What's Sup Forums's fav animation studio? The only ones that come to mind for me are Bones, Gainax and Trigger

What's Sup Forums's fav animation studio? The only ones that come to mind for me are Bones, Gainax and Trigger.

I like a lot of Trigger's stuff but I honestly don't give a shit about the companies, just the products.


do people really unironically like this studio?

Inb4 kyoani shitposting

Madhouse have saved anime more times than any of the other studios combined.

Don't memespout if you're trying to prove a point.

Sometimes Satelight

You are probably new, retarded or both.


Madehouse made Paradise kiss, Mouryou no hako, and CCS so they're ok in my book.

This. Based Xebec saving mecha.


Sup Forums's official studio, according to CNN.

I still like SHAFT best.

I want Erio to explore my dark corner.

They only have monogatari everything else is irrelevant.
>inb4 SZS
They haven't made a single season in years

gonzo, toei, and pixar

>Hidamari Sketch
>Arakawa Under the Bridge

And their fall anime looks good too. I like experimental anime, and SHAFT is more likely to put out something like that than just about any other studio, even if it looks like shit on TV.


>I like experimental anime, and SHAFT is more likely to put out something like that than just about any other studio
We are talking about different studios here
SHAFT is all about milking its own series
>monogatari 3 seasons + movie
>hidamari 4 or 5 seasons can't remember
>madoka 2 retelling movies + 2 new movies
They are anything but original

Madhouse and A1 Pictures probably.

For meme purposes.
Bones and Kyoani.

I didn't say original content, you can experiment with the medium while creating adaptations. Each of those series you listed has its own distinct style that was fresh in its original incarnation and explored in new ways in each succeeding installment.


Is it weird that I find SHAFT's powerpoint presentations riveting but get put to sleep by everything KyoAni makes? I keep trying to watch their shows, and can just never bring myself to follow through.

>Madhouse (more in the past)

Nope, Sup Forums hates Bones and their endings like Eureka Seven AO.

Sup Forums also stopped caring about Gainax years ago. Majority of the old staff they cared about left to Khara. The younger staff left for Trigger but Trigger has been making shit tier anime recently.

I like Bones endings better than the source material every now and then, but you're entirely right about Gainax. It's amazing how they managed to drive off literally everyone with talent.

Wow... I cant believe David hasn't been mentioned yet... Pic related.

One good season does not make for a good studio.

>that filename

>classic C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_FxQrSgY.gif

>What's Sup Forums's fav animation studio?

The one that is doing the new adaptation of Berserk.

ONE good season? Kill yourself.

Part 3 was terrible, and part 4 has been lackluster as well. Maybe it'll get better once Kira's around, but I haven't been impressed thus by their choices so far.

You are retarded.