Shokugeki no Souma

Spoilers when?

five minutes user

w-who's the semen ghost?

I-is it crossover time yet?

>Ghost Onsen is uncensored in the tanks.
Why Tosh can't do the same?

Does it have full frontal nudity? Because that's what SnS would have to have if all the foodgasms were uncensored.



>tfw whole chapter will just be Souma cooking

>In a cooking manga


Exactly, I just want to see Erina wet.

when and why did people start calling new content spoilers? thats not what spoilers are.

Is anyone still reading this Manga?


>Fat redhead whale whore
how can anyone like this?
rindofags explain yourselves.

I want her to steal Souma from Erina.



I want to facefuck her until the only thing she wants to eat is my semen

>implying you're alpha enough to handle her

Dead Manga.



Why did the writer kill off the interest so much? The only people keeping up are shipfags now.



It's a summary of the ch before the ch is released.




Holy shit MegumiXSoma confirmed


For everything that is holy.
Give us a S3 of the anime.

Wait there's nipples?
Wait ghosts have nipples?


Yuna Yunohana from Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san. Written by Tosh's mentor

is season 2 of the anime gonna be entirely the fucking Spice tournament?


Probably the Stagiare, too.

You can see Souma going to Shino's in the PV, so yes, Stagiaire too.

>still reading this trash

Perfect for bullying with dried squid and peanut butter.

Just, no, user. You'll die from being fucked dry before she's had enough of your semen, and she'll fuck another guy right in front of you to get more of a fill from them, all while you lay on the floor watching, dying but satisfied.



The second season starts next month, 2.07.

>Twintail Lolina

Based Tosh.


They're all thinking Souma is going to foodrape Erina.

Also, that fucking pose.

the pose is back

Is that legit and not shopped? A WSJ series having nipples?

It never left

It's a proven culinary technique, plebeians.

Mehgloomy better not interrupt their moment.

Fucking meeeuguuuuumiiii and her stupid pose.

She doesn't eat his food in this chapter, this is mostly Erina's and her grandfather's flashback +Alice playing with Erina(?).

Megumi a shit


>five minutes
Cancerous meme.

>she doesn't eat his food in this chapter.

Souma did finish his dish in the last page.
So next chapter.

Someone stop this pose.

It always follows this pattern:

1.Talking about whatever or some preparations before the actual cooking.
2. Cooking and someone else on the side talking about the process.
3. Judging/eating + flashbacks + climax.

About a chapter for each of those.

It's from the tankoubon.

Really? So JUMP Tanks has nipples? Isn't the ghost series in WSJ? Actually what's it even called?


The pajama girl manga had nipples in the tankoubon too.


What are you guys expecting to happen when she eats his food?

She's not going to instantly fall in love with him.

>The pose again

But it will be a first step.

Just like my Japanese rom com animes.

I want her to drop the tsun tsun and go full dere dere and say his food is delicous.

I'm guessing she'll rate his dish as pretty good, but lacking in a way or many ways compared to his fathers, still, she's probably going to enjoy it as the yukihira/saiba "essence" will still be there

either that or she'll be completed disappointed because the way Jouichirou made that particular dish was totally different from what Souma learned at his place

>Hishoko's face
Getting cucked both ways!

That's too easy, user. She is supposed to be final boss material.

Souma said in this chapter that he would make her say that his food is delicious.

But he is going to cook for her for the rest of their lives. He wouldn't advance as a cook if she accepts his food right now.

What? What are these series called?

What about Shokugeki? This seems all fucked up if Tosh can't draw nipples when all these series are allowed to.

This will be canon soon.

Just search for manga with pajama in its name and you'll find it.

SnS has a different theme going on. The nudity is only used occasionally, and as a gag element and not so much for eroticism. The lewd here is to illustrate how amazing the food is and is actually effective for getting the message across to readers since we can't taste the food ourselves and imagine how heavenly it must be.

She'll get that field

Do the scanlations use the tanks? Or only raws?

Such a waste of Tosh's talent.

Seems the fanservice has been toned down compared to earlier in the series.


It would be amusing if it was the entrance exam dish and she gives her honest evaluation of it this time.
>I would have passed you then, my bad.

I am not sure of that. All of his designs are pure fucking sex. Erina is gorgeous. I do not even like girls with boobs, but she is hot as fuck.

And then Alice. Alice is a fucking miracle of the universe. There is no better girl than Alice. She is perfection. That she is also already taken is just further proof of how best girl she is.

The pose you guys hate so much makes me diamonds

Did he really make her a donburi again like at the beginning of this manga?

>Remake of the 1st thing he made her
That's a nice touch.

it's tendon

>please consider the following

Furikake Gohan Mk. II would be pretty funny.

It's a waste cause you won't see those girls with nipples though.

>That she is also already taken

I believe he made a tempura rice bowl.

This isn't a Bleach thread, shippers aren't stirred so easily, you need more subtlety.