Ok this time we will start with cancer which is CGrascal

He "translated" another work which now will have zero chances of getting proper translation

Can't we do something about him? He can't even clean bubbles, this is really beyond comprehension

>159 votes
>average: 4.66

goddamn, burn it all

Other urls found in this thread:

To make it even worse, people pay for him to translate and edit.

All he really needs is an English native proof-reader. There are way worse translations out there that don't get any complaints.

Round 3 of 4: The Harem of Loli Artists (Choose 1/10 loli artists)

>Can't we do something about him?
You can. A few options actually:
-Translate the stuff he does, or the ones you're interested in and do it better
-Commission someone to do it instead
-Learn Japanese and enjoy the raws
Instead, you bitch about it on Sup Forums when nobody really gives a shit and nobody can force someone to stop translating(especially since EOPs like his content).

You know, I wouldn't really care if you made a post about it, but you start the thread with this garbage. Fuck you nigger. I'm here to share porn and fap, not read your rants about dumb translations when people have rated literal machine translations(even admitted by the uploader in the first comment) 4.5+ stars.

Requesting that manga where Shimakaze passes out in the admirals couch and he rapes her there

i honestly cannot find it I looked everywhere

It's going to be Asanagi and ShindoL in the finals, isn't it?

So did traps and monster girls officially overshadow and kill the futa genre?

Barely anything from futaket 12 has been touched.

akazawa red maybe?

Retrying here
>girl sees boyfriend with another girl
>tries to be as slutty as possible for a day, fucks a bunch of other guys I think
>turns out the girl she saw was his sister/cousin
>girl pretends nothing ever happened
The reveal was that the girl with the boyfriend was a relative and it was a misunderstanding, ending is pretty funny. Anyone know the name of this one?

I voted for the floors.

The thing is, translators (random ones) translate whatever they want unless you commission them to do it.

If that picks an interest of any random translator OR someone commission it, it'll be done better.

Also, if you're the one paying for him to translate stuff, just... just stop.

english or japanese?

>why live ;-;

Recs for girls who are runaways and sell their bodies?

ur mom

Not unless people attempt to rig it or are complete idiots.
ShindoL has what, one loli chapter and fatalpulse is kek.


Japanese, its been translated though.

>nobody wants to translate CR Nest's stuff even though it is amazingly good futa

Well, fuck.

Learn japanese and translate it yourself.

There is no way you ran out of loli artists and had to put in Bosshi and ShindoL among others
Where the fuck is LEE

The first round had 730 artists. It's your own fault for not voting.

you're welcome

i will fucking pay 4k grand for the upload of this

Blame your fellow sadpandas in the the thread. They are ones who chose them. This is the true nature of the average user in these threads. Weep. etc.

"4k grand" of what?

this meme needs to die

Wasn't that just last week? It takes time, I'm still praying and hoping for tanks that hit shelves in december.

No, you need to learn japanese and translate it.

USD, Swiss Marks, Or Euros.

no u

That's the one! It was bugging me for ages, thanks user.

I believe no one would want to put the effort to
1. Decide and arbitrary criteria to decide which artists are mainly loli artists
2. Filter the shitfuck long original list.

Also, most anons
1. don't have good taste in loli
2. think any girl with small-ish breasts is a loli
3. only know about loli via the mainstream artist that make the sporadic loli chapter.

You could have someone translate it and do it all from nothing again for far less than that.

not really mad about it as much as disappointed

no problem user, I help you, someday someone else will help me
Found it. God Shimakaze was literally built to be fucked.

Small preview of the new fue OVA just up.

why do people like shimakaze so much? bismarck is way better. so is prinz.

Shimakaze is soft and even softer hair, has the ass and legs of a Olympic runner a DFC and on top of being an extremely attractive loli her micro-mini skirt with giant black thong and sailor suit top is a boner inducer.

Don't you ever post this fucking shit again ever.
Fucking DON'T.

If no links DON'T POST SHIT.

>extremely attractive loli
Some user wanted this translated, hope it's good enough.

>First and so far only ExE translation is by CGR.
Sure am glad all these artists went to a new magazine. I guess this is what we can expect from now on.

And Dasshifunyuu for that matter

How much of a power boost is a cosmos weapon?


I think you're in the wrong thread

cute ntr is the best




>there is no onizuka naoshi


Round 1: 5 votes
Round 2: 3 votes
Not nearly enough to make it to round three. Blame the voters.

Yosh does as Yosh does.

Voters are retarded and have shit taste as always it seems.

Welp at least BeNantoka is there.

is this in the archive stash?

No, it is not. It's not even on Fakku any longer since they removed it. There's no legal way to get it now.

That and people who may be trying to rig it for their own personal reasons. It can be rather difficult to tell.


If you're not a fujoshi, then what are you?


What does Sup Forums think about yamatogawa?

>TFW I can't access it.

I'm pretty sure I even have this downloaded from the panda.

It's region blocked for the US because of Project-H.

>tfw not in secret secret club
fuck you ;_;

What sekret club?

If you use a non-US IP address, you'll be able to see it.

I don't even know what "Project-H" is.

Someone give me a nice reverse rape hentai. Honestly cant find anything but women abusing betas. I want a girl physically subduing a man and raping him

They are a US publisher of H-manga. Their parent company is doing the kodomo no jikan kickstarter.

A sample of blocked (for some) galleries:

I can't see the first 2 what's up?

They've had some issues.

I only can't see the first one.

Is this a holy grail

No, it's meh.

Do any moonspeaker know if there will be a Girigiri 4?

Anyone need tagflagging or shekels to archive stuff with? Post your username and a favorite.

O Captain! My Captain!

same famiglio

How would you even know it's me
maybe I'm someone else this time


You might as well vote blind.

Venezuelan Bolivars.

>cancer which is CGrascal
>He "translated" another work which now will have zero chances of getting proper translation

Post his top 10 worse translations

You can still look up the fucking name.

Confirmed false.

A google search term

>not even posting a link

I've been trying to remember a manga, it had lolis. one of them was in a mall I believe.might've had feet stuff I'm not sure. anyone know what the fuck I'm talking about?

>Confirmed false.
Give a different reason then. It's blocked in the US unless you have the ads-be-gone hath perk.

So it's not blocked. It's not exactly hard to scrape together 20 hath.

So a manga with loli maybe in a mall maybe with feet

Really, really specific. Maybe you should go broader.

>So it's not blocked.
So it is blocked dumbass. Obviously people can access it, but it's generally blocked to the average user.

the girl would be waiting for her mom for hours or some shit, he would wack it to her while sitting next to her and went from there.

How about a proxy? It's not like your account is tied to your real location.

I said broader. I need less information, that's too much user.

I've been able to access it since forever, so I don't really care.

I don't have ads-be-gone hath perk, and I can see it