Sento is love, Sento is life!
Sento is love, Sento is life!
She's just a cuck who didn't even kiss the MC in the final episode, only hugged him. She could've gotten some of that Kanye dick but she didn't.
Sento is shit.
Sento deserves to be happy.
I've never saw the appeal of her
she was overrated , I much prefered the fairy elementals or whatever or latifa
>not seeing the appeal of female Sousuke
she's was fucking bland man
and like not even in the sort of moe way like with rei or nagato
just fucking plain and boring.
Sento pur!
I'm sorry you feel that way.
Why is worst girl wearing best girl's clothes?
Who's clothes are those? My memory is hazy so I can't remember.
Also, this is Fate thread now.
Useless garbage, no wonder they can't past "best anime girl".
Will you comfort her?
With my dick of course.
I will piss on her
I will tenderly hug her and tell her she did a good job. Then I will have sex with her.
Sento is by far the best KyoAni girl.
The only other girls that come close are Reina and Touka, and Touka is hardly even relevant since she gets almost no screen time.
The only other girl worth mentioning is Salama.
Mai is only good for rough fucking.
Kumiko > Sento > Reina
Princess is too pure to waifu. Sent is fair game.
No single post should be allowed to contain this many wrong opinions.
Violet will be the best KyoAni girl when her show is out.
She definitely has potential to be a good girl.
Best Kyoani girl
Sento worst girl
Welcome to Sup Forums, enjoy your stay.
Also nice thumbnail, faggot.
Mai is for marrying and raising a family with.
Obviously, she's my waifu after all.
Mai is for pumping and dumping raw so she becomes a single mom.
Only a subhuman would leave a girl pregnant without taking responsibility. I would marry Mai and raise our kids together, she would be a great life partner specially since we share the same interests.
Only a subhuman would marry a bimbo used goods slut though.
Fuck no
She's a bitch always pointing her gun at anyone to get what she wants. Yet she still couldn't get MC.
I want to make Kobori a mother!
Stuff like this is why I have a major creampie and impregnation fetish. I just can't help but papa boner when I imagine myself pumping semen deep into a girl's vagina and making her a mother as she gets inseminated by me.
Sento is the miracle of universe
She's pretty cute for a Kappa.
Shimpan for Sento is correct as the dual color contrasting composition signify her dual personalities, a kuudere
>You will never produce so much semen during ejaculation that it overflows a girls vagina like in hentai.
they would slowly trickle down after Nakadashi, dont worry.
what a lewd body
Why does KyoAni feel the need to cuck their audience out of a kiss in every fucking single one of their shows?
Why couldn't they have just kissed jesus christ.
>he never took the supplements on that /fit/ pic to get bigger loads
Not gonna lie my loads were stupid huge. Cleaning up was usually annoying because it was hard to contain
I just fapped for the fifth time since waking up, my dick can't take any more.
Sento would never do that.
>tfw I can only fap to doujins that seems plausible
Opinions can be wrong, retard.
Because it ruins the waifu conjecture. While some of us wanted her to kiss the mc, other people would get mad because Sento is their waifu.
I came here to post this.
She's a soldier. Her hands are fucked up because of the war.
Poor girl got a gout at young age.
Sauce? Google isn't giving me anything.
Why would they kiss for no reason?
She was trying to draw Seiya, right?
It's actually pretty cute
Lafita is the main girl and she kissed the MC
So what if some bland dumb shit girl doesn't get to kiss the MC?
sento legit makes my dong diamond on thought
But you just said a dumb bland shit girl kissed the MC
>/ss/ with ugly hags
why is this allowed
Money hungry parents and good looking is always a bad combination.
Must put penis inside Latifa chan
oh my god I want to end you
This girl is SIXTEEN
best pic of sento
sorry to hear that you are a low human.
I cum buckets
Hope she's ready to be a teen mom. Literally built for breeding.
Vagina bones are disgusting
I respect your opinion but I must disagree
Kyoani didn't cuck anyone out of anything. They JEWED us out of a kiss. Get your vocabulary right, senpai.
Tasty meat.
I discovered Sento late, but her Pirate outfit has drained me completely
Why would you choose a poor man's Shinka?
>papa boner
Post pic?
Speaking of which, I actually wanting to hotglue on Sento figure.
figurine rarely done right to capture the essence of character's expression
>cumming on Sento
Wait, isn't soy supposed to mess with your estrogen levels? How come it can help you produce more cum?