Now I know why Evafags are so fucked up. This shit does some kind of weird, negative evangelism to the viewer. After seeing it, I needed to see a shrink. Why is this fucking garbage praised so much? I can't believe how retarded this shit is. It's nothing but a troll and Anno is an emo faggot.
Now I know why Evafags are so fucked up. This shit does some kind of weird, negative evangelism to the viewer...
Other urls found in this thread:
>negative evangelism
did you ever watch an "old" mecha before?
Sorry you couldn't handle it user.
it's ok, maybe the next viewing will make you get it
it's not even about getting it all
Eva's message is very positive. It is riddled in literature, especially so in existentalist lit. Mind you, it is impossible to not get.
The message I got out of it was you can't love others until you love yourself. I thought that was a pretty positive message.
Yeah, sure, now go watch your 400 Naruto filler episodes, faggot.
no one piece is the best
new island
split up
meet crazy people
yada yada
beat evil guys up
yada yada
Why can't Evafags accept that people don't like and/or disagree with the message or the tone of their shitty entry-level show? This is Fatefag-level of autism.
Is only when those people act like OP.
i wouldnt call it entry-level because you need to know some 70's mecha
but i can understand that you dont like it
if eva is entry-level tell me what's not
galaxy express 999
is really a tremendous masterpiece
and shitcom?
ok it isn't entry-level but its ... its shit
Why the fuck does Eva get so many threads? Is it just because a lot of people like it and recommend it leading to people who are underwhelmed by the hype to create these shit threads?
ok watch some moe instead
the girls are soo realistic
great character development
best anime of all time
my favorite wifu
But I genuinely think Eva is a good show, even if the characters are annoying as fuck to me. I said "shitty show" because I 'm merely annoyed by the reaction of the average Evafag (contrarian hue), especially since didn't just say "it's shit"
And Eva is quite entry-level compared to other shows of the same period or so like Tex, SEL or even Utena. Everybody and their fucking mothers have at least heard of it.
Tex is some years later
but tree good anime Better than (galaxy express 999, eiken and shitcom
>I can't believe how retarded this shit is
Me neither. What a shit OP post.
We aren't fucked up because of the show, we relate to the show because we're fucked up.
I agree, there was a lot of religious symbolism in it also, mainly for the cool factor, but EoE was a solid send off for a "I'm fucked up" anime
Nigga the series and movie are fine. Its the waifuwars that are cancerous. Thats the shit that makes me question if its all worth it
You relate to one character over another and suddenly people start making supreme judgements about your personality.
For a show thats about understanding yourself and others, and breaking through the barriers you and other people put up so you can find happiness with other people, the waifufags are inherently judgemental and non accepting.
Im not talking tranny/toilet posting, im talking about people who let the rebuilds actually affect them.
I see Asukafags not accept people liking a shy quiet person, not getting how important the glasses breaking was. Just calling autism and not acknowledging their character's flaws and the fact that she only gets hope to overcome them in the final 3minutes of the movie.
I see Reifags actually giving attention to tumblrfags, acting like everybody on team Red just shitposts like that, and then say some really egotistical shit about how they'd cope with trauma better at 4 than an abandoned child. That and they miss Asukas character development in EoE, not understanding what the the Touch at the end implied
Like newfags who hate on shinji for not getting in the robot, they just pick and choose what they're willing to accept. I picked up from this series that you have zero right to get on a high horse and claim you'd do fair better in a person/characters situation.
Because you're on Sup Forums. the western cultural haven of escapism. You never see all those people on here at 4AM saying the same shit as Shinji does, talking about killing themselves?
You know why this site has so many people like that? Because its far too good at replicating shitflinging with friends on the couch.
Inb4 rebuild, Shiki Jitsu is practically a live action Asuka Instrumentality scene IMO, that was good for me, rebuild had a few action scenes and thats not what I want out of Asuka.
>almost Thursday
>still no Sephirotic final patch
I know right? Where is that BR fuck?
>not understanding what the the Touch at the end implied
Not trolling, but can I hear your take on the meaning of that moment?
I have until the 22nd haha losers
>comments blocked
Jesus Christ, why is Herkz such a faggot?
wut too deep for you
To be honest I've been around in the shit end of otaku fandom.
And I can say they deserve it too.
Not his fault that the original show's ending was meant to be the point of personal interpretation.
Every thread, until you shave it
First legitimately, compassionate thing shes ever done in the series, and I say that as an asukafag.
Her pulled out of ass coping pride gets destroyed by the mind rape. Her Mother returns to her in EoE and she fights with real, solid, maternal sourced pride that has its roots in another person. She kicks apparent ass for 5 minutes until the MPEvas regen, and she has even her newlyfound mother's pride not protect her enough to win.
Her coping mechanism fails, and then her Mother's help comes up short, then she dies. After that, based on her own admittance in EoTV, and what she says in the coffee-tang room she basically gets herb problems laid bare for all of humanity and herself to see, just like shinji.
When she comes out of the tang, the only reason she would ever touch Shinji's face like she does, is if she finally stopped trying to push every one away.
I feel Sick/ How disgusting is not just about the masturbation, or the fact that shinji could've killed her. But also the fact that for a bitch like her, compassion is an alien, vulnerable, and uncomfortable thing.
You dont drop such an act like that without serious self reevaluation. In fact both Shinji and Asuka relapse into their patterns shortly after. Shinji fighting back and Asuka showing compassion turns to tsun face saving and shinji crying.
Wouldn't most viewers have the most in common with Kensuke or Suzuhara?
I've always felt like they were Anno's way of saying, "you're alright", and also not making it seem like everyone in the story (or real life) is an emotional train wreck. Kensuke watches Shinji dick around in the Eva and almost gets killed and Suzuhara loses a leg inside one. Maybe it means normal people should mind their own business (?)
Don't know beyond that, but I think it's funny that everybody says "we're all just like Shinji!" when most of us are nothing like him.
But I already did today.
Hay Sup Forums, Sup Forumsnrad here. I got done with Eva, EoE and the rebuilds just a few days ago. While the endings were disappointing, and I'm sure a lot of it was just 2DEEP for me to get, I did enjoy the ride for what it was. I came here to say that if any of you genuinely enjoyed Eva, you may want to look into reading Worm. It's fucking massive, and definitely takes some commitment to get through, but I feel like its worth it and sort up a similar alley as Eva. Just a heads up though, the beginning is pretty weak, and the ending is likely to leave you just as unfulfilled as Eva, but the middle of the sand sandwich is absolutely delicious. It's about super heroes, and is about as Sup Forums as a web-Serial novel can be. Still I think some of you would enjoy it.
Of course most people deal with their problems in A healthy manner.
The thing to keep in mind is not everyone does, not that Sup Forumsfag here but think about the whole Killing Joke "One Bad Day" away from shit going wrong.
Shit can happen man. You night think you're prepared, until life shits on your door step.
Gotta be prepared to not judge yourself too harshly and take it one step at a time.
>Don't know beyond that, but I think it's funny that everybody says "we're all just like Shinji!" when most of us are nothing like him.
It's true. Shinji's young, there's hope left for him.
I am that Sup Forumsfag, The "one bad day" thing is some of the dumbest shit in comics, and Batman is really not someone you want to compare someone to when it comes to mental stability. The whole thing with batman is that he's just as crazy as the wackos he sticks in Arkham.
>being this much of a weak minded faggot
I enjoyed it.
Nobody ever said they don't milk the franchise for all it's worth. Can't find the evangelion jelly so have a bootleg thing.
The show is too deep for you, OP. I think Boku no Pico would be more up your alley.
I don't buy everything else, but I am willing to buy that Keel is the Wandering Jew. Or the soldier Longinus himself.
Your kind isn't welcome here, Sup Forumscksucker.
>EoE fucked me up dude
God, when will you immature faggots stop reaching so hard? It's the current year.
I watched EoE when I was maybe 13? 12? Probably a dumb idea, but I still can't listen to tumbling down all the way through. Maybe I should give it another watch. Might fix the problem
It grows on you, welcome to the club.
>needing profesional psychiatric treatment because of an animu
You can probably call it quits now, user.
This is missing my favorite homegrown Sup Forums theory about Mari being present at second impact and being the genetic donor for Kaworu.
Why do we have this thread every single god damn day. There's billions of anime out there.
Was 3.0 trying to be EoE with all it's "cuhrazy" never before seen plot elements and "dark and depressing" setting?
Because we still have fun talking/shitposting/meming/crying about it. Besides, These threads are always hit or miss. Sometimes we only get 50 posts from 30 or so posters, with most of it just being shitposting and whining, but sometimes these things get well over the bump limit and we all have a great time. It depends on whose on at the time I guess. and I checked out that thing the Sup Forumsfag suggested. Jesus Christ he wasn't kidding it's longer than War and Peace.
>these threads can be good I swear
It's about NGE, you can find more intelligent people in Naruto threads. There's nothing to discuss about a show that's about nothing. The sad thing is, I can't even tell if posts like >are serious.
I didn't say the threads were good, just that sometimes we actually have fun in them. A few nights ago we were all laughing at this stupid piece of shit and it was great. This thread everyone is just pissing on each other.
This. One Piece is fantastic.
>we're just laughing at the ironically retarded retards
I don't know how I feel about that
you fucking autists make me sick. not every fucking thing has to be fully explained. that literally goes against what art is supposed to represent. you are the kind of people that will look at a picasso and think "that looks nothing like a person, fuck this shit this dont make sense".
what's more important is that the emotions, themes, etc. is expressed through visual medium (in this instance). in that regard, even though i have no idea what is ACTUALLY happening within the fictional canon, i do "get it".
and to me the scene, the red ocean, the dark sky, represent the bleakness of reality which shinji has come to terms with. when he sees asuka he basically loses it. all the real world pain and suffering he went through comes back all at once and he looks for a "release" (echoing the FIRST scene of the movie where he is looking for some kind of "release").
when asuka touches his face, he realizes in this bleak real world that there still is hope for happiness. he starts to cry and asuka says her famous last words. in another callback to the first scene, you could say this is her "response" to it. it also encapsulates the feeling of rejection shinji and subsequently anno feel. those final words tell us that even though shinji might find moments of happiness (represented by asukas touch), he still has to deal with the pain, guilt and shame that he creates and that others place on him.
this is my interpretation of the last scene. i didnt need to spam a board or watch some kids "analysis" on youtube to "get it".
it is a powerful movie.
How many fucking times are you going to spam this copypasta? I hope you get banned.
>obvious bait thread
>this many replies
I for sure advise you to rewatch, I thought it was pretty bad the first time i saw it, I decided to give it another shot and watched it again a few years later, realized it's an absolute masterpiece.
EoE was a masterpiece of developing the characters, providing closure and finally making it clear what the meaning was behind everything that happened.
Rebuild 3.33 was hot garbage made to make asuka and kaworu more popular characters
funny to me it was the exact opposite. rewatched years latter and found it incredibly disappointing and just a plain mess.
did you hit your head really hard at some point between those two points in time? I can understand why you might not like it but calling it a mess?
I know 3.0 is garbage and I wasn't trying to compare EoE's merits with 3.0's (which it has none) you fucking retards.
I'm saying 3.0 was trying to be like EoE, which Anno obviously fucked up, and proves he's a hack and has no idea what the hell he is doing because 3.0 doesn't even work as a sequel to 2.0, essentially leaving the plot of 1.0 and 2.0 unfinished. I'm sure the new Godzilla movie he is directing is going to be trash.
Anno knows perfectly well what he's doing, i just think it's pretty asinine and doesn't aim at creating a good story with good characters.
He deliberately destroyed several characters (for example Misato), in favor of his own favorites, Asuka and Kaworu.
I never watched Eva, what is the message delivered by it? I may be interested in watching it
Life sucks, but sometimes it doesn't, and that makes it worth living.
Don't hate yourself.
Loser otakus, no matter how bad they are, can improve themselves and have normal healthy human relationships and perhaps even grow to like themselves. It won't always be peachy, but as long as one doesn't just quit there will always be a chance to be happy.
MC is intended to embody everything not to do.
And his dad is an example of what would happen if you don't make these changes. Shut everyone out that cares about you and become super obsessive about something ignoring everything else.
Seems like it should hit too close to home, I should watch it
No user, he doesn't He doesn't know what he is doing. Anno is a fucking retard and a hack, who by a stroke of luck, got successful with NGE.
Look at what has happened with Mari, the Mark 06, and the Key of Nebuchadnezzar. They were thrown under the rug to make way for the damn timeskip.The timeskip was never truly planned out, Anno just thought it would be cool and went with it. Now 2.0 has essentially an unfinished storyline/plot.
We'll never know who Mari is, where she came from, why she chooses to pilot. We'll never know the true purpose of the Mark 06, and we'll never see Kaworu fight in it, which was teased really hard. Why? Because Anno thought Kaworu and Shinji co-piloting an Eva would be much cuter at the last second, so fuck everything that Rebuild was building up to be with 2.0.
It's really evident that Rebuild is horribly written because Anno has no sense of direction when it comes to plot or character, seeing as how Misato and Asuka are essentially side characters now thanks to the timeskip. We don't know anything about them, they're just cold and bitter. Great job Anno. Really shows how much you care about the characters you created and their associated fanbases.
I'll break down the most important things to you.
Asuka, Misato, and Rei are ruined. Mari is ruined because we'll never know what the fuck is going on with her now that there's 14 years worth of events and history missing that relate to her. But hey, we didn't know anything about her from the beginning so who cares right? Oh wait, that is actually a very bad thing! Why even introduce her in the first place? Oh God, dare I say it? ...To promote and sell merchandise? Sure fucking looks that way! And Kaworu? Will he get the character development, new insights into his personality and past, and a glorious fight with his Mark 06 Eva?? Of course not! Kaworu does fuck all and his head explodes at the end! Genius!!
It can easily fuck your shit up if you have been depressed or experiencing a stagnant, unfulfilled life. This happens to be most otaku, which is why its so effective.
The icing on the cake is that the author and creator is coming from the same place. So it all comes across really ambitious and earnest and more akin to real experiences than fakey drama-inducing edge.
There were so many times when I watched it going "omg thats me.. oh GOD. THATS ME. IM SO FUCKED UP :( "
If you haven't already then you definitely should. Start with the TV series before seeing the movie though, and don't touch the rebuilds until after EoE, if at all.
>The timeskip was never truly planned out, Anno just thought it would be cool and went with it. Now 2.0 has essentially an unfinished storyline/plot.
Given Anno's history of trolling his fanbase, I think the idea of the rebuilds is that they're intentionally awful stories which throw away the thematic depth of the original series and replace it with flashy animation and waifu-bait. Anno is seeing if his fans even notice, and it must be disgusting to realise how many of them actually didn't even care and liked the rebuilds MORE than the original series+movie. If I'm right, then 4.0 will be an exceptional clusterfuck of plot holes with a generic MC Shinji, a deredere Rei and an Asuka who's never developed. Oh, and more Mari. Lots more Mari. Prepare your anus for an hour or more of Mari Sue's obnoxious smug face.
>They were thrown under the rug
It's not as if this didn't happen in the original NGE though
you're agreeing with me though
Evangelion is the most entry level shit for people who were born in late 80s-early 90s.
In most countries it's like the second/third anime most people watched, after Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon
Don't mistake pomposity for "deepness"
>Don't mistake pomposity for "deepness"
Don't mistake obscurity for deepness.
Deepness is the extent to which a show develops its themes and leaves the viewer with things to reflect on and think about. You know you have a deep show when you're picking up yet more of what it was laying down even on a second or third re-watch.
>Anno wrote Rebuild intentionally bad
I think he just doesn't care. Look at how long 4.0 (3.0+1.0?) is taking to come out.
>exceptional clusterfuck of plot holes
Oh this is very much guaranteed. Still, I will look forward to watching it one day. There might be a cool action scene or something I might like.
It's funny, I used to think Mari would die in 4.0. This was back when I was a blind Evafanboy and had just got done watching everything up to 2.0. Granted, I was excited for 3.0 when it came out and I didn't notice the glaring and obvious flaws with the movie. I just associated with EoE's crazy/shocking elements and ran with it, probably thought stuff would be explained in 4.0.
Boy was I stupid and blind back then. 3.0 was horrible and fixing Rebuild is now impossible. Mari dying in 4.0 would be hilarious because she has contributed nothing of value to the story. Oh wait! She gave Shinji the resolve to go and fight Zeruel in 2.0! Let's see what more developments in their relationship occur in 3.-oh wait, that's right. Shinji didn't say one word to Mari in 3.0, never even saw her in person. Very good Anno!
so this is the power of autism
06 was teased descending into Terminal Dogma unopposed. Why would you expect action scenes carried by Kaworu in the first place?
>mainly for the cool factor
When will this meme end?
According to Evangelion Assistant Director Kazuya Tsurumaki:
>"There are a lot of giant robot shows in Japan, and we did want our story to have a religious theme to help distinguish us. Because Christianity is an uncommon religion in Japan we thought it would be mysterious. None of the staff who worked on Eva are Christians. There is no actual Christian meaning to the show, we just thought the visual symbols of Christianity look cool. If we had known the show would get distributed in the US and Europe we might have rethought that choice"
>If we had known the show would get distributed in the US and Europe
Why didn't they consider that a certainty while producing the greatest artwork of the twentieth century?
>the greatest artwork of the twentieth century
They didn't consider that possibility either.
What would be the best subs for watching this ?
I've found the Platinum ones, but I don't know if they are faithful
Learn Japanese or you'll just waste your time
every fucking thread
The power of autism
Platinum are probably the best available for the series, not perfrect, but better than the original. For EoE, Sephirotic's new subs on mega at /#F!3kQChSjB!JYZ0Zb-81RMjJSygIwrzRw
>3.0 is garbage
I never stated my opinion on 3.0, I actually prefer 3 since it's its own thing. NGE was always better when it was just its SoL harem comedy moments.
I wouldn't call it entry level just because it's well known. Entry level is something that anyone can get into, which clearly isn't the case for this show.
Yeah, but that's Tsurumaki not Anno. Tsurumaki wasn't there when Anno and Sadamoto were working on Eva in its beginnings and he didn't even touch one portion of the script.
But he knows them both intimately and interacted with them on a daily basis during the production, production in which he was extremely involved...?
Do you think Tsurumaki wouldn't know if Anno actually intended for the religious symbols to have a rigorous meaning? They have no more meaning than the battleships after which some characters are named i.e it's flavor, with some cursory reading so that the icons used somewhat match the function of some entities in the show (like Adam being "the progenitor"). It's irrelevant to the artistic core of NGE.
>No, not facts! Those are my weakness!
more like autistic core
The only reason Eva fans think this is deep is because they are fucking DUMB.
>hurr why is shinji choking asuka at the end
Maybe the same reason he was choking her 20 minutes earlier in the movie you stupid adhd ridden asshole.
damn nigga you rainman or summin? if i drop my toothpicks you can count all dem in yo head n shit? why you be taking quotes from some dude from leik 20 years ago. translated from a foreign language and probably taken out of context and use it to justify some stupid shit about stuff not "meaning" anything. nigga learn to art tho. it dont matta what dey say. end of the day you gotta look at the final product and come up with yo own conclusions. doesn't matter what the original source of inspiration was for the creator. its yo job as the audience to take it in and make it mean something for you.
nigga im sorry, but you straight up goofed. but hey, at least u can count my toothpicks.
First of all, Tsurumaki says lots of bullshit in his interviews, he clearly is not a fan of people asking for the meaning of the shows he's worked on because he wants people to figure it out for themselves. When asked about FLCL he also gave evasive answers. I'd also get mad if people asked me what my artistic work means, it's like asking the creators for the walkthrough of a game. He's not the only artist like that, Ikuhara gives similar non-answers and so does someone like Bob Dylan.
People who know Anno and have a different attitude have made completely different statements. Azuma Hiroki who's a friend of Anno and thanks to who'm we know lots of his influences has stated that the religious elements were inspired by Aum, because the cult would often find new members among Otaku since they were reclusive and cut away from society. Honestly, I didn't have to even read the interviews to get this, maybe not Aum specifically. But it's kind of obvious how the mystical elements tie in with the message of escapism.