Humans of New York

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I just feel contempt at this point for these kinds of arguments.

They're holding guns to their own heads and relying on compassion, but you can be that next week they'll be saying "haha we're getting rid of whites!".

Her mom fucked her over by coming illegally

Yeah but you did it illegally so she fucked up. She's dumb. The mother... Do it legally and other legals will help you... even the state.

You have to go back...

Dreamers get the boot too

we can only hope



i agree, at this point my heart is damn cold.
you can only accept appeals to emotion for so long before you just see them as mindless prattle.

they hold Mexican citizenship and have American education, language, and experience with the system
They are in a better position once they arrive back in mexico than their fellow Mexicans.
This girl can get a job in the Us and work from Mexico where life is much cheaper. Most Mexicans can't speak English
So some people are implying it is a punishment to make someone live in their home country. So we are punishing all 100+ million people that live in Mexico?

That article is just more emotional manipulation to try and convince people that these people are morally justified in breaking the law. Sorry but it is not going to work. Every job that a "dreamer" takes is a job that could have gone to one of my fellow native countrymen. We are a society of laws and we should be looking out for our own people first. Anyone who is trying to convince you otherwise, that we should help strangers before we help ourselves, is feeding you propaganda designed to destroy a country. This is almost always to benefit the kikes as it provides new and different groups in their multicultural society that they can play against one another for power.

this is an illegal I was arguing with when she posted on Snapchat about how oppressive white people are
Almost every dreamer I know is anti-white


report her lol
or is she already known to authorities?

so did Americans steal the land or what?

>Almost every dreamer I know is anti-white

The whole white thing is starting to get very tiresome. I suppose I used to be a lemming, live and let live, but I am tired of being made a scapegoat for every single evil in the world simply because I am a white man. If they are going to make us out as evil then I am at the point where I want to go ahead and give that to them. We need to simply remove this trash, the smart ones will leave voluntarily and the idiots that remain can get the ovens for all I care. If they think the current behavior of white men is evil then they are in for a rude awakening.

The law is the law, and she is unlawfully in the US...

Not only an illegal alien but a lazy cunt making excuses.

Lol you Americucks got fucked, now they're thinking daca is an entitlement. How can you fuck up immigration policy so badly?

Her illegal criminal mother KNOWINGLY broke our laws.

What if I rob a bank because I want my family to have a better life? Am I rewarded for trying to do the "best I can"?

They should be deporting the DACA parents immediately and some of their illegal spawn will leave the country with them

I was thinking of that same argument you seem to be making at the end.

The only people with legit claim and grievance to the USA are native americans. Mexicans, not so much.

Blatant appeal to emotion. Don't post this shit.

No, we conquered it.
These mexicans don't realize we could have taken the ENTIRE continent, but showed mercy and simply too what became the Southwest US.

tl;dr please

Americans want all of them kicked out, it's the scum we call leaders that are fucking us over. Even knows it too.

This shit too.
Oh yeah buddy, I bet the "natives" all spoke Spanish too.

They're descended from the Spanish that came to the area, how the fuck do they think they're speaking that language in the first place.

OP here, forgot to post some of the comments from the Facebook post

EU memeflag larper why doesn't you country take them. they need to get the fuck out. the left has play on my compassion for so long I have none left. hard choices have to be made and all illegals need to go

"cleaning houses"

Wow.....what a loss if she is deported
But in a few years that illegal bitch won't be able to take care of herself
She will get sick
She will need care
But....she never paid into Social Security, sooooooo WHO will be paying for her when she is too old to work?

Mercy, next to greed, are two of the white mans most deadly vices. We conquer an area, then we allow those we defeat to live, we then use them and other shitskins to do our menial labor and become dependent upon their services, the shitskins reproduce and eventually revolt against the white man, finally to keep our wealth we sellout our fellow whites in the name of tolerance.

Hoppe is right and a lower standard of material wealth would be preferable if you can have an all white country that is high in trust and low in crime.

The argument to expel them it's an appeal to emotion too, because it takes more money in terms of government expending.

Texas is bigger than my country

>The only people with legit claim and grievance to the USA are native americans.

they fought each other and stole each other's land long before wh*Tes came along
they would massacre entire tribes. that is by definition genocide
the land belongs to the strongest tribe
that tribe is the wh*Te dog

Suck a nut bitch, pic related. Most of us will work until we die, wasting away to survive and provide to those we are responsible for. You mother is nothing special, in fact, only thing special about her is that she is a illegal alien and should be deported.

Imagine yourself a potential immigrant to the United States. You are presented with two options:

1:) Purposely jettison yourself into a psuedo menial labor caste system in which you are guaranteed long hours, shit pay, uncertain futures for your many anchor children and the constant Doom of Damocles that is ICE, or;

2:) Emigrate legally.

This is like a rape victim being accused of lying. Except the victim is the white man, and the penetrator is the regressive left co-opted population replacement regime.

Deport her and her mom.

>women, nonwhites, cucks, and hyphenated names

Color me surprised.

If they are already so emboldened to speak about whites like this when whites are still the majority, how do you think they'll act when whites are the minority? They will genocide whites as soon as they have the chance.

Why is this our problem?

Because Mexicans have it hard, we are obliged to accept them? How about fix Mexico?

You must have put the special ed kid in charge of the books if it works out costing more to deport them than to keep them around for a few generations.

This is doing actual deportations by the way, not some retarded new west style of deport, but give shitloads of court cases for each individual with paid for lawyers.

It is standard conquest. Just look at Europe as an example. Until recently they were all about the conquest. Also the people who were here prior to Euros coming, also practiced conquest of other tribes lands. So it is something that is ingrained in the human genome. Welcome to reality. Mexico lost, and the US won. Too bad for them.

Not true. You'll be spending money in the short-term, sure, but you will avoid the burdens these illegals place on the American economy, considering that a large percentage of them take government money, Mexico is the most overweight country in the world which means more healthcare spending, and the fact that they are crossing illegally means they can't get in by legal means, which implies they're undesirable criminals or low-skilled workers - either way not beneficial to the American economy.

Arrest her mother for human trafficking, she smuggled illegals into the country.

Your a retarded your just as stupid as dreamers you don't know how Mexico works kek

Seriously what is the logical conclusion of all this? Just make every single person on the planet an American? I'm sure they all want to "feel safe" or whatever.

we don't want them. maybe you should take them. they can make your country mexico

Yeah, "I'm such a hard working person."
Then go and work for to make Mexico better for your people.

>Hoppe is right and a lower standard of material wealth would be preferable if you can have an all white country that is high in trust and low in crime.
I don't want a big house, or multiple cars, or 8 TVs or all of this other material shit and endless cash that we've been sold as a replacement for the American Dream. I just want a modest life, with a wife and kids, in a community I can participate in and a country I can be proud of.

I think most feel this way as well. The ones who don't have their head up their ass, anyways.

She has to go back, criminals simply put and she has a duty to her motherland go to bak to help improving it

>Just make every single person on the planet an American

Well not an American but yes that is the goal. The creation of a single, two tiered, world government. One tier would be the jew and some gentile elite who have all the high tech benefits. The rest of us would be slaves on reservations trapped in a system of debt and used as workers, well what is left. The bulk of us need to be eliminated to keep the population as small as they want. They have been telling people this for years, I don't know why people are so ignorant. The Georgia guide stones are a perfect example of the agenda.

this is the right answer

>a lower standard of material wealth would be preferable if you can have an all white country that is high in trust and low in crime

> implying this is a lower standard of living

They want to stay in the White country because it's the safest and richest. They won't go back to Mexico or wherever else because their standard of living will decline and they'll be beheaded by the cartels.
Whites are evil racists but everyone wants to live with us. Really makes you think.


Should we arrest Moot and WT Snacks (SQ) for CP and hentai?

Well duh

>The Barbarian cannot make … he can befog and destroy but … he cannot sustain; and of every Barbarian in the decline or peril of every civilization exactly that has been true.

they're barbarians wanting to living in the civilized world but in doing so they will be the destruction of it.

Hiiragi is so qt

You do know that when many illegals were leaving here due to the economy being bad, the Mexican government was complaining about them returning. As were the people in Mexico.
>That article is just more emotional manipulation
Well that is the whole Democratic, and lefts way of doing things. It is all about the feels.

There is no more despicable logical fallacy than an appeal to emotion.

Take it up with your mother for breaking the law, then bitch. Not my fucking problem.

this is the thing we need to talk about. i would be fucking pissed at my parents if i found out in my teens/ twenties that they brought me over illegally. why don't we hear anyone putting the blame on these awful parents?

my father is still working at 74 and he probably will never retire. why does everyone think only mexicans work?

how can these illegals pass the border undetected?

>they're barbarians wanting to living in the civilized world but in doing so they will be the destruction of it.

Yeah they will never understand that they are fleeing from themselves.

rural and suburban retards

>my father is still working at 74 and he probably will never retire. why does everyone think only mexicans work?
Leftist media, and indoctrination. It is like the whole line that they are doing the work Americans will not do.
The reality is that will not do the work for lower wages.
You do realize how long, and rugged the US/Mexico border is. Right?
I personally say forget the wall we need our troops patrolling the border. I know that will trigger some, but that is what they are supposed to be used for, keeping the nation safe.


Hmm... a spic can't afford food in Mexico so it spawns and illegally sneaks all the way to New York city, one of the most expensive places in the USA, and struggles while it's goblin spawn gets a free ride through college.

Man, there were no other choices it could make, no possible decisions that would save it from this tragedy

>thought she’d be a lawyer

Reality hit her hard.

>this is the thing we need to talk about. i would be fucking pissed at my parents if i found out in my teens/ twenties that they brought me over illegally. why don't we hear anyone putting the blame on these awful parents?

lol, why would she be pissed? she's living here, and not mexico and it's unlikely that any of them will ever actually be deported.

They're forcing whites to play by their identity politics rules, then they mock and ridicule whites who do that, calling it 'white fragility'. These retards are like snarky little kids, their arguments are idiot-tier, and whenever you trounce their ass with logic, they chimp out, like a dumb kid.

you make the mistake of thinking they have respect for our laws and our way of living.

>mother can't find appropriate work
>can't start a business
>probably speaks broken English
>no concept of management or navigation of bureaucracy
>divorced and takes a leap of faith with no familial support
>fails and falls back on scrubbing floors.

This is exactly what's meant by they can't assimilate. She did literally everything wrong, objectively failed at every measurement. Now her faults are
passed onto the daughter and the burden to advance is heavier and heavier. It's sink or swim by casting off her mother, welcome to America. This should be a fantastic story for our cause - if you're an idiot you will fail here. How does a story of failure inspire people to support you?

>new york

Ewwww. Peabrained nigger hearted cucks in a big Jewish circle jerk.

A nigger did it.

I'm sorry, was any of my post not clear? I am cognisant that immigration reform is necessary moving forward. What I'm saying is that illegal immigration is a detriment to the country affected. My grasp of immigration law is firmer than your stepdad's on your limp dick growing up. Fuck off.

DACA is like robbing a bank and leaving all the money to your kids. And then the dip fucks get upset when they find out it doesn't work that way.


So, if she doesn't want to be a bargaining chip, I guess she's ready to go back?

Immigration was much better without the democrats trying to buy votes by hammering in the social safety net for these ungrateful cretins.

Before the social safety net, about two thirds of all immigrants fucked off back to their home countries after falling flat on their face in the first year.

A modest life in an all white community is the most evil thing that Faceberg could possibly imagine. If you said that publicly you would lose your job

Nice, got a source for that? I want to read further

Putting the military at the borders wouldn't be bad.

Yeah we did. Now look what happened to the natives.

It's not hypocritical to not want the same to happen to us, because those were our ancestors, I can not be held responsible for something that happened before I was born, however, white genocide, and white replacement is happening now. This means in the modern scenario, the muslims and spics are the invading white people, and the white people are the poor natives.

You don't get mad when you hear about natives fighting back, why would you get mad about Whites fighting back?

Same here. He would never bring it up but he would admit he made shortsighted and bad decisions that left him in this situation. Should I ship him off to Germany for a better life?


They do that, but then when they don't get their way they get violent.

Giving in to it would encourage them to do it more.

Just like giving in to it in the past encouraged them to do what they're doing now.

This city is fucking gone.

>jury duty
>almost half the box looks like piles of laundry
>bangladeshi muslims
>NONE of them speak or read English
>only ONE of them has ANY education
>"How long have you been living here?"
>"ehhhhuuuuuuhhhhhh fifteen year"

>go to buddy's apartment
>whole floor smells like fish and curry

>*muffled ALLAAAAAAAAAAAAH call of prayer in the distance*

I could go on forever. It's a lot easier to turn a blind eye and romanticize immigrants when you're not living or working with them on a daily basis, so none of the yuppy faggots in Williamsburg care, they're all about diversity for the sake of diversity. I'd cut my dick off if I ever saw them unironically eating fish curry or bent over praying on a fucking mud rug.

>to make her seem like a criminal
No she's an actual, literal, criminal.

I still don't understand how undocumented people even get in to the school system, it doesn't make sense to me

>she'd sell food
>sometimes we'd have no food to eat

Something doesnt add up here. Also, how do you go from Mexico to NY with no money? Lastly, why would you stay there?

Mexico literally sold that land.

Why in the fuck don't Mexicans apply for a TN visa under NAFTA?

They're indigenous to Southeast Asia and they can go the fuck back.

Yeah I never understood that either. I talked to an "undocumented student" while I was in college but I was so fucking annoyed the whole time I didn't think to ask how she got into my school.

do us a favor and report the dumbass cunt to ICE

Because they are entitled and feel like laws should not have to apply to them.

continue to admire your dumbass mother who thought it would be a good idea to shit out a kid when all she could afford for food was tortillas and salt