Fake spoilers are out. Real spoilers in ~7 hours.
What do you think will happen? Will we see the fathers? Or stay with Ichigo and Orihime?
Fake spoilers are out. Real spoilers in ~7 hours.
What do you think will happen? Will we see the fathers? Or stay with Ichigo and Orihime?
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Old thread.
>What do you think will happen?
>in bleach
tell me about the fakes op
looking forward to another BTFO fest for ichirukifaggots this week
Another thread ruined by shipperfags.
Whatever helps you sleep user.
Netabare spoilers say Isshin and Ryuken split up.
Slight banter, Isshin tells Ryuken to not die. Then it switches to Uryu and Haschwalth.
Neither of the two are willing to go all out. Jugo keeps taunting Uryu and eventually lets it slip that Yhwach's Almighty has changed. Jugo gets fed up and unleashes his power, switches to Ichigo.
Ichigo gets up and forms a bow out of his swords and points it at Yhwach. Yhwach goes "masaka". Ichigo asks him if Yhwach can see what he's going to do next, Yhwach does not reply.
Switches to Gerard. Gerard has lost all reason and keeps mumbling to himself. Byakuya speculates that he is going out of control from having absorbed all that reishi. Shinji shows up. Switches back to Uryu. Uryu is thoroughly outmatched and lies defeated. Jugo asks him why he didn't use his power, why he didn't get serious. Then Isshin replies that he wasn't worth getting serious on and enters the battle.
Isshin: haa.. this place isn't right either (implying that he got lost)
>final chapter rolls by
>wow nothing happened again
Really grasping at straws now.
OPN spoilers
Continuing from last chapter.
Yhwach: I see, so that was your aim. Show me your power(emptiness/void/hollowness).
A power that is the natural enemy of the quincy, emptiness/void/hollowness!
Shit happens with Gerard and co, Mayuri shows up and unveils a newly modified form of his bankai.
Uryu side
Uryu keeps firing, but Jugo keeps dodging his arrows. Uryu speculates that Jugo somehow knows where he is firing from the start. Ryuken chides Uryu for looking so torn up and then makes his entrance.
Ishida Ryuken enters the fray!
Wow... truly you are Bleach... my son.
>baiting people
>falling for the bait
>more fodder jobbing
>more MC getting rekt until asspull
Bleach threads really went down the gutter
The BTFO keeps getting more intense as the weeks go by. I'm starting to feel a little sorry for them
It's the night before a new chapter, user. Of course there's going to be shitposting.
Weak bait
>wahh the use of ellipses is directly related to the quality of bleach threads
Fuck off.
>Himefags defending ellipses
Your salty tears are delicious
>being there when Sup Forums livestreamed bleach and everyone as crying at this scene
The times.
>arguing about fucking ellipses
Nice one, user.
are you implying that I'm dead or something
they deserve it
Don't use her to make people upset, user. Remember what we talked about. Happiness.
I just recalled that white was pulled out of Ichigo's body by Nimaya
>mfw Kubo separates Ichigo into two beings, and both IchiRuki and IchiHime become canon
Does anyone else see the irony here? OP and everyone else liked the image of the semen demon I posted and yet no doujins. Why haven't Ikkaku and Yumuchika raped her yet?
That'd work out for everyone.
>Ikkaku and Yumuchika raped her yet?
I laughed. We'll get doujins when the anime returns.
Only in Fanart.. so sad
You wish but Ichihime is the way
I don't care about shipping.
These two NEED to be captan and vice captain of the 15th division.
Man, they really look different compared to how they look now.
There are only 2 real ships in this series.
Byakuya x Rukia
Ichigo x Aizen
>Another fanart....
Considering how many captains and vice captains (let alone mooks and nobles) kicked the bucket, I doubt that they'll get new divisions any time soon.
>IchiHime and ellipses
this thread is getting really silly
>Absolutely nothing happens the chapter.
Back to Kubo's shit awful pacing, I see.
Just finish the Gerard fight.
>thread is getting silly
rukiafags in a nutshell
I know. I miss Orihime's old look. I guess her current isn't that bad, especially the way Kubo has drawn lately.
If you really want to post Ichihime, at least use good pictures.
IchiRuki dont need Fanarts.
>falling for such obvious bait
It's okay, they're fake. Hopefully.
the two on the right won't be in any doujins, they won't even be in the source material anymore because Kubo wrote them out
>complain about shit posting
>shit posts
Fuck off.
No way, we have to see more of thunder thighs. She's fucking hot.
Quiz time!
What is soft, fluffy, and brings shitposters together?
I didn't laugh, it's been years and still nothing. Less popular manga only series got doujins.
Don't remind me about it.
Girl love?
>Orihime saw Ichigo's penis first
The answer is Friendship.
I love her eyes.
As expected of the waifu
Oh, that works.
>that thickness
How can Rukia even COMPETE?!
The Black Sun
Whole chapter is Ichigo vs Yhwach
Ichigo thanks Orihime for buying him time and tells her to leave. He says that from here on out his reiatsu will be too strong for her to handle.
Then he turns his attention to Yhwach. Yhwach taunts Ichigo, telling him that hollowfying won't help him and to bring out his power or else everyone will die.
Ichigo replies by asking him to check for himself if his transformation is just a hollowfication.
He attacks Ichigo with his black robe thing, but Ichigo materializes the shorter zangetsu in his left hand and blocks it, he doesn't appear to be holding the longer Zangetsu.
Orihime eaves. Ichigo charges up a cero from his single horn in just a moment and blasts Yhwach in the face with it. The cero destroys Yhwach's throne and the wall behind him, passes through the wall and blasts off Gerard's arm at shoulder outside. Gerard screams in agony and collapses with a crash.
The shinigami outside are all shocked. Back to Yhwach and Ichigo, Yhwach stands up from the rubble and is visibly affected by the attack. The black reiatsu thing covering on half his face is gone, revealing a blackened left eye with 4 pupils.
Yhwach gathers the black stuff around his arms and fires it at Ichigo. Ichigo blocks once again with the short sword, but it circles around him.
Ichigo jumps and dodges with the black stuff going him.
Yhwach manages grab him with the black thing and the rest of the black stuff swirls and closes in on Ichigo.
Yhwach screams at Ichigo to die and sends more black tendrils after him. Then there's an explosion that blows the entire throne room to pieces and Yhwach is sent flying out of the building. When the dust clears Ichigo is seen stepping out of the rubble. His armor is gone and the top portion of his shihakusho is ripped, revealing his bare chest.
Now he has two horns and markings on both sides of his face. On his chest he has a white mark of the five pointed quincy star over his black sun tattoo.
Chapter end
They both have their talents.
Only niggers like fatasses buddy.
>Tfw people still use my crops
>>>/ireland/ with you. May as well start liking men homo.
Good fan fiction.
I'm not sure about that.
Him and Yumichika are true bros and thus doing them together wouldn't be gay.
but they aren't competing user
>he doesn't even redraw her hair and shoulder
End yourself
Will we ever see his bankai again? Or any of the non captains that have it and we haven't seen?
That's inappropriate.
Are you implying I can draw?!
>implying the encircled grandfather isnt a kyoraku.
Why is Ikkaku's seiyuu so based?
Go jack off to your obesity porn, degenerate.
I laughed.
>posts deviantart as damage control
It was the 2nd to 3rd thing in google image search. But we all know you have tabs full of this shit, you nigger.
She can't
>uses google images
If you're going to post Orihime, at least post good pictures of her.
You're embarrassing yourself. You like planks of wood with no ass, just go back to Ireland. Just because oen doesn't like planks doesn't mean he's into blobs lol
So what site do you use to search up your obese fetishes degenerate?
I like my butts perfect like I like my peaches. You just like some disfigured sack of fat.
I like HitsuHina!
>had to pose doggystyle to get that roundness
>standing, it's a plank
Look, just because your waifu doesn't have an ass doesn't mean you should other characters fat. It's unbecoming of you.
will it ever be confirmed if Giselle is a dude or not
I really
really need to know this
That's actually disgusting.
>tfw I still ship IchigoxTatsuki
>strawberry and peaches
now im hungry
you're really stretching right now.
She's whatever you want her to be.
I'd ship that if Tatsuki wasn't such a shipper fag herself.
Nah, but I think your fellow shipperfag is on damage control.
Beta Faggot Academia and Hiatus x Hiatus have both gotten their spoilers. Bleach any moment now.
Don't be rude, penis or no penis she's a lady.
But of course she has a penis.
Are they legitimate, LoN? Those HxH look fake as fuck, even with the pictures.
No way to tell. Usually the pics are the verification itself.
Who knows. We've had fake spoiler pictures before, plus that Alluka picture looks like it could be from any volume.