What caused you to become fascist?

For me, it was the 2016 election. I have always been conservative, but when everything got so heated and both sides were not great options, I new that I had to look somewhere else. I remembered looking at all the books about WWII in elementary school when I was lonely and bored and always admired how beautiful Nazi Germany looked, and how great their military was. I jumped on the alt-right ironically, and now today I am a proud fascist and part time crypto fascist. From freshman year I have gone from a blue pilled right leaning centrist to now at senior year a red pilled right winger for life.

What is your fascist transformation story?

my love of methamphetamines

pisses me off that hitler style facism is considered right wing. its not at all. People think just because they were nationalists they should be considered right wing, but they had completely leftist economies.

you did not go from blue pill to red, you fell for the Marxist propaganda and yell the lefts message while standing on the right

I know that National Socialism is not right wing. I am more of a capitalist fascist myself, but the aesthetics of Nazi Germany are appealing to that nationalistic feeling.

seeing all of the politically correct horseshit and senseless "muh slavery" shilling, white men constantly being antagonized, the pathetic white guilt i see in Europe where they let millions of rapefugees destroy their homeland and culture. I want nationalism, not the country being divided into massive cults where people constantly call our president illegitimate or stupid just to virtue signal or because thats all they know.

Similar story.
Inb4 (((Journalists))), I actually am attracted to it because my penis is tiny and nobody loved me.

I think a lot of people are profoundly alienated, not so much from society but by the lack of any substantive society/community in their area. This causes a strong attraction to communitarian ideologies, on the 'left' or 'right.' People are really looking to share a common purpose with a group of people irl, which libertarian individualism doesn't really offer by definition. There is no "we" in "individualism"

>Be American
>Follow German Nationalism
Just lmao

when will you fags take the Anarcho capitalism pill

Well, more nationalism then we have currently would be nice. I do have German roots though.

Can someone post a quick rundown on fascism? I don't actually know what it is.

I'm not fascist. Only immature edgy high schoolers/college freshman and sophomores are fascist/white supremacist.

When I realized that
No government = crime lords take over
Small government = jews and other organized special interests groups take over
Big government with strong leader = only viable form of government

Stfu you cringey faggot kid. Go back to collecting action figures instead of swastikas.

Me? Shit. Years man, maybe 10. I got out of my liberal youth shit pretty fast when I got married and bought a house when I was young. Learned how the world worked and how my family and myself were getting fucked.

This exactly.

but i want less government not more.

its basically TRUMP

You know that methamphetamine aka Pervatin was considered medicine back then right?
You know that Hitler was prescribed Pervatin due to his exposure to mustard gas in WW1 right?
You know that it was administered under the supervision of a doctor right?

Of course you don't....

Pisses me off that people can't think past political binaries.

NS transcends left and right

Oh, and to add. As a kid I was opposed with WW2 and Germany, I would do projects on it all the time. Didn't know my third for knowledge would red pill me slowly, but it did. Can't say there was a break, just kind of happened over time. When you see how the world works once you get out there and try to make it, it changes you.

They need to tuck their damn shirts in and stop being fatasses

When I realised the general population needs fascism to survive

I just realized democracy is people arguing over very minor tweaks to the system every 4-5 years in a constant back and forth as the problems of society compound on themselves while we're all in the dirt arguing about muh 2% tax raise or more specifically muh boat people (while both parties import literally 100k+ immigrants annually).

Never, fascism is retarded. If you want to help white people and promote white interests than do it in a normie appealing fashion. Any self proclaimed NatSoc who thinks its advantageous to LARP as nazis IRL has never actually read mein kampf

Except you live in the USA your Grandparents probably supported the Goverment that destroyed Germany. i can't comprehend the mental gymnastics Americans go around don't you think your grandparents gave that up when they left Germany for the US to start a new "life"

When i visited Berlin.
What you have to know is. I´m from a small town in Bavaria. It is just great there. Not many migrants. In elementary school we had just one turk in the whole school wen i started there. And two when i left (his sister joined). To study i choose a eastern uni in the Reich. Not that far from the capital. So one week me and some frieds where bored and we thought why not party over the weekend in Berlin. Close big, big clubs should be great. We arrived there at 15:00 at a train station close to center. First i was kind of shocked how many black/brown ppl i saw there. And just thought dafug is going on here. I am in the wrong neighborhood, thinking thats not normal for MY capital. We got from train to subway heading to our hotel. Seeing even less withe ppl. kind of feel akward. This is is just wrong accrued to my mind. Even those dont speak german, i have no idea what they speak, or if its even a language or just noises... We arrive at our "hotel"... god damn its like a asylum seeker home
we are the only white ppl in there. and getting there from the station we saw none... ( im sick typing this so..)
Short story long. My expectation from a German capital vanished. There is no German capital any more. I dont know what it is know..
God damn even in the clubs are more sandniggers than anything else. They outnumber the roaches.

Germany seems to fall a place where i dont want to live anymore. So i turned from a normal csu-dude to sth else.

>everyone has to think like their grandparents
I guess you're going to jail soon, Hans.

I want through the same thing.

I even used to call out my school curriculum for being like Hitler youth.

For me it was a progressive college. I ended up dropping went natsoc and I haven't looked back.

The Germans in the US are more German than the Germanistanis.

Same as everyone
>come to Sup Forums for e/b/bin nazi trolling
>realise hitler did nothing wrong

There is another prime example of how Stupid some Americans are being jew puppets since forever be 56 and those whites are mixed to shit anyway and everytime any kind of "dictatorship" or a country tries to be independent you have the united kikes of America intervening while at the same time spew their interracial no culture propaganda everywhere literally every country that was somehow right was against the USA

But whatever makes you go to sleep you wannabe

Getting fucked by who? Could it be, I don't know, the 1% of the population who has more money than the bottom 90%? That both parties serve the same ruling class and that any differences between them are emphasized in political spectacle to keep people distracted?

I'm not a fascist or a natsoc but I just don't buy into the mandatory hatred of these ideologies by our liberal commie betters.

They had ideas and sentiments with merit and logic, and trying to make our countries into polar opposites of fascism was a turn for the worse because it meant throwing the children out of the bath water.

> you know that meth is a medicine right

no its not, its the drug that lets you see through Jewish lies and deception. Its the ultimate red pill

Canadian cities in Ontario have so many non whites they feel foreign its obvious there is a serious demographic change underway. This country was founded by Europeans for their own posterity it should not be open to any third world nigger who wants free shit.

When I realized fascism is the only true opposition against ((((them)))).


leftist and right-wing ideologies in the 20th century became popular among the masses of people, often in times of extreme economic depression and massive public debts. Those ideologies were then perverted by the ruling class to maintain power. Authoritarianism is the problem, not marxism or capitalism.

Not a fascist, Libertarian. However, considering the hole the Democrats have dug us into, only some hardcore authoritarianism is going to right our course. It's not nice but it beats becoming the new Caliphate/Mexico/USSR.


People bad talking my race in general.

I realized that they would not learn unless I teach them.


Neocons get the helicopter too

Turned into a lefty conspiritard when Bush was president because of my hippie parents and 911 truth movement. When Obama won and everything got worse I started reading more history, soon realized that leftism was part of the globalist conspiracy and that the illuminati are just the same international Jews that Hitler fought.

>still being a (((fascist)))

Fuck off with your statist cancer ideology. AnCap is the true redpill.

Cool larp

I can't believe you all faggots are replying to this datamine thread, good job doing BuzzFeed's homework.

Nothing. Fascism is fucking stoopid. Almost as stoopid as gommunism.

Commander Rockwell's speeches were what finally made me say fuck it all, 1488 gas the fucking kikes.



ancap isn't going to solve the jewish problem

Basically I went from conspiratard to fuck Niggers to fuck Muslims and now I've realized: it's the fucking kikes.

I'm not fascist bigger. I believe in free speech, and many other things in the constitution, unlike you and your antifa peg buddies.

Agreed, I'm an individual who fights for myself, not some faggots I've never met.

I was a leftist and ther in spain leftist groups are like a kind of sect taht mekes you to hate your family, destroy your relationships and give your life for the party or the group. I woke up from that and learned to see them for what it where, sects with red stars and yellow hammers who only wanted young people talking all the day about how great the party is, paying economic tributes to the party and work everytime for the party. the young communist that I meeted wj¡here all ultra feminist ultra cultural marxist to the level of support incest an pedophilia. I was fucked up because of that I was in problem with my girlfriend,she was depressed because of my constant faults ( my mind was feminist and that meked me a total asshole with her, she is the most beautiful girl in the world, she loves me and she is great, she waited me to take the redpill because she is a serious, smart and traditional woman).
Some day I start reading some things and chat with some people, and Im now redpilled, with a sane relationship and a sane mind without those marxist bullshit that maked me a douchebag and Im the happiest men in the world

>yes good goy, remain a lone individual while every other racial group is joining with YOU evil white male as a shared common enemy.

No fucking reason to become a fascist.
Everything was going fine until the commie Jews converted the niggers to commies and imported third world commie niggers.
All this faggot Nazi larping is just dividing the white commies farther from the sane Americans.
Nobody wants to eat the sunk cost of Americans who died fighting Nazis.

You Nazi larpers would do better to pick up Heidegger and Spengler's ideas. Two German Nazis who's ideas shaped our sense of our place in the world but the Jews suppress Heidegger.

When everyone is white there is no problem with left wing liberals arguing about libraries and regulation with right wingers who want no regulations or taxes.

The problem is when we can't kick the niggers out. On the contrary we import more.
The become communists wanting to burn our constitution but we still call them 'LEFTISTS'
as if they are members of society.



He's right, what has social atomization done for whites? The identity politics genie is out of the bottle and whites are a global minority. Unite or die.

Commies everywhere trying to push their shitty ideology

Americans made me a Nazi.
>years of their culture being imposed on mine
>inane drivel at the expense of my own land
>tourists visiting and changing the earths axial tilt
>we are a nation of immigrants you should be too
>feminism is a great idea
>muh narrative

You fucked have been ruining Scotland ever since we cleared you.

Authoritarianism isn't the solution

And fucking Mel Gibson as William Wallace.

Replace "Jew" with "American" in every Goebbels quote and try to tell me without blaring the horns on your mobility scooter that your entire nation hasn't been 240 years of mistakes.

You ruined western civilization and you remain a boil on the arse of the world. You fats are the huns and you are masturbating to x factor to drown Rome in effluvia.

>the system that is against YOU and your long term interests is already the top authority
>"a-a-a-at least I'm not an evil racist collectivist authoritarian!"

>a system that is easily corrupted by jews is the anwser
gas the state

How else will we remove leftists and subhumans?

I took the black pill. I hate everyone now.

Fuck off

I went from Republican to Independent to Conservative to Fascism but right now even though I support fascism, I'm a theocratic monarchist

Why would I become a Leftist? Why do snowniggers think fascism/natsoc is not Leftist? You are the same as commies in my eyes and the eyes of every other Right-wing nationalist.

Kill all socialists.

Anarchy is. You'll figure it out someday little sheeps.

That's why you put the foot down on the JQ.

Because fascism is not right or left. Good job letting pink-haired SJW Marxists define your political compass for you.

>the Jews suppress Heidegger.

at my uni's bookstore I saw a book called Heidegger and the myth of the Jewish conspiracy or something like that. Heidegger is still taught in philosophy departments but Spengler is completely suppressed

>both sides were not great options

not really at all, but okay shariablue

the people in power now would love a fascist government, they're tired of hiding behind the smoke and mirrors of democracy. pretty easy to manipulate a right wing fascism into existance just by pumping up the degenerate left and manipulating the reaction. we'll need to get rid of those civil liberties and such in order to fight the enemy, naturally.

doesn't matter whether the right or left wins, as long as they're distracted, as long as the resulting government is more powerful then the current one. as long as the elites are in control and manipulating the situation to benefit from all outcomes.

the only thing they don't want is decentralized governments, they are a pain in the ass for them to fully corrupt. centralization is what they need for top down control.

>i don't know anything about history
Which is why only the dumbest people ever join you. You're ignorant cancer, and ypu are of the Left. It's hilarious how two-faced all of you are too. You try to co-opt the alt-right to swell numbers. You don't stand for any truth.

So if it helps you to get rid of the jewish virus, how is it not medicine?

9 years ago I learned about the JQ when I was 16. Still waiting for Jesus to fucking return and wipe out these Satanic serpent frauds.

>You don't stand for any truth.

Says the shill that tries to call the ACTUAL OPPOSITION against leftists as "DA REAL LEFTISTS". Everyone can see right thru that pathetic shill tactic, who are you trying to fool?

Just curious, does any American have a moment to use his superior intellect to refute this?

>What is your fascist transformation story?
I'm a nationalist.

>fascism/natsoc is not real socialism
The absolute state of snowniggers.

Kill all capitalist greedy dogs like you. I can just imagine a big fat disgusting swarthy blooded mongrel bastard such as yourself watering his chops over hordering a surplus of wealth which could be distributed to the needy populace-tribe (our family as human beings) at large as a dividend.

>get BTFO

lol /leftypol/

Fuck off commie

Snowniggers are always collectivist garbage. Always Leftist.

See: Germany

fuck off gook

It's called Socialism, for the nation/race, you filthy greedy capitalist abomination, you're going to let your human family starve just so you can feel important and powerful like that parasite that you are? You're useless to us Aryans, mongrel, you will be snuffed out.

always results in authoritarianism

Nice false flag, SJW pozzie.

what are you talking about? The democrats are the real fascists

What's wrong with authoritarism? Why are you even on Sup Forums you trump chump, go back to infowhores and go back to guzzling the fat mam's semen.

I don't think i'm a fascist but Sup Forums has definitely turned me into a semi blackpilled reactionary.

OP is 100% shareblue / agency. Fuck off.

About 10th grade, but I grew out of it by 12th. Fucking child.

Degeneracy, I realized that only force by common-sense is the solution and then I've learned of the Weimar Republic and the consequent Red Pills thereafter. Also, OWS (Montreal) woke me up that it was mostly commies and economic illiterates. Taxation of companies will only bring consequences such as lay-offs and companies moving away, raise prices and reduce quality. Understood then Socialism by Marxist model is a failure and contradictory