Why is Macron so eager to suck America's dick?


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Trump redpilled him on our plan.

This. International Jewry's time is up

Seriously, I thought he was your typical globalist socialist, why is he so eager to please Trump?

Is Trump turning globalist or Macron turning nationalist? Or is it all about the shekels?


this is why

One word "Beta".

That faggot met Trump and finally learned how to be a man.

I now realize how bad fascist economic policy is. They are equally as economically illiterate as communists. I'm not trying to wedge a divide here, but fascists should stick to social issues, since it's what they are good at combating.

you typed a lot of words. But at the end of it all you really didn't say anything.

I'm not sure how other people are drawing a pro-Trump message from this. Our media hates Trump, and the feeling is mutual. Macron giving something to our media is practically an attack on Trump.

The take-away from this is that our media is so deceptive and toxic that other nations' Manchurian candidates have to rely on it in place of their own national media.

>fascists are as economically illiterate as communists
>fascists should stick to social issues
not agreeing with him, but there's what he posted.

He's a radical centrist

Yeah, that's totally it.. ;)

*Bogdanoffs smile in the distance*

Literally what?

Macron's bosses want France to replace Germany as main US point of contact on the continent.

Three reasons:
He's French
He's an (((investment banker)))
He's an Atlanticist

France has always bent over for the US and taken its pencil dick in their ass whenever the US was horny
Like most of Europe, but France is especially bad cause its got a UN security council vote and should be big enough to stand up to the pieces of shit.
But it doesn't, cause they're cucks.


As usual, I'm right about everything, and Sup Forums, and especially Good Little Leftists, are wrong about everything.

I enjoy being right. I enjoy even more the knowledge that good little leftists are wrong. So, as I've said for ten months now that this is inevitable, I'd like to make another prediction: Fascist revolution in Europe before 2030. There you go. Enjoy being wrong again when you disagree with me.

America will remain "the leader of the free world" for decades to come, simply because too many other nations are reliant on our military hegemony for stability. South Korea and Japan are reliant on us to keep the Chinese from taking over, and pretty much all of Europe needs us to keep Russia from taking over.

America is the enemy of the "free world's" enemy,

who is copying who?

>fascist revolution in europe before 2030
spot on. pretty much a guarantee at this point.


I'd be down for nationwide National Guard parades on the Fourth. I don't really like the idea of our military (whose sole purpose is to fuck up other nations before they fuck us) marching down our streets, however.

Europe is currently at the start of a process to rearm itself.
New weapons techs based on robotics and AI will be developed and produced over the next 20-30 years as defense budgets increase and armies are integrated.

If the US keeps picking presidents that are especially distasteful to Europe and keeps doing shit like
absurdly extensive espionage (Germany already kicked out some CIA guys)
political interference on their borders (Ukraine, and Syria via the Mediterranean)
and military actions without their approval (supplying weapons to Syrian terrorists)
they will be kicked out once Europes military is self-sufficient and much stronger than Russia's
Won't happen tomorrow, but in a few decades it is definitely on the table I think

It will be a revolution for sure, fascist or otherwise

He likes black cock, can you blame him

>it's ok when France does it but it's literally Hitler when trump does it

Trump had dinner with Macron in the Eiffel Tower and now they're part of a secret society together, everyone knows this by now

Twenty to thirty years from now is too late. The demographic battles are already underway. We'll see what kind of relations are to be found between Islamic Europe and Latino America.

He's French, it's in his blood

I don't think yours averages cucks know that we have a military parade since 1880. They have been programmed to react like that. Maybe they should learn something else than muh nazi and muh shoah at school.

He knows the EU's fucked once the halal civil wars start up in his own country and abroad.


Thats why they told you to fuck off with your meme war in Irak?

It's been happening for a long time though.
A lot of things were already noticeable in the 90s, but it took until the mid 00s for European politicians to show up/get support.
I think things won't change significantly until the millennial are middle aged and have established the base of political power
Plus I think the revolution will coincide with invasion of Iran, which won't happen before 2030 unless something drastic occurs.
The Saudis and Jews will want to establish political power in Syria and Iraq first and that will take time - a generation at least.
Plus that whole North Korea mess needs to be dealt with first.

Oh well, its just a lot of speculation, really

Archived Link of OP (not doing his job): .is (saved 13 hours ago) - archive.is/5bIrX
(saved now wayback machine) - web.archive.org/save/http://www.politico.eu/article/emmanuel-macron-french-media-are-totally-narcissistic/

>“When I see the time spent in the past four months commenting only on my silences and my sayings, I think that it is a totally narcissistic system,” he said, adding that French outlets appeared to more interested in “communication” than “content.”

It’s not the first time Macron has hit out at French media.

>During his candidacy, he criticized recent presidents of maintaining “too much closeness with journalists.” In September, he accused journalists of being “too interested in themselves and not enough in the country.”

>Macron reversed his communications tactics in August, becoming increasingly open to conducting interviews and addressing the French public directly.

>Despite his criticism of French journalists on Tuesday, Macron also used his U.N. address to call for the global protection of journalists “because nothing can justify the reduction of freedom of the press.”

In my opinion, he's tactically using foreign media to lash out at the quality of journalism back home in France and at his media portrait.

Progessives are literally retarded. Its too much for their brain to handle that politicians start wars. Not soilders

he's stuck in the eu with goymany. the french and the germans are the two major powers in the eu and he knows the other way the french can lead the eu is with the us's help. this is why he cozies up to trump.

>coincide with invasion of Iran
Won't happen. Iran getting invaded means nuclear holocaust.

The problem is that twenty to thirty years from now, the young people (the ones that drive the economy and decide what happens) won't really be the liberal, democratic, Western Europeans that you and I know and love. They'll be foreigners that still think in their home tongue and weigh things against their own cultural mores. They might call themselves French or German or Italian, but they won't really have anything relevant in common with the French or Germans or Italians that came before them.

All of Europe combined won't be able to do shit to the US you faggot.

y-yeah the great drumpf plan to bring about amnesty, free healthcare and strong israel

Dude. What do you get out of wasting your life on here shilling for the fucking establishment and the truly evil peopel of this world?

I dont understand what kind of degenerate you have to be to do that.

your orange buffoon is part of establishment you brainwashed autist. enjoy the 20millions young brown dreamers and the renovated fence


Where do you think the anti-US/anti-Jew attitude will come from?
It will be about 10% Muslims in 2030
The US invades another Muslim country (one that is opposed to Israel) ->
European politicians will end the lease of military bases to the US due to Muslim pressure.
>Iran getting invaded means nuclear holocaust
The Jews won't let Iran get nuclear weapons. That is the whole point.

It may not be 20-30 years from now, you're.
The invasion (maybe just bombing) of Iran could be a lot sooner, and then the US gets kicked out of Europe much sooner
But then the military build up will be much quicker after that

I'm not talking open warfare with the US, just political disagreement.

its all fake.

EU media works differently, they always make their presidents like merkel look good then they do the exact opposite.

le madman

Because we are a great friend or a powerful enemy. Easy choice.

I like macron, I like seeing him make an ass out of my president, he deserves it.

there is a website that you need multiple passwords to access the real shit

the top is just about john g trump and nikola tesla