Federal Reserve

Redpill me on the federal reserve. Does it benefit the elite more than the country? Should it be reformed or abolished?
>inb4 Jekyll island
Yeah, it was practically made by bankers, but what was their motive? Does the motive apply today still?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a private bank first of all. Created and established in part by the Rockefellers and other corrupt chrony capitalists, for the sake of having national to global influence greater than the government which hosts them. It's working very well in that regard for them. It absolutwly benefits a select few at the expense of everybody else who (literally) buys into the federal bank notes meme

>It absolutely benefits a select few at the expense of everybody else who (literally) buys into the federal bank notes meme

The only red pill to the federal reserve is that there is no evil conspiracy behind it. A fact pol will never accept.

what exactly does the Fed do?

O look a jew

posting under the flag of the leaf

Kill yourself whore of Saturn.

Fuck you, you American pos

Controls the money supply of the US. The Founders wrote in the constitution that Congress was to control the money supply of the nation. Not a private corporation of unelected mystery men.

Rockefeller were fucking German though!

> This

Bring back infrastructure banks with money supply controlled by congress.

There were 2 major schools of economics; Keynesian, which the West has adopted as gospel and led to the Fed, vs. Austrian, which I know very little about, but seems to be a bit more laissez faire. I would start there

The scary part is that our economy has become a monster that feeds on endless consumerism. Is it sustainable? I honestly don't think so.

Federal Income tax is basically paying the jew first and the usa last.

The US federal reserve commits the biggest theft by fraud in the history of humanity.

also make note that printing money lowers the value of the existing money. the government tells them to print money to pay for things, and everyone who has money loses money. its a tax. a tax on wealth and savings.

Third National Bank when?

Pro tip. The 16th amendment was never ratified by Cali. Or 6 other states, that in turn was used to pass it illegally.

If you don't know about fractional reserve banking with debt based fiat money, how the world's central banks are owned by 13 satanic bloodlines who cause almost all the wars in the world, if you don't know how they consider their ability to totally control you via lies, their puppet main stream media, their Jewish "alt-right" media, and their controlled opposition, then...


You're just an anti-semite who doesn't understand that the Jews are even more screwed and bigger damned fools than you are.

It has two mandates.
1) price stability
2) DURR full employment DURR

What more do you want to know?

>tfw it's entirely legal for congress to order the US mint to create a single $20 trillion coin to pay off the debt but they'll never do it because it beats the kikes at their own game of money out of nothing

Fed makes up money (prints dollars) to give for free to Jew banks who then give it to you if you're a good goy and pay 30% interest.

Hard to believe after 100 years they still maintain the original business model. Who does that?

>federal bank notes meme
We didn't have another option until crypto recently. No one carried gold or silver and used it for everyday exchanges.

Oh and it's all backed by your tax dollars, in case something goes wrong and the Jew banks need to be bailed out.

>refuse to liquidate 20 trillion
taking that much money out of circulation is what causes depressions. We should probably do it to chines bond holders though. Or repay it in bitcoins

I love dropping this red pill


Find a better one, protip: you will find yourself unable to do so

And has totally failed at both.

yeah because the dollar totally collapsed. But seriously even unemployment rebounded surprisingly quickly.

Look, if you had enough sense to find and post that picture, then you know what it's all about. Looking for some Sup Forums tard to tell you that they worship Satan and sacrifice children? They probably do, but none of us has any sources different to what you have. We've all heard Alex Jones talk about it, seen the eerie coincidences with Pizzagate, and read about the Lolita Express and Ronald Dahl or Bernard or whatever his name was. There's never going to be any smoking gun proof until the day of judgment my friend, and on that day we will be worrying about ourselves.

He's not asking for satanic illuminati shit though he's asking if it benefits the owners or the people which can be verified through the past of the Federal Reserve like any other historical events
You don't need baby sacrifice, a legitimate oligarchy is just as scary

No conspiricy. It's all in the open for everyone to see.

Check income inequality before and after the recession and think about why that might be.

Keynesian economics has a macro and micro model, basically says that if you tried this at too small of a scale it wouldn't work. Austrian economics says if doesnt work at a small scale, it just doesnt work.

And the two often are at odds with eachother. Sometimes you need a good correction to remove the malinvestments. Sometimes creditors need to loose. This might hurt employment short term but long term the economy is in better shape.


Spot the moment inflation goes hyperbolic. Coincidence?

The legislatures of the following states rejected the amendment without ever subsequently ratifying it:

Rhode Island
The legislatures of the following states never considered the proposed amendment:






>yeah because the dollar totally collapsed
Yes. The value of the dollar is about 1% of what it was when the FR started with it's mission to have price stability. I'd call a 100 fold loss in value a failure.




The Rockefellers do not own the federal reserve you retards, neither do the the rothchilds.
Fuck off.
The federal reserve isn't even private.
Stop spreading this retarded meme.
The central bank is a simi-independent public(government) institution. All debt and assets it holds is publicly held. It is only simi-independent to depolticalise its board decisions, it is overseen by congress and the potus.
Part 1A

The Fed Reserve has shareholders. Those shareholder names are a secret not disclosed to the people. Anyone know why?

Part 1b
It doesn't actully create money supply directly.
Normal Banks when they make loans do that, I.e. The free market.
What it does is set how costly it is for banks to get money from the fed.
The main thing it does during normal times is set the interest rate it gives to banks.
So when chasebank creates a loan to a business, chase creates that money out of thin air, but it has to bay a percent interest rate to the fed to do so. Then chase charges the business a higher rate.
Note again how the fed doesn't deside how much money is "printed", private banks do that by deciding how many loans they can give out profitablely under accounting rules for asset/liability.
That is why the fed rate is so low right now, they want the banks to create more money, but the banks don't really need to anymore.
Here is no ponzu sceme here, becuase a busnisess might need $10,000 for a machine, but be able to sell $50'000 worth of product from it.
The bank gets 8% interest on the loan (lets say), so it made $800 profit, it got the money at a fed rate of 4% so it pays $400 to the Feds.
The busniss has made a gross profit of 40,000' the bank a gross of 400, and the Feds made 400.
No endless debt.
Now many loans default, cost of business, but you get the idea.
The government buying its own debt is a completely spereate issue related to government spending vs taxes.

Part 2a
Chartered banks have to invest 3% of the equity in the fed system. But this isn't like owning stock in corporate companies, the 3% can't be used for any other accounting or lending purpose. The banks get a flat 6% back. Most of the rest is paid to the federal government.
In 2015 the Federal Reserve Banks made a profit of $100.2 billion
distributed $2.5 billion in dividends to member banks
And paid $97.7 billion to the U.S. Treasury.
The system is regularly audited by the GAO and an outside auditor
Finally besides it's function in the money supply the federal reserve can directly intervene (usually)to stop systemic panics, and can also set certain rules about financial devices to prevent said.
>but mah ilumltit
Fuck off.

Neither Keynesian or Austrian are major "schools of economics". Especially not Austrian.

How about you stop copy/pasting and address the simple question mentioned in this post-

>the FED prints the money meme
The treasury prints the money.

>does the fed benefit the elite more than the country?

Certain elites have access to literally unlimited money with zero accountability.

What's your access to money like?

Here's a little story for any Sup Forumstards who still have a 10 minute attention span.
It's written at about a 5th grade level.


It is not secret, every commercial bank that is a memeber of the system, is a shareholder in one of the 12 regional reserve banks.
People get confused because of the name, but a reserve bank isn't like a bank, and as stated, all profits after limited interest payout and running costs and a small reverse are paid to the federal government,

It's not privately owned. It's a government agency. It's a bank for banks. It provides loans to banks and the government, regulates monetary policy, and clears checks.


Technical parts
really need a little accounting background to understand well, but the reserve banks also hold money that is loaned inbetween for profit privite banks, usually overnight loans for cash flow, at what is known as the repo desk at a set rate set by the Board.
The banks are required by accouting laws and rules to loan a certain amount in this fashion to each other. And like said earlier post, can also directly loan

It regulates the money supply. The idea is that if the government is in charge of both the supply of money and the spending of money they would inevitably oversupply to themselves with disastrous consequences. The creation of a (semi) independent entity only in charge of supply prevents this.

There is some merit to the idea. You can look into how for instance the Israeli economy stabilized after a central bank was initiated in the 80s.

Yep.. no one listens to the only guy spitting truth.
I guess in a way no matter how much you red pill the masses it won't change the outcome that a civil war is been pushed into the agenda right now and also world war 3 is just right around the corner. Lets face the fact that the system of debt was one of the greatest infiltration schemes ever created as well as using the media to distract/brainwash the masses. You don't have to play into their game, you are better than the stupid sheeple

Just do it once. Pay the fed, then congress can resume its duties if printing its own fake money like it should be

This is my favorite video about the federal reserve:


The real reason the media is fanning the racewar flames. Remember when people were pissed off about the banks 4 years ago?

Fuck off you stupid larper. Go to /x/. You are so brainwashed by backwoods idiots who want to sell you doomsday prep kits.
If you still don't bealive me, read the Feds balance sheet yourself, independently audited
Too bad you don't know shit about double entry book keeping or modern accounting so it all looks like witchcraft to you.

The Fed lends money to the treasury at interest. There is no need for this transaction, as there is no need for the government to borrow its own money or ever be in debt since under normal circumstances it prints its own sovereign currency. The Fed was abolished twice for this very reason (the second being a political fight with Andrew Jackson). The interest gained by the Fed pays dividends to its shareholders, whose identities are secret. All of the above is public knowledge. This is how M1 money is created. The money supply then expands in the banking system via fractional reserve lending, the limits of which the Fed also sets. Banks in turn get to create money from nothing as long as they have vault cash at the required reserve ratio. The whole system is blatantly a scam to anyone who bothers to understand it. There's a reason the IRS was created the same year as the Fed.

>2 major schools of thought
>Keynesian and a pet idea of a few economic professors that never took traction anywhere

Wew lad. You need to brush up on history if you think Austrian economics was ever actually important

>Not a private corporation of unelected mystery men.
Shut up, the reserve bank is run by the Feds, its board is appointed by congress and potus. They aren't secret, they publish reports before their meeting, and the meeting is public
>but mah spooky government appointees in suits.

>but what was their motive?

>What is the jew run fed? And why was the IRS invented at the same time to pay the jews because thats where your taxes go?

Learn the truth of how jews are marching you to die for Israel for their banking interests

OP and anyone else who wants to actually understand the monetary system would do well to watch this video. There are many good ones but this is the most complete summary you'll find.



Have black people been passing this image around?
Holy fucking artifacts.

Doesn't even need to exist anymore.
The Banking Jew is finished.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - Jefferson

woodrow wilson was a terrible human being and an even worse president
he offered free tickets to most of the major opponents of the fed- US citizens, international bankers, and anyone who'd really have any say in the matter- and sank the titanic (it was actually the brittania, but whatever)

>The interest gained by the Fed pays dividends to its shareholders, whose identities are secret.
No they aren't secret.
And the amount paid is set by law, no matter the excess.
Read the thread
Some of the bailout *amounts* were kept secret to avoid panics, but the fed was sued successfully and released them.

Simply put, the Fed is an engine for draining the productive capacity from a nation. This is how we lose, our addiction to king dollar.

^ the olympic*

My nigga

kino porn but could never get the names of the girls specially the two to the right

I'm not sure what you think you refuted, because your response addressed nothing in my post. If you truly understood the way the Fed works you would know that what you brought up is totally unrelated to what I wrote.

Once again the federal bank is not privately run. It is run by people picked by people voted for by The People. Like everything else in the government.
So yes 'The People' still control the system.

I'm not even larping, the American dollar is basically toilet paper that hasn't been flushed down the toilet yet. The fact you got so aggressive about it is the biggest sign of someone who is brainwashed. Your entire economy is on a thin line right now that once the us dollar collapses so does everything else. The gold standard was removed so bankers could give retard Americans like yourself useless pieces of paper while the bankers buy everything with real value gold/real estate etc so when it collapses you are left with pieces of paper with no value and they have all the assests and lose nothing

>federal bank
>not private

I'm that case user, under which of the three branches of the Federal government does it sit?

>gold standard
Really it's no better, user. Read "The Banker's Conspiracy" by Arthur Kitson for a quick rundown. You could also read "Manifesto for the Abolition of Slavery to Interest on Money" by Gottfried Feder. Both can be found for free on PDF and/or audiobook.

What you said was completely misconstrued and is addressed in posts above that one.
Yeah sure the way you stated it, it sounds weird, but you stated it wrong.
Don't confuse treasury bonds. Congress decides the budget, and when there is a shortfall between taxes and spending, the treasury sells bonds. The reserve bank acts as the treasury's bank in dealing with the bonds, and any profits are given back to the federal government, more exactly, to the treasury department.
But you have to understand congress creates the budget, and the debt, and those bonds
***would be sold with interest with or without the reserve bank. ***
The reserve bank just holds some captial to make this system work better and so the treasury can't raid the bonds.
You make bealive the treasury could just print money to pay the debt, but that is a foundmental misunderstanding of how money creation value works. The treasury could just print money, but money printed in this way wouldn't pay any debt

then who are we paying interest to on our national debt?

Hmm after reading this fully it does not surprise me that one of Christs most violent actions was over turning and whipping the Jewish money lenders in the temple

>pic related
sorry for the low quality

The treasury could easily issue fiat script in competition with the USD. Simply allow taxes to be paid in whatever new currency they issue and motivate the people to do so.

There's a reason Austrian economics is not popular with the elites. It limits their power.

>The school emphasizes the spontaneous organizing power of the price mechanism and holds that the complexity of subjective human choices makes mathematical modeling of the evolving market practically impossible. Its scholars eschew what they consider "naïve" and pointless mathematical modeling of the economy, considering much of mainstream economics a form of economic charlatanism.[1][2] Its proponents tend to emphasize the organic, subjective and evolving nature of market dynamics, advocating the strong protection of private property rights and the strict enforcement of voluntary contractual agreements between economic agents as the best way of facilitating economic exchange, and generally advocate a laissez-faire approach to the economy, arguing that the smallest imposition of coercive force (especially government-imposed force) on commercial transactions is the most effective way to secure long-run economic stability and well-being.

>In particular, they voice serious concerns about the distorting and damaging effects of government involvement in commerce, arguing that few government regulations in this area are necessary or desirable and often trigger a "ratchet effect" as problems associated with existing regulations are often blamed on the free market, thereby justifying further damaging, coercive incursions into the market. They are particularly critical of long-standing governmental incursions into the area of private money production, advocating instead the immediate abolition of all coercive legal tender laws and the return to full reserve - or free - banking, where the financial system is decentralized and not dominated or controlled by coercive monopoly government or a monopoly central bank.

The fed is a government agency, with directors appointed by the exec branch and approved by the legislature branch, like most federal agencys. The courts have confirmed this in various law.
Now. The reserve banks themselves are considered independent corporations run by said federal agency, as far as the courts are concerned. This causes a lot of confusion in people, but think of them as private corpertions owned by the public federal agency.
But they don't function like any private corporation, they are not legally run for profit, can't keep profits, can't engage in independent business actions, etc etc, as stated above. they are only "private " as a legal fiction for certain complex accounting rule functions. "Spertere of the main federal body, publicly held" is really closer to the truth

Which is why the boards are generally constituted of former chairmen of huge multinational banks?

I like your timeline better.

Don't get me wrong, congress is corrupt and all but run by the biggest corporations now.
But that's an issue with congress and campaign finance, not the Feds, the root mold is much higher up the system.
Fun fact, an average member of the house spends 4-6 hours EVERYDAY doing fund raising calls. The barely spend any time with thier voters.

Look around you. Do you think we really control anything? Do you truly believe that?

The Fed guarantees liquidity for the government, yes. Congress doesn't create debt however, it sets a budget. There is no reason for any budget to result in debt, except that in our current system all money enters the ledger as debt with interest. It could just as easily be printed directly by the treasury for public spending as was in fact done in the US during periods when the Central Bank was successfully abolished. The debt aspect is totally unnecessary and only means that paying the national debt is a mathematical impossibility, as more debt must always be created to service old ad infinitum. The Fed is one of many bond holders it's true, but it is the largest single holder and like any bond holder it gets dividends (or interest if you prefer). The major difference is that unlike everyone else, the Fed doesn't need anything with which to acquire bonds. It simply issues a letter of exchange with the treasury, the treasury now has cash and the Fed has interest bearing debt that will later be paid with real dollars that have real purchasing power. Your understanding of the system is like a parody of what econ majors are taught. I genuinely can't tell if you're a poorly educated shill or just brainwashed. The United States had treasury notes for many years before the Fed and it worked very well. Unfortunately you-know-who bought up all the print media, created a market panic, and shilled for a debt-based money system.

>this much text to avoid a very simple question
user, every government agency must by definition exist within a branch of the government.

So I'll ask again: in what branch is the Fed?

keynesian economics does make life much harder for normal citizens by massively increases their production efficiency and lifespan.

It's existence isn't as simple as "evil jews" it is explained by game theory. If there are 2 countries competing and one uses keynesian economics while the other doesn't the country without will loose.

I believe the united states would return to a gold standard in line with its constitution if only it wasn't economic suicide to do so.

China and USA are about to go to war to establish who gets to be the next world reserve currency

Came to post this image. Buy Bitcoin and HOLD.


>After the 2003 invasion of Iraq and Saddam Hussein's downfall, the Central Bank of Iraq was established as Iraq's independent central bank
>In June 2014, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants looted the Central Bank in Mosul, absconding with over $429 million USD.