Commies Just Want the Equality Forced On You Dumb Peasants - Not for Themselves

With the Commies it's always someone else forced to live next to an 3rd world, inbred Muslim pedophile.
Just like it's always someone else forced to pay even more taxes.

What does supporting common ownership of the means of production have to do with Muslim pedophiles?

Good point.
Why DO commie faggots harp on race so much, claiming it is irrelevant and attacking people recognizing it is as some fatal flaw that a country deserves to be overthrown for?
You tell me.

The answer is importing inbred, 3rd world, raping niggers demoralizes and destabilizes the free market democracies you faggots can't compete in.
Priming them for your Jew revolution.

Then it's gulags and tens of millions of Goyim starving to death, because that's what common ownership of the means of production is also strangely all about.

>after a thorough analysis, I have concluded that housing syrian refugees would be a nuisance to me
>but it's totally ok for you

tbf Cumblewimble looks pretty fucking inbred himself. maybe he couldn't stand the thought of looking at his mirror Achmed every day.

>you have to accept huge amounts of crime while I live in my gated mansion with security
>you're a racist if you disagree with this

If they wanted to stir up class hate and resentment they're doing a pretty good job. However when their leftist revolution starts they're going to be the first to be liquidated.

I never understood why some women find this moron attractive.
Must be the moon money.

>importing inbred, 3rd world, raping niggers demoralizes and destabilizes the free market democracies you faggots can't compete in
Interesting you mention the free market because opening up markets always eventually leads to opening up borders...

This baffled me for a while too. But take a look at his "fans." It's all hambeasts. ALL OF THEM.
They like him because he's attainable. He's like the Jennifer Aniston of male actors.

He probably fucking hates it.

A 'leftist' believes in liberal, free market, individual rights & democracy.
Commie faggots believe in ass fucking citizens and murdering the Goyim.

>comparing still insanely hot at 48 Aniston to ayy lmao Cumberbatch

bitch i'll fight you

Are you surprised? All of these "tolerant leftists" are just as bigoted as they say we are.

Importing left-leaning voters makes the former more likely to happen.

>opening up markets always eventually leads to opening up borders
Oh, it does? Because you say it does? Is that one of your prophet Marx's tenants?

The market would correct for inbred, 3rd world, raping niggers if Commie agents weren't imbedded in the governments handing out welfare and making anti-discrimination, speech, and hate crime laws. Why would a democracy vote to have their country looted by third world invalids with IQs of 80?

If you're going to say a democracy is just controlled by the rich, it is, but we could get rid of the Jew's Federal Reserve note debt dollars to have an actual free market.

Dudes face looks like a butthole.

m8 she's a 6/10 at best. Raise your standards.

Maybe you two are comparing young Jennifer to old Jennifer.

It's mostly her bad attitude that makes her somewhat unattractive.
Her bad attitude has contorted her face and overall being.

>"We performed a 'risk vs reward' analysis on the idea of housing Syrian refugees. Turns out they would likely just fuck our shit up, so we just said 'fuck the whole thing'.

benadryl cucumberpatch, ladies and gentlemen

>Oh but YOU guys have to deal with them. I don't plan on being near them without security.

Celebshits need to be lined up and shot on live TV.