Explain yourselves, Denmark

Explain yourselves, Denmark.

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$50 mil ain't shit these days.

>Denmark spends $50 million on nothing.

what a bunch of poofs


what did they hope to accomplish?

Where did the money go?

Who the fuck is denmark and what the fuck do those faggots think they're going to do with 50 mil? That's like a 30 second commercial on CNN

Martin shrkeli has a net worth higher than 50 million, it ain't shit on a global scale.

Antifa couldnt use a budget could they?

>foreign country pays money to undermine the Presidency of the United States
We're priming the nukes, Alf.

Trump could turn that small loan of $50 million into enough to build the wall

>White foetus

Wait, are the Dancucks going to give 50 million to Planned Parenthood?

Holy shit, that's fucking gold!

>Fuck you, Drumpf, if you won't kill babies, we will

>Explain yourselves, Denmark.
If you ain't gonna let the useless eaters abort their retarded offspring, we will.
Unfortunately we are not large enough to prevent the global idiocracy that will come all the faster, when the large countries force people too stupid to use contraception to have their stupid kids.

Denmark protests Trump because, well, nobody really fucking cares. How heroic and forward thinking.

Trump speaks against North Korea for threatening just about everyone with nukes, and get accused of he speech being a "war crime."

Just don't even pay attention to the bullshit. It's a distraction, and will just get you pissed off.

Fucking what? Source or fuck off. Googling it brings up nothing, and fuck going through that link shortener.

50 million on what?

Did they give it to Antifa?

Thanks Danebro, you guys rock.

I archived it for you.


Do you have a problem with tiny caramel baby candies? It's a perfectly valid way of protesting in favor of abortion and baby cannibalism.

Cool. Now it will be easier for us to cut foreign aid.

Isn't Pewds from Denmark?

>Danes pay 75% income tax for this

Hahaha, kill yourself Denmarkians

I thought he was swiss


What does that mean?


All these butthurt Trumptards. Fuck all the godless heathens and Trump.

isn't that like literally an act of war?

>pledge to protest a president of a different country
>raised $50 million
Wait, so they just gave away money to some rich people for no reason?

50 mil on what?

Muh meme flag

That's pretty much the new money grab of 2017

>we're giving $10000000 dollars to some banker/politician
>liberals: wow what a fucking evil capitalist pig
>but were giving it in the name of fuck trump!
>liberals: wow, so brave and courageous of you!

>biology has made men stronger and more industrious, therefore the workplace and politics are his domain. Biological supremacy rules

That's archaic! To be progreasive we must desregard oppressive power structures in order to have a more egalitarian society!

>biology had made women the sole vessel of humanities creation, therefore this gives them the power over the domain of abortion. Biological supremacy rules

Damn straight! My body my choice

Towards Kim's nuke fund, right?

So someone decided to give their friends some money while saying it's going to a good cause?

Pay to protest. More like pay to cause violence and collateral damage to everything for even hinting acceptance for the mere existence of outside thought.

North Korea should be allowed to have nukes though, just like every country should be allowed to defend themselves

>drumpf is evil for talking tough about North Korea
>we're are moral and just let us slaughter your children

Does Trump even give a fuck about planned parenthood? I thought he just cut government funding to it because it's not something that should have any government involvement.

>I thought he just cut government funding
PP gets (or got) less than 4% of it's funding from the Govt.

Valhalla Rising

>Denmark spends 50 million on aborting black babies

Planned Parenthood is the biggest stopper of black crime.

That's still 100% more than it should have been getting from the government.

I'm fine with plan parenthood getting goverment money as long as 100% of the funds go towards shitskin abortions.

>That's still 100% more than it should have been getting from the government.

Absolutely. The same for ANY NGO. The government's ONLY reason for taking people's money via taxation is for the operation of the government itself.

Fucking evil pieces of shit just won't stop pushing for abortion anywhere and everywhere they can. Those evil bastards would be pleased if every baby conceived was aborted.
Denmark is sticking it to nobody by doing this. If they want to tunnel taxpayer money into an evil agenda just to "stick it" to a foreign leader, then they can go ahead. It's a stupid decision but the people behind it will be happy as long as more abortions happen.

So they spent a lot of money.... because they hate Trump?

I honestly don't get how you can be against abortion when niggers are the ones who get the most abortions. Do you want more niglets running around?

Haha! Retard in Denmark give over 60% of their income to the government and they decide to give it away.

>trumo things that planned parenthood should be privately funded by donations and charging for the services that people use because the tax payer shouldn't have to pay for your irresponsibility
>denmark punishes him by privately funding planned parenthood through donation
Sure showed Prumphf!

>Trump gets congress to cut planned parenthood so taxpayers don't fund it
>foreign countries fund it for us
>we don't have to pay taxes and losers are still aborting their babies
keep protesting us please

I'm as pro choice as you can get and I'll still never understand how someone could think that the government is responsible for paying for their abortion.

liberal logic:
>it's cheaper to pay for an abortion than to pay for the other services we demand you pay for

Honest to Christ, every day the lefties become more and more of a meme of themselves.
>no link
You had one job, OP. ONE. JOB. Faggot.

hillary made a billion dollar pledge against rump

we need the government to pay for certain abortions