niggers are subhuman or something. Women don't care about politics, it's all 100% personal with them.
Hate crime? Lol
She just got triggered hard.
I dont get how people are so on edge these days.
Nope see below, and this was a man who freaked out over a hat.
Something about her gaze is just.. off. What are they putting in your water americans?
>being this bluepilled
Are you a goblin by any chance?
>and being traditional republitard jews I don't get any help until they die.
Get a job like the entire rest of the world for all of history, and stop being so selfish and entitled that you think you deserve other people's stuff just for existing.
It's a rhetorical question, burger. I know you get pumped full of estrogen. But seriously, what's up with this liberal gaze these people have? It looks like borderline mental illness to me.
Bingo, and it's a leaf of all people.
That's just a side effect of brainwashing since childhood.
>It looks like borderline mental illness to me.
not borderline
>this level of projection
I already worked my 50 hour weeks at a sweltering theme park funding my degree. Now I think i'll just go be a beneficiary of the Danish government getting a nice 10k a year stipend.
No man, i'm teling you it's something more.. She also has the fishmouth syndrome. What the fuck?
>hilter has failed
>but his scientists escaped to Burgerland to breed the """ubermensch"""
You really didn't know, hu?
My boss has had his GF arrested multiple time for assault, and the prosecutor ALWAYS drops all the charges.
4 times now.
So good luck with that
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
It's because fistfighting was overprosecuted; now, if a man touches a woman roughly he goes to jail and the woman learns she can't be stopped.
>burger meme
Not being slapped by a man when they start shit like this
First of all, they were invited and pardoned by the US government. But yeah, i can see USA as big social experiment. Brazil as the other, just without the jews running the show.
why take offense mister 56%? are you triggered?
something is being broadcast through certain channels of communication and it's fairy easy to tell who has been exposed to it for a lengthy period of time
>Not slapping that bitch in the face
you did wrong
Sven is half right.
It is her womb, but not because of breeding with immigrants.
Immigrants and non-whites are her children. Conservatives are the predators threatening her children.
>Complete emotional autist and the reason why she acts so boldly is because she knows for a fact that a huwhite man won't hurt her.
White women here in the states have been conditioned to believe that they can behave however they want to with no real repercussions. Even if she assaults a man, she rarely faces any penalty of any value. Men aren't allowed to hit women here...but women are generally allowed to yell, scream, slap, hit, and throw things at men. If a man reports it, he is often treated like a total little sissy fag. So, men don't generally report such events....which leads to even more acceptance of this horrible behavior from women.
The more money a white women has or was raised with, the higher the chances of her acting bat shit crazy whenever she feels "justified" to do so.
Lower class white women and black women know that, not only men with hit you for acting like a fool, but other women will hit you, as well.
We need to make hitting women who act like crazy bitches legal and it'll clear that crap up real quick.
>Brazil as the other, just without the jews running the show.
As in a control group?
>pic related
>fishmouth syndrome
This is something all leftists have, no idea what could cause that.
Stopbeing racist then
>You never got to see a time when it was unacceptable for women to be anywhere near a pub (unless they were a barmaid)
There is a sportsman's club in my town where women are not allowed at the bar and only in the dining room if accompanied by their husband. It's glorious.
Alcohol does not change someone's personality. That's a myth. All alcohol can be blamed for is reducing someone's inhibitions.
The incident has according to the news been reported to the police. The article mentions the woman "most likely was american"
what is that cunt doing in denmark? did she travel there? Why are bitches always wasting money on travel? They need to stay in the kitchen and have no access to a car.. stupid hoes.
no gets there dick all hard in public over most likely a joke or a clever little quip
but seriously people like her are being fazed out its the boomer teaching
Scary how these people can just be so obliviously retarded and sheepish, fucking media is deadly weapon
>You fucking human piece of shit
Liberals are confirmed aliens. Aliens are confirmed dumbfucks.
the media will die at the hands of the internet if the internet remains free
that's why they are so desperate
liberal democrat here...this post is 100% true. It's not even about politics, it's about themselves.
Both of you are right
to take what you're saying a step further
their acceptance is due to their unfulfilled maternal instinct
>what causes women to chimp out like this?
being born with a massively underevolved, inept, literally retarded brain ... a female brain.
I'm gonna say... long day at work + inhibitions relaxed due to alcohol.
She's a flawed human being like everyone else
(such as the idiots that were conned by Trump)
We have a slight fever. Going to drink whiskey and piss lightning till it passes.
show your flag, leaf.