Confused about Yuri Bezmenov

So this interview was in 1984. According to him we are to believe Russia is responsible for our institutions being overrun with Marxists. But the lefty institutions are the ones who are the most bloodthirsty with the anti-Russia rhetoric. The ones with the Commie flags are the ones hating on them most. If Hillary and CNN are useful idiots, why are they doing this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Russia's current government is anti-Communist. Bezmenov was referring to the Soviet Union.

>Soviet Union helps push Marxism and general degeneracy on their opponents
>Soviet Union collapses
>Is replaced by a powerful white, non-Marxist country
>"Hey guys why are these Marxists against Russia?"

If the leftists in the United States destroy the whole country with their policies and throw it into turmoil, who has the military power to then invade and restore order? I think in the same interview he even said that the Soviets shouldn't bother too much with leftists but rather try to get high standing people in american society that you could corrupt. The left is gonna do what it's gonna do as you can see now, doesn't matter if they're anti-russian now or not. Plus not all of the left is "anti-russian".

It is a complex psychological warfare.

Fourth-Generation Warfare (4GW) that is being actioned against all of us today, is conflict characterized by a blurring of the lines between war and politics, combatants and civilians.
Some of the relevant elements of 4GW we are subject to, are;

Complex and long term
Terrorism (as a tactic)
A non-national or transnational base – highly decentralized (ie: International Jewry)
A direct attack on the enemy’s culture, including genocidal acts against civilians.
Highly sophisticated psychological warfare, especially through media manipulation and lawfare
All available pressures are used – political, economic, social and military
Occurs in low intensity conflict, involving actors from all networks
Non-combatants are tactical dilemmas
Small in size, spread out network of communication and financial support
Use of insurgency and guerrilla tactics

The anti Russian rhetoric is an impotent strategy by the real left to send a message to the Russians "we know it was you" and to ensure the useful idiots left over aren't useful to the Russians. If you know half your flock is brainwashed by the bad wolves, you make them hate the bad wolves so they're on your side instead.

The factions on the left are
"Moderate" authoritarian left, who say boring virtue signalling shit
Marxist far left, who literally calls themselves the left left sometimes
Left libertarians very poorly infiltrating the Marxists, but aren't trusted by anyone

Only right wing factions work together.

By controlling both sides, they are able to direct the narrative as they want.

Commies took over but Russia rid themselves and their institutions of most
of that trash years ago and became hardcore nationalist. Protocols bro, protocols, the communist movement is specifically anti-nationalist and essentially a forerunner to modern day globalism. The corporate layer is merely being turned into large burueaucratic oligopolies that are more interested in leveraging market control through tailor
made global trade law. Globalism is just authoritarian communism with a different flavour and slightly different tactics.

lmao no but they are better off than they were under Soviet rule.

Do you have any further reading on 4th gen war theory?

Communists hated russians. Nothing has changed.

Your stupid. QED.


Also, until anyone can prove otherwise Yuri is most assuredly a larper. His theory of subversion is great and makes a lot of sense, but I can't find any reason to believe that it's not simply a pet theory he came up with on his own rather than legitimate KGB doctrine.

Does the man even exist outside of 2 YouTube videos and a couple of books that look like they were published by the rag that Rorschach sent his diary to?

When watching yuri one must remember when he says soviet he means kike

The communists have no national affiliation and won't care to hate on anyone, even if it is an ex-communist one.

Stop believing this crap and read some Anatoli Golitsyn and Jan Sejna. I'm not saying this to be mean, but it's ridiculous how people spread Kremlin propaganda that is specifically directed at a certain audience and have no 2nd thoughts about it.

Multiple defectors said something similar or basically the same. It's not just a pet theory.

Stalinist communism is also hardcore nationalist. Trotsky was the Soviet Russian globalist.

Also what is the progression here from 1st to 4th?
organized confrontation, phalanx with cavalry (faster paced tactics), then it skips to a span of time between the Crimean war and the fall of the Soviet Union?

Surely trump and fox would be the useful idiots in this timeline, wouldn't they?
>t. Doesn't give a fuck about Hillary, trump, CNN or fox.

>But the lefty institutions are the ones who are the most bloodthirsty with the anti-Russia rhetoric.

obviously you know nothing about communist propaganda

They pushed MUH RUSSIA for 7 months straight 24 hours a day waaayyy beyond the point of absurdity. They even had spooks on CNN saying ridiculous things like "MAGA is a Nazi slogan being pushed by Russia". They want normies to hate Russia as much as Nazis. If Russia did manage to influence the election in Trump's favor in some way, wouldn't that be undoing the long hard effort they have previously put into pumping up Marxism? Or is the strategy to pump up both sides to create more divisive conflicts of interest? Is pumping up Trump and nationalism just the flip side of the coin in creating civil unrest? seems like a big gamble considering USA nationalism is the last thing they would want.

this one is familiar with the communist propaganda

The Soviet Union is gone, but the structures they left behind are still here.
Some have gone independent and self-sustaining, some stayed true to the Russian FSB, and some - probably most - have been co-opted by other interests.
Is it any surprise that Globalism and those who used to push for International Communism would become bedfellows?

He does often say communist and 'multinationalist' to mean the same thing. We all know multinationalist means kike.


The subversion isn't meant to be pro-Russia, it's meant to be pro communism and anti American, and it is terrifyingly effective

This in addition to my trips of truth

Then why would pro-communist propaganda work so hard to install such an anti-socialism President? Wouldn't that just set them back?

The new narrative has changed from the old.
They need to sometimes counterbalance their hard-line propaganda with a phase of calm. Just like the eye of a storm.

I met him on his speech tour sponsored by the John Burch society in 1988

All i remember are two things

He said as a child he only knew love from his Siberian Nanny

The Russian government would not let him unite with the proletariat of his choice and forced him to marry a Russian woman but he had yellow fever

he defected for Asian pussy

> simply a pet theory
because we all know that if you use facts, statistics and physical evidence you can totally convince a leftist that communism is shit

I'm honestly convinced that the Marxism in the west has more to do with persistent Trotskyist cells in Europe and the USA than it ever had to do with the post-Stalin USSR.

The USSR of Kruschev, Brezhnev, and Gorbachev was nationalist AF. If the USSR of the 1950s and beyond was really seen as an ally by the globalist Marxists, then they wouldn't have tried so hard to subvert and take over the USA.

They knew that communism had been infested by nationalism, witness Stalin, Mao, Il-Sung, Ho Chi Minh, etc, and realized that the only way to make their globalist, borderless "utopia" into a reality was to subvert the democratic process by way of demographics and force the useful idiots of the west to sell their own nations up the river with their votes.

Leftists are dumb. It doesn't matter what they say.

Russia is still hostile evil shit and the enemy of the west.

Indian pussy*. Were you not paying attention?

leftists only hate russia now because the soviet union collapsed

What if the Soviet Union never actually fell, but instead achieved the Marxist goal of a stateless communist world order under which we're all living?

Yes and that's why the subversion is only being able to happen freely in western societies and in Russia or China it is surpressed the second it raises its head. The "nationalist AF" fraction is not "nationalist" but using simple strategy of not cucking themselves while letting their enemies cuck themselves.

Read Anatoli Golitsyn and Jan Sejna. At least look them up.


>Or is the strategy to pump up both sides to create more divisive conflicts of interest?

That one. Russia is interested in chaos and conflict and divisions outside of their borders.

30 years ago and there were more interesting things in the room like nerdy High School girls who were there for extra credit in social studies

Red scare was happening decades before this interview numbskull. They left their mark on our culture when your grandparents were in fucking primary school. Institutions like academia have been poisoned since, Soviets have packed up long ago

Putin is basically the Tsar now I wonder what kind of secreet shit they have going on he was talking about pic related the other day

Philosophically there is a lot of truth to your argument in Marxist schools

The leftist Soviet Union dissolved and moved to Brussels.

Nope. It is very recent and related to the last election. Russia was pushing Trump (for their own reasons) and that is why many of the lefties stopped their Russian cocksucking (and many of the righties started).

The idea that China has anything to do with Jewish degeneracy and subversion other than looking at the USA and Europe and saying "haha, look at those stupid fucks!" is a little laughable.

I'm sure they realize what we are doing to ourselves, I just highly doubt they had a hand in creating it.

>Powerful white non Marxist

>non Marxist
Still controlled by Jews.

I dont by the anti-russia bend on the left at all. I think its a cover because they know certain people understand their collusion with Russia...which is long standing since the soviet days when yuri was 100% correct about what was going on. The collapse of communism only gave a brief window of cessation in these efforts by russia, which were reinstated with Putin and continue today, carried over in full from soviet times. China has a larger role than russia now, which no one talks about.

They both seek to destroy america as a world power, as well as western europe. There are multiple global entities that are working very hard to turn america and western europe into what happened to rome and greece, two world powers permanently removed from the global stage through forced selective breeding (injecting large amounts of shit tier dna into the genepool)

The future will be china and russia, with russian satellite states in eastern europe. America will be completely divided and forced to care for a majority of once immigrant people who cant take care of themselves and a massive amount of single mother offspring. Western europe will be plagued with islamic revolution (perhaps russia will purge and take?)

Either way it appears on a global scale, everyone, wants desperately the fall of the western civilization...including many running those entities. As a people we are too weak and saddled with PC culture to defend ourselves and we will lose, as seen in germany and sweden no one will step up and speak the truth, and if they do they will be persecuted for it and ridiculed. All of this was put into motion half a decade ago by the soviets.

>Russia and USSR are the same

Burger intelectuals

Red scare was the neocons strategy, they just over imposed, eventually the russians left their communist to fend for themselves without a communist motherland and they integrated in the left leaning parties.

So your culture became a permanent clash between this neo marxist rhetoric and neocon kill all the different rhetoric, the 9/11 then Afghanistan, Irak, etc...

This it's the neocons world, Tillerson it's their men.

>The future will be china and russia

Russia is an incompetent shithole full of retards who are drinking themselves to death. What makes it the future?

the soviet union was a tree,its seeds scattered and took root in the west in circles of cirriculum,they cant beat the west so they subverted the education system and media and entertainment over the course of decades brainwashing the youth,now its come to a head with anarcho commies in our streets rioting

the tree of the soviet union has withered and died but its seeds sprouted and are growing in the west like cancer user

Jesus OP you are retarded. The left over the last 80ish years LOVE the god damn russians.

Fuck you jew whore of Saturn nigger lover and death cult member.

Considering that without western technology and western trade they could've never built their empire the way they did, they indirectly have a hand in the downfall of the United States. They also make no fuss about it. If you want to you can look up "Unrestricted Warfare" by two retired chinese generals.

the short answer:

cultural marxism grew out of russias control

just because you said so? I don't recall hearing any 'righty' enthusiasm for Russia. I only heard the left whining about imaginary collusion for 7 straight months.

I don't buy Yuri's stuff. I believe he is CIA disinfo. We have evidence that the stuff he talks about was pushed by American richfags and the CIA. So it makes sense to me that Yuri was probably working for the CIA to pin all the bad thing ngs they did on the Soviets. Yuri also pushed CIA agenda of race mixing, which adds further evidence to my hypothesis.

You've never been to Russia, fag.

>But the lefty institutions are the ones who are the most bloodthirsty with the anti-Russia rhetoric.
anti-Russia =/= anti-ussr

Makes sense. Their redpilled take on non-whites would make them that much more likely to support multiculturalism in the west.

The CIA did not give a single fuck about Soviet defectors. For example Jan Sejna and Anatoli Golitsyn, their either ignored or tried to discredit. The CIA has long been infiltrated by foreign interests, including the "globalists" interest.

The state of Russia is anti-communist, they are just not communists. They allow private property and are financially supporting the Russian Orthodox Church as it rebuilds it self. There is still a communist party in the country, albeit nobody is waiting in line to sign up as a member.

Well the infowars claim was that (((they))) thought he'd be highly malleable due to his lack of political experience but they dun goofed

is not*

Can you expand on this?

Left has made the switch in much larger extent than the people in the right, but I wanted to mention the right side too just because I am pissed about some people in the right being like reflexive babies falling for and often promoting the Russian lies.

I know you communist guys love undevelopment, but in modern days you don't need to be in a place to know how is it.

Of course, support destructive elements abroad while eliminating them at home. Take over the enemy once he's destroyed himself from within. Winning without firing a shit, that's some Sun Tzu shit for you.

One thing I wanna add is that "western globalists" for some reason really love this process. Take Maurice Strong for example. I think his aunt or whatever is buried next to Mao or some shit. Maurice Strong himself supposedly said he wanted China to become the new no. 1 economic power in the world, overriding the United States.

shot* lol

The CIA was created by globalist interests. My point was that CIA was behind all this shit, not the KGB. CIA pushed feminism, new age spirituality, drugs, the new left, homosexuality, anti-racism, etc. It wasn't because they were infiltrated by the kgb or anything either. That stuff was all American policy for decades, it started under Wilson and was ramped up by FDR. All funded by rich Americans, not commies.

So does the US and Russia have a secret deal where their intelligence agencies blame each other for propaganda when they get busted for using it on their own populations?

But it's true that the soviets influenced, and they weren't the only ones to do so, literally anyone outside the anglo-european influence it's not ignorant of marxism and the marxists turned out to be even better missioners than the catholics.

You are thinking of the Perestroika Deception. It only sounds probable if you believe that the conspirators decided to move the Soviet Union from Russia and transplant it in the European Union, from which it would spread outwards.

And my other point was that I don't even buy that Yuri was a real defector.

It's a meme. Our SJWs and degeneracy trace their origins back to dissident Trotskites who fled the USSR for their lives and false-front CIA socialist groups (same with modern art and LSD) rather than post-Stalinst USSR.

No, that's just a natural thing to do. Blame everything on the enemy.

(((communists))) literally fucking destroyed their empire, what more do you need

Russia isn't anti-communist. They are a totalitarian oligarchy. Ask most Russians and they will speak about the Soviet Union fondly as it was the only time their shitty country was ever a real world power. Nowadays it's a corrupt shithole that likes to meddle in the affairs of others.

Soviet Union crumbled or went undercover once the marxist virus had infected the west. Or China took over the subversive activity. China is definitely benefiting. They get the entire industry of the USA, they get the economy, they are on track of becoming the next military superpower. And they get it all from the subverted marxist zombie USA establishment.

what russian lies are you referring to? the russian lies bezmenov discussed were all along the lines of marxism and strictly ANTI USA nationalist.

It correlates extremely well with what's happening today to dismiss it as LARP.
>pic related

This too. The actual commies who became involved in the us government were the trotskyists who were purged from the USSR. That is because the trotskyists useful to the plans of the American globalists. And the American oligarchs already had business deals with Trotsky back during the revolution.

Yeah, like Herbert Marcuse working for the OSS and pocketing Rockefeller foundation money.

The KGB pushed all of this too, it's a well known fact that for example in the 68' revolution here in Germany certain so called "K-Gruppen" (communist groups) were financed directly by the USSR via eastern germany. I guess the CIA was set up after all so the USA could never succeed at counter-intelligence.

This quote is by eastern bloc defector Jan Sejna. He, along with another Soviet defector Anatoli Golitsyn, predicted a long range plan that the Soviets created in the late 50's. If you wanna read into it, do it. Other than that I can only think of Bella Dodd's testimony about rich american capitalists. Look it up if you want.

Short and sweet and accurate. Russia is seen as traitors to the cause and the communists now suck up to China as their subversive masters.

>( ( ( Trotsky ) ) )

Seems like horrible foreign policy that could cause some real problems unless there is some kind of 'hey we blame each other, no hard feelings' sort of agreement under the table. Just speculating of course

"Liberation theology" in Latin America. That's all I'm gonna say. And now look at the Pope...


I'd believe that.

Now here's something to chew on. The Dulles brothers' Nazi ties and sympathies are well-known. They also were instrumental in the creation of the CIA.

What if the goal of the CIA IS to Foster postmodernism and degeneracy in the west, but that if that's not the end they're aiming for. If I were a national socialist in the waning years of WWII, watching Germany get shellacked by the USA and the USSR, I might be inclined to think that the movement was found to be doomed to failure so long as it was only small, weak countries like Germany that turned. My next thought would be to ask the rhetorical question of what might happen if, say, the USA were to turn National Socialist, and what it might take to make that happen. I'd probably try my best to recreate Weimar in the USA, but on major steroids, as it would take nothing less to shake the average American away from the blissful idyllic existence that has been so commonplace here, because only then would the US be willing to embrace a new Hitler.

Fast forward to today, and tell me what you think about where we are.

Soviet Union's Communism is now trendy in Europe and North America. It's ogre.

what is an example of chinese subversion? sex dolls?

Your mistake is thinking commies cared about Russia for its culture or history. They cared about it as their great experiment, and as soon as it failed they were done with it.

If LATAM falls to marxism then dealing the killing blow to the US becomes a piece of cake

>It correlates extremely well with what's happening today
Yeah, because it is happening, but it is happening because of various rich American foundations/NGOs and USA intelligence, not because secret Stalinist agents infiltrating.

I don't need this redpill in my life

Who's behind it its irrelevant, the most pressing issue its how to fight it.

The problem circa 1930-1990 was never "Russia" or "USSR" it was lefty traitors within our own government, starry-eyed idiots with visions of communism in their eyes.

It's a distinction that needs to be made. Being some Goldwater-Reagnite guy who thinks "Russians have infiltrated our country!" is off-base. The problem was/is that home-grown traitorous idiots naturally bend toward "globalism" at the cost of sovereinty and sanity.

Bezmenov was okay but exaggerated and got some shit wrong. He thought Reagan was going to lose in a landslide in '84.

No that's your stupid I dont have one

>Ask most Russians and they will speak about the Soviet Union fondly
Lol hell no, same goes to all eastern europe.

>as it was the only time their shitty country was ever a real world power.
Literalle american education. Have you ever heard russian empire?