Hotter than Hell tattoo

This place is having a 'Nazi scum Fuck off' event, be sure not to miss it!


Someone post this there. Kek.

>Most of those images featured are doctored images

Checked and agreed I recognise at lest two immediately.

The one on the bottom right doesnt even look like the guy is aiming at here and why would he even bother aiming if she was that close

>Believing in "good" and "evil"
>Literally being this spooked

or was it?

This too

>muh holocaust

Totally! The tattoo 'Artist' Jeff Kohl is hosting the event and he's a fucken moron!

This too



>Using doctored photos of supposed nazi atrocities

Try harder faggot.

>this is not a grey area
>because we say so

Excellent commies png! Brilliant

Hypothetically speaking someone should sling a molotov into the doorway while this event is happening

communism advocates violent theft so anyone hypothetically doing this would be well within their rights- it's self defense!

Hotter than Hell needs trolling badly, total commie fag fest antifa posers

no actually we arent kike
you will never get rid of us

Free anti nazi tattoo.
Is this a new version of a Poz party?


PS OP, those pictures are all fake, the holocaust was severely misrepresented and everything you think happened is mere propaganda to protect the jews through granted victim status and now they face full protection from scrutiny under the guise of "antisemitism"

Check out how shit these are!


>almost all of those pictures are fake

>free tattoo
>requires a donation

I see nothing wrong with what's happening in those pictures. We need it to happen again, except this time the UK and USA to join in and help finish what was started.

I had nothing to do with that ridiculous weak shit..

If someone could provide source for the image on the top left, you have my gratitude.

Brilliant! I'm going to use that one

>please give me money!
Typical kike

That burning Star of David is a pretty antisemitic symbol, IMO. Someone should report this to ADL.

Yeah donations straight to the pocket would be my guess