What is your opinion on edgy manga?

What is your opinion on edgy manga?

hate them

the point of these manga is suppose to be "realism" but they dump on the suffering and asshats until it's anything but, so all you get is something akin to someone's emo poetry.

If it's good I like it
If it's bad I hate it


I like Berserk.
That's all.

It's the best kind of manga

What qualifies edgy manga though? Something like your pic where it's just perverse for the sake of it?

Nah man that aint edgy, that's straight up comedy

If it relies on nothing but shock value to keep you interested it's nothing but trash.

There are cases where it tries to take itself too seriously and ends up being funny instad.

Most of it is made for adolescents and manchildren.

So it's much like all manga.

>the point of these manga is suppose to be "realism"
That's not what edgy means. For example Hellsing's Alucard is "edgy" but realistic he is not nor is Hellsing in anyway.

Edgy is when you go over the top. Its done poorly when the scene is too jarring in comparison to the rest of the story. When done well it fits and is believable. In Hellsing you have Undead Vampire Nazi eat babies but that wouldn't be out of place for that kind of setting.

br edgy can be fun ish

Some of it is good. I can find it refreshing break from restraint, but it would never be what a read mainly.

Only if it doesn't take itself seriously.

>For example Hellsing's Alucard is "edgy" but realistic he is not nor is Hellsing in anyway.

only time when it is done right
when edgy tries to be realistic or the fans try to defend it as realistic it falls flat
When it's like Hellsing, Berserk, or 40k where it just doesn't even try to be then I'm pretty ok with it.

As long as I get a laugh out of it, it's fine.

Same rule applies to why I've continued reading Bleach all this time, that crazy fuck kubo never ceases to amuse me.

The word you're looking for is juvenile. Thats the difference between things like Berserk, Hellsing, and 40k(even though it isn't an anime) and things like dead tube the thing you put in the OP and other stupid shit. The first group is written towards adults and uses the violence to frame the action and up the ante of the conflict, the second group wallows in how fucked up and "mature" it is and is generally written towards manchildren.

It's fun to Read one every now and then.

I don't see either realism or edginess to be inherently bad things, but rather elements that make up a story. It could be bad or good.

Realism is about the viewers/readers suspension of disbelief. Like when a protagonist should have died for risky or reckless actions but is protected by literal plot armor then it becomes less believable.

Edginess is about well be "over the top", shocking, proactive, you name it. If you employ it for no reason that's when you risk breaking the suspension of disbelief.

Lets look at Berserk, Guts sword - dragon slayer - could be considered edgy. I mean its big stupid cuts down hundreds of dudes and demons in a single swing. It could hardly be called a sword, but yet it fits in the universe. When you look at what he's fighting its not unbelievable that he needs a sword that big, the right tool for the right job. Guts himself is a massive dude, I can't tell you how retarded it is to see oversize weapons in the hands of otherwise regular skinny bishi's it looks retarded when the weapon is suppose to weigh a ton but it doesn't look like the person could even wield it. Its all believable, "realistic" you could say.

Now lets look at another lets say Akame ga kill. That's a story that's both unrealistic and has shitty edginess. You've got a big giant oversize stupid scissor - I mean why? For what purpose other then to be over the top stupid? Even the people do over the top cruel shit just to be edgelord. I mean why are all the noble and rulers unabashedly and shamelessly cruel other than to say "hey we're the villains!" There's no motivation or purpose behind their actions.

>inb4 well a giant scissor is stupid anyways
Kill la Kill's giant scissor made sense and was believable given the story.

Woah woah woah.
Hold the fuck up there, OP.
You're going to post some manga cats and not give a name or a source?

They usually get boring once the novelty wears off.

Edgy is for manchildren
I only consume moe because i am an adult

is this from fire punch?

Kai pls go

Does dog rape happen? Also Hepatica was pretty fucked up.

What happened this time in FP?

Like every other type of story you can do good edgy stuff and you can do shit edgy stuff. In general remeber:
>If it's X for the sake of X, it's shit
Is there a Point for something to be edgy? then it's fine. Are they just trying to get as edgy as possible? Then it's shit. Are they doing something self aware as a joke? Then it's fine. Are they doing something self aware but it's their only joke over and over again? Then it's shit.

got damn man. this is not hard.