
Don't have the time to explain. But please think about this.

I don't have all the clues, but here's what I have, research deeper in it.
>You know all those chanting and incantations ancient religions?
>Words (the sounds we make) Have power and influence in our reality.
>A story is a "spiel" or a "spell"
>Religions, specially ancient ones, are most of the times against "art" or at least try to control it.
>Art creates plays that will be repeated.
>Repetition of the words(sounds) influence reality, not like making a bag of gold out of thin air, but the small effects are visible in the long run.
>The internet is FLOODED with new "artists"
>hundreds of memes are created and talked about everyday.
>We memed Trump into office.

This is the conclusion i've got.
It's VERY incomplete.


Other urls found in this thread:


Why "Ra"means evil in hebrew?

What is "Crystal language?"

Shameless bump

The reality of what you're referring to is called brainwashing and not everyone is equally effected by it, it can even have the opposite effect for individualistic people. Marxism in general is a good example of brainwashing, there's no other way to convince someone that YOUR idea of equality is so important that you have to maliciously and aggressively attack others. This requires brainwashing, a good example of this is anyone who believes Marxism should be done "by any means necessary."

Instead of stopping the brain washing and social engineering after realising its either not effective or requires some level of inherent evil, it's unfortunate that their actual tactic is to remove those who aren't effected right. Marxists will remove the best of us just because they're harder to attack and could never be made to join. This is evil.

Dude this goes way earlier then Marxism
We talking Egypt and shit.

I mean, how the sound of words spread as memes in a culture influences the reality or the outcome of that culture.

Here's another page of the book by the way.

Did you post this on /x as well?

I've read that book. It is the key to understand how powerful human language is, it is literally a key to understand the allegories of the bible.

I only got like 7 pages or so.

Any clue where I can get it?

I don't have a clue.

I see squares though...

And yea, that was me.

I need answers.
I kinda got to a roadblock during my journey...

From art of the deal:
>repeat a phrase three times for it to stick
>repetition enough times makes anything believable
Is Trump a actual Sorcerer?

Marxism is the best modern example and is currently causing the most harm, these people are attacking people in broad daylight and the media is covering it up for them, even a few cops are on their side.

Real magic doesn't really exist and, thank the living consciousness that flows throughout the universe, telepaths are too rare (and usually too benevolent) to worry about. That being said, Marxism despite not being supernatural has many of the same effects as some extreme telepath dicking with your head. It's surprisingly strong brainwashing only rivaled by something that might not even exist.

This looks like brainwashing itself.

I see and hear and feel only what I know is real.

Here you go:

I Have that page. And just occurred to me
that part where it says
BARA = To create.

I have an amulet with

I read somewhere it was used as a chanting to "summon what the person praying wanted in his life"


>inb4 pokemon joke
>inb4 old50's magician joke.


Get ALL my internets!

It is related to our subconsciouss which then is connected to our universal conscioussness. ;) No problem by the way, this should be common knowledge.

There is no spoon.

It's not complete....


Watch the Maps Of Meaning lectures as well as the Biblical Lectures by Jordan Peterson on youtube and you'll understand more thoroughly what the Word is

Saying things increases the chance that they happen, ie, a jinx. If enough people honestly think and say it, its more likely to become true. It's why prayers are meant to be spoken and a big part of "the power of positive thinking"

Do not try to bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth, there is no spoon. Then you will see that it is not the spoon that bends, it only yourself.

This is kangz-tier pseudo-science. Please elevate your game a small bit..

Do not try and "change" the "reality". That's impossible. Instead... only realize the truth. What truth? There is no "reality". There is no "reality" ?

Then you'll see, that it is not the "reality" that changes, it is only yourself. (yourself as the perception, the observer, the point of vue that you represent in the now)

Because when you change yourself, when you change what you believe is true, when you change your point of vue, only then your reality will reflect the change. Your perception is reality, and is creating reality, when you change your perception, you change your world.

Imagine that what you observe, you create, aka your point of vue creates a reality, or more specifically your point of vue IS your reality, if you completely withdraw from reality for some time, or imagine in your head a different reality, then you will change your reality, because it is not separate from your perception.

When i focus on something, i give it energy, meaning i create more of it, but if you stop focusing on it, aka focusing on something else for a while, then it will no longer exist...

Reality is a mirror, if you look in the mirror and see a frown, you don't try to change the frown into smile in the mirror, instead you realise that the mirror, is only a reflection, so that if you want the reflection to change, you have to smile first. Reality is like this, but in a more complex way. The idea is that only you is real, the mirror is a reflection of you. So smile, and reality will smile at you back, so be happy and you will experience a happy reality.

>So smile, and reality will smile at you back

I thought that to my wife 10 years ago...exact same words... when I started my "journey" and we are not even american, we just like to speak english with one another.


I would but I'm not schizophrenic.

With the mind you are showing, I guess even not being schizophrenic, you would be going mad if you dared to dig deeper.

I don't subscribe to solipsism

Steven SPIELberg.


We are making a reality together.

We aren't one mind, but the same mind.

jeff you're goldblooming

You just figured out meme magic, slow clap...makes you wonder about the Spielman surname tho...

It's bad enough that you guys are all pussies who are afraid of physical confrontation and sacrifice. But now, you want to stack, on top of that, an unironic belief in magic?? So not only will you continue to cower in your filthy apartments... But you'll ALSO play with ms-paint to produce content for your online echo-chamber.


1) Boats will pull into ports filled with people who hate you.
2) Statues will be physically torn down.
3) Streets will be filled with oceans of "protesters."
4) Thousands of lectures will be given to soft headed high school and college students.
5) Billion dollar media-operations will be undertaken to shift popular opinion.
6) Hundreds of lobby groups will wine, dine, and cut deals with the people you elected to represent you.

I'm not saying that there ISN'T an information war. But damn people... some sort of counter-action needs to happen in the real, physical world. And "magic" is not going to help you.

Yes secret ancient teachings. Give and you will receive like Rockerfella giving dimes out. There called curse words for a reason the right what they want to happen


Curse words

What do you suggest user ?


Okay look good at me words, cos I aint gonna waste me time no more, spelling shit for people that dont look or listen.

It is not about the words, Intent of the soul is what is manifested.
The animal can sense your intent.
We can sense intent of other humans and animals alike. We can even sense intent of inanimate surroundings. Intent triggers emotions in us, intent is emotions of ours.

You do not manipulate your surroundings by spewing words towards them. You manipulate it by practicing your will to shape the reality around you.

If you yell at the wild animal, it will ignore you. But if you put determined aggression without fear towards it, even the greatest beasts will back off.

Then why can't we use these powers we obtain to tell when an earthquake comes like animals


Our frequency are being blocked by beta waves

>why cant we use these powers

First of all; are you even aware you have them? I mean really aware, to the point you can differentiate regressing into your ego from spreading your awareness beyond your skull.
Even when you become aware that you can "spread out", our senses are dull, practice is required to sharpen them.

One of the first things we need to distinguish is emotional senses from, chater in our minds.


what the-

They blocked all of our beta waves!


>they took our jewbs, drek ewr Yevgs, i tell ya !

Words are carriers of intent. They communicate force, but are not the source of it.

Give and you shall receive like Rockerfella handing out dimes. You get what you put out. Dont wish anything bad on anyone that you would wish on yourselves. Does anyone have any humanity left or morals..


dont wish anything bad on anyone that you would not wish for yourself. Stuff great g4andma used to say

>You get what you put out
Basic resonance of existence. It only works like you described it in Sterile environment, we are most definitely not in one. You will get lot of noise back.

What flag is this

What is this flag

Good good vibrations. Music can seriously effects people.

If you relax and get your brain into alpha state, then it must be easier to project both in mind and outwards, am i correct? I have a buddy who studied (josè) Silva, and when he went to Alpha he was able to twist a metal spoon with no effort.

As long as you are far from all these towers and communication systems

If we have all these Satellites above us why the hell didnt my phone work on vacation. I must admit i felt recharged going without for a week!

Are you telling me i am a radio?

I read magic mushrooms can enlightened you in this area

I think (not sure) that brain waves are just manifestation of the deeper state. I also think (am quite sure) that focusing on manifestation instead on the cause of phenomena can quite derail ones success.
So the chain would go something like;
>intent>vibrations>resonance(desired outcome)

So you see, if you dislocate and ignore the step, like if you try to achieve;
>some arbitrary vibrations>resonance
Without the clear intent behind the act you are trying to practice, i think you will fail.
Also it is possible to achieve the outcome you desire without even focusing on the vibrations, because they are just the tool.
You dont think about hammer when you try to hit the nail. You are just trying to nail the sucker.

A friend wants me to try Psilocybe Semilanceata with him. How should i go forth in regards to what we are talking about? Out in nature and talk to plants?

Well Luicfer travels through sound waves and we have a deep connection to mother earth with certain undetectable sound/frequencies waves they can make us submissive

Idk i have cows and the mushrooms grow crazy in the fall but i cant tell if their the right ones

Welcome Neophyte. You've become a more aware human. Use this knowledge wisely. Further, don't discuss this with the sleepers. There are multiple reasons for such. I know you have an amazing discovery, but trying to force this is like teaching a dog math.

According to quantum physics, everything is just complex waves of energies. And the hermetic principles says that everything is vibrating and resonating. Makes sense what you say. But it is necessary to go into Alpha state, it will help you to focus your brainwaves because you are thinking slower. An experiment with the double slit showed that meditators in Alpha had much more influence on the disturbance than normal wake persons.

I didnt have a tv as a child and just read a lot. I pray and fast!

I dont like people trowing around physics and words that easily.
Do we know what energy actualy even is? I think i do, but i see people trowing it around and can not but think they are just beating around the bushes all the time wasting time.
What is Energy?
What is physics?
What is vibration?
What is resonance?
Why the things work the way they do?

And the point I was making is that you will align with the designated brain waves trough the intent. More strong and pure the intent is. Better hammer you will become.

Not alpha state lol... adderall state..hehehehe

please tell me that this is some inside joke i'm not getting and not that you've never hovered your mouse pointer over a flag.

Can this concept be applied to changing yourself? Basically directing your intent inwards so intensely that you can build yourself up the way you want to?

How do you do it?

Ive very educate in stuff that intrested me flag and boarder wasnt my thing. I cant see well

are you fuckers telling me that with this vast always-connected global network of information we're communicating on... there is no copy of The Language Crystal available online? and it was never reprinted anywhere? and the only way I can find to obtain it is to buy it on Amazon for $1350?

teased the hell out of me and I'm now fully invested. this text HAS to exist somewhere where I can obtain and ingest it.

The power of will!

Josè Silva has studied this without any eastern mysticism. Check out his book.


Give all your materialistic stuff away go feed the hungry cloth the naked and help the old and suffering. That should feed your soul

okay then the first on is the UN flag and the second is Bosnia and Herzegovina. hope you find your glasses, user.


It is the only i got, read the Kybalion instead.

the thing is, and I think you will easily agree with me. We already do the things you mentioned, Non frikin stop.
We are walking Intent machines. But, do we do it consciously?

So the answer would be; We need to first observe what is it that we are doing, get a grip on the tools available. That means relaxed introspection and meditation.
Then focus the edge of those tools in which ever direction we desire.

However (and there is always however), we live in a murky waters for ones soul. It is all murky inside and out. It is in the nature of reality we are in. So what we also need to do is recognize the noise, the noise inside and outside of us.

So the world was better watching little house on the prairie and brady bunch. All this negative music and tv shows can effect us

Because jews are moon people.

Music is definitley programming you, especially when drinking. Then you shift your brain towards the subconciouss and the right part of the brain, just as they do in hypnosis.

Thank you

You helped me thank you

Take this from a guy starting his own religion.

What you're mystifying is logarithm functions colliding against other ones in an almost infinitely packed and bunched together way constantly refracting with probabilistic determined outcomes
Does buddhist chanting work,? Yeah, why because every thing is just a wave form patter, so the song, you, the atoms and everything around you including your own thoughts right now conveying it all to and off one another.

It's not magic it's math

I haven't watched the matrix in a while

So can we get back to the 60,70 or 80 flood the world with the oldies ..lol..

What kind of religion would that be?

The great book of math..lol..

implying math is not magic


I'd go furter back than that.

It's called Truth, or Delusion haven't picked.
Nietzschean modified Taoism or Zen Buddhism
Hell bent on dragging humans into godhood metaphorically, kicking and screaming if need be.

I'm just having trouble accepting that this book truly exists but can't be found online, or purchased anywhere aside from Amazon and it's over a thousand dollars there.

I am going to find this book before I die

Has anyone ever uploaded the full book?

Happy belated birthday, barrister

It was on Ebay for $200 when someone first posted about it here.

So the gematria calculator is magic?

Nice. Good luck!

name it delusion so the members can be calls delusional or delusionals
explain it more sounds kinda interesting, in what way is it nietzschean?

same, user. I've never taken mushrooms and I'm too scared to pick my own.